Wednesday, December 4, 2013


My World


In this world there are people who you can trust and then there’s people you can’t. The world is a sex obsessed, maniacal, greedy, cheating, lying, hateful, murderous place that is ruled by the wicked and rich. The more evil you are the greater you’ll rise. The smartest people in the world are the ones who we all try to put away in cells. Our society has been raised to think that if they make a mistake somebody else will come clean it up. Our society is built on this policy, but in my view is just a bunch of cowards. If someone is a threat to us we simply lock them away. If somebody is trying to reveal hidden secrets the government simply locks them where they’ll never be seen.

Everyone thinks that our country is so great and that it’s the place of milk and honey. I’ll tell you right now that if you make one wrong comment you end up in a federal prison. The people here take advantage of what they have. They reject the people who are different and respect those with power and money. In my opinion you don’t just get respect you have to earn it. I don’t give a shit if you’re the head general of the American military or even the damn president. You aint getting my respect till you earn it. You can shove your medals and power in my face but that means nothing in this world. Is a medal gonna save the world? No! So take your damn ugly ass out of my face.

I lived a life of happiness till I learned what the world really is. When I was four I realized that the world is an evil place. Now I don’t see a reason to smile. Everything is controlled by the government and military. You watch what you see on TV not because you want to see it. You watch it because the government lets you. Just look around at the world around you, everything is what they want us to see. They expect us to take our view of who we should be from the media. They let the musicians and famous actors decide what we listen to and who we should be. Nobody can tell me what to wear, what to say and how, who I should be, who I should idolize, or when I should be quiet.

I’ll wear whatever I want to wear; if they want me to dress fancy I’m wearing a tee shirt and shorts. I’ll say what I want when I want and if you give me bad service ill write the worst restaurant review you’ve ever seen in your life and send it to the top critics. If you overcharge me or underserve me ill make you wish you never met me. Don’t tell me to shut my mouth because once it’s running I aint shutting down. You try to tell me to be someone ill spit in your face. I’ll be who I want to be and if you don’t like it I'll kick your ass. You want me to idolize others and try to be them? I don’t care if you bring in the president himself and talk about abstinence and drugs. You earn respect from me you don’t receive it otherwise.

I am a drug free, alcohol free, addiction free, sex free till marriage, influence free, and free of anything that controls my life. Money doesn’t matter as long as I have enough to live. Possessions are pointless and I’d rather just get rid of them. I’m fine just owning a mattress, a pillow, and a couple blankets. I could live in a completely empty house with no care. You can’t buy me off and don’t even try to compensate me with anything. You make a mistake I don’t want compensation I want the mistake fixed.

I’m the only one of my kind and you won’t find out what that means till you know me really well.

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