Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The nuclear option: the problem that will never end

The nuclear option: the problem that will never end


The world will always be in some kind of war. The fact is that war is great for a countries financial reputation. When war is happening countries buy and sell weapons and tools of mass destruction. This creates revenue that helps pay of debt. The fact is that without war the construction of nuclear arms or weapons of mass destruction would be considered an act of terror.

This would spawn immediate action from fellow nations. If the united states was not at war then WE would be the country being asked to surrender its nuclear arms or sign a peace treaty. And our government knows that the president could never accept such a dishonorable act. The republicans would look like the arrogant dangerous assholes that they really are, and the democrats would NEVER let the shame go.

War is nothing but an excuse to build and use weapons that would otherwise be considered a threat. If the world had no war then the military and weapons would no longer be necessary. As such the world would become weak and unprotected from lack of people and organizations to defend it.

starvation: the problem that will never end

The problem with starvation


No matter how little money it would cost to solve and end starvation the American government will NEVER pay for it. Cause

1. The American government doesn't care about the 99% working class.

2. The American government gives food stamps, social security, and welfare to most starving people to help them back on their feet. And

3. There is NO MONEY to be made in feeding starving people unless those people get jobs working in the public/private sectors under the people who feed them.

That is why countries would choose war over peace and ending hunger.

tired of annoying work that takes forever?

The object of sorting


Have you ever been overwhelmed by all the work you have to do? There are many ways to sort things out so that you may finish with lots of free time.

1.       The first method is alphabetical: which is simple, sort everything out by its first letter. Then take each letter and sort and finish them one by one. The alphabetical method is a classic but cannot be done in the case of characters that are non-lingual.

2.       The next method is numerical: you sort by numbers; using specific digit values. The simplest is by factors of ten. So 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, etc. this method is extremely useful when dealing with lots of random numbers. However if non-numeric or alphabetical characters exist then this method will not work.

3.       Where the numeric values and alphabetical values fail you can use a quick sort and file method: this method allows for sorting materials by simply using the first available character. Symbols like !@#$%^&* can be immediately sorted into a separate pile while letters such as QDSBGHD can be put in a second pile. Numbers can be used to create a third pile.

4.       Multisided die: this method is actually quite fun. You use one or more dice to roll and create a number. Then you count down the list till you reach the said number and then remove it. You repeat the process again and again till you are finished.

5.       The coin flip: this method is more taxing than rolling a pair of dice. You flip a coin and call heads or tails. If you call it right, move the materials to one side. If you call it wrong, then skip the file and move it to a different pile. Keep going till you have two full piles. The pick a pile and flip again in order to pick which of the two piles you finish.

6.       Random number selection: this method only really works if you have a way of generating random numbers. Generate a number and count down the list till you reach the number. Then remove and file.

7.       Blind choice: close your eyes, place your finger on the list, remove and sort. Simple.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The founding principles of alchemy

The founding principles of alchemy


Alchemy is a well sought after ability; as man has spent decades trying to master it in order to create gold. Alchemy can be used to create much more then gold though. The raw materials we use to build our society; iron, platinum, copper, carbon, mercury, and many other elements; all can be replaced using alchemy.

However one cannot just create something where there is nothing. And the process through which alchemy is performed is highly dangerous, as it involves breaking and resetting atomic bonds. If one does not know the intricate details of elements and elemental properties one could blow a city off the face of the planet. Alchemy takes time and control AND an extensive knowledge of the periodic table of elements.

To perform actual alchemy one would only need to surge a massive electrical charge through an object or piece of matter. The charge must be strong enough to cause the atoms that make up the original material to vibrate and shake. The atomic bonds holding together the material must have enough strain placed on them to where they fracture. One must then run a second charge of electricity through the now weakened bonds; a charge equal to that of another material.

The charge must be EXACT, as in the precise number of protons, electrons, neutrons, and the numeric level that the subject is made of in the periodic table of elements. The process of alchemy could only convert in reverse, otherwise you would need more matter to convert forwards. Alchemy could be used to regenerate lost raw materials that we use day by day. Gold, diamonds, silver, bronze, copper, uranium; all elements could be made in high tech laboratories.

The fact is that if alchemy was perfected powerful people would want the power all to themselves. The business and government communities could hoard the raw materials and sell them at outlandish prices. Countries could build entire arsenals of various weapons of mass destruction and military grade vehicles and weapons in only a matter of hours. A mad scientists dream, right?

The factories that could be used to produce the materials would be a threat to the lives around them. One slip up and you have a gigaton atomic bomb. If alchemy was perfected the world could either turn to a utopia where even the poorest man with no home could afford a car and expensive jewelry. Or it could turn the world into a dystopia where every man alive is trying to be the ruler of the world.

If we all worked together, every nation and every human, we could perfect a lab that could perform alchemy. If we could even create just one single alchemy lab we could use the technology to create a lab in each nation, and eventually each city.  The cost of goods would skyrocket downwards and national debt would nearly cease to exist.

The correct path would be for each nation to produce alchemic goods for other nations besides their own. This way we can all trade goods, but at a fraction of a cost thanks to the lack of complex manufacturing costs that we currently face today. If every nation produces goods for other nations this will create an incentive to ship out and create normally expensive and rare materials to other nations.

 If you send gold they send silver, iron and carbon for nickel and zinc, etc. this system would be effective as it would inspire rivalries where one country wants to ship better goods than another. Supply and demand would be easier as food products would be one of the only things made outside an alchemy lab. Medical procedures would be less expensive as the tools and transportation would be easier to access.

Imagine if you would; a world where oil is so cheap that its practically free. A world where plastic, metal, and scrap, could be recycled in mere seconds to create the things we needed. A world where the only trash you throw away is expired food, that later gets turned into mulch. A world where manufacturing goods doesn’t harm the environment. A world where everyone could afford a car, a home, and expensive gold and diamonds. Imagine this utopia and imagine that we all share it. Imagine a world that never dies because we never used up its natural resources. THIS is what alchemy can do for our world.

Alchemy would only require the following things to be performed:

1.       A contained laboratory with a powerful electrical generator.

2.       Matter to be used

3.       Knowledge of the periodic table of elements and the atomic level, number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the subject matter.

4.       A computer powerful enough to control and command the alchemy process.

5.       A containment field in which to practice the alchemy

6.       A facility that is sealed to prevent radiation from leaking out and sturdy enough to resist weather, weapons, and other disasters

7.       Money to finance the entire project

8.       Information on broken down materials meant to be replicated, such as oil, carbon, gold, iron, copper, steel, etc.

9.       A way of containing and/or destroying a project if and/or when the alchemy process goes awry.

10.   Two containers, one to hold the base material and one for spare material.

11.   Sensors  to read, calibrate, and keep track of the alchemy process.

12.   A gyroscopic generator to keep steady power flowing to the lab and facilities.

13.   A way to control the flow of electricity from the generators.

Monday, December 16, 2013

what pets me the wrong way - part 7: "one nation under [censored]"

"one nation under [censored]"

removing "god" from "one nation under god" is stupid and pointless. it is a generalization. whatever
you "worship" or idolize is the "god" it refers to. if you worship celebrities then they are your "god". if you worship allah then that is your "god". nobody in this universe has a reasonable argument on that subject as every living thing has someone or something that they idolize or worship. to your pets YOU are their "god". to the ants the queen is their "god". to water hydrogen and oxygen is its "god". it refers to both a supreme creator AND an image of hope, faith, good will, and motivation. it does not matter whether there is a god or who god is or what certain religions and regular individuals would say their god is; the fact is that its a frivoless effort on a completely unimportant subject. you want to talk turkey here? try the rise in crime rate, the increase in americans without homes, banks selling bad loans to people, our military ruining other countries and innocent people, our massive debt problem, the corporate institutions slowly destroying the good American name by sawing the corporate ladder in half and welding the glass ceiling shut. focus on something that MATTERS people, not FOUR WORDS that were meant to inspire courage and valor to those feeling oppressed and in need of hope. im not saying that the hate and anger is wrong; im saying that it should be redirected at something that deserves it. like racism, ignorance, bullying, the criminal justice system, cuts to funding for single mothers and sick children; hate where it BELONGS.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


whatever you do don't buy or drink any bottled water or anything that includes bottled water at the bashford manor walmart in Louisville, Kentucky. it is tainted with an unusual substance that smells like paint thinner and chlorine. it makes your stomach upset, irritates and erodes the back of your throat, makes digesting food really hard, causes spontaneous expulsion of undigested food, dehydrates your body, and causes uncontrollable diarrhea to the point where you cannot control your bowels. DO NOT DRINK THE FUCKING WATER!!!!!!
this is no joke people; I recently got over an illness that mimicked strep throat a few weeks ago. this "illness" was actually caused by tainted bottled water that I bought at the bashford manor walmart. it was not a one time thing as I just recently bought two lunchables and both of the bottles of water had the same substance in them. it is clear, but smells distinctly like chlorine mixed with paint thinner.
if you drink bottled water and you develop the above symptoms, then immediately stop drinking the water. the only solution/cure for the tainted water is cough drops, advil cold and flu painkillers, fresh clean water, antidiarea medication, pepto bismol, throat spray, and tissues to blow your nose.
smell the water before you drink it. if it has any smell at all that's pretty much a dead giveaway that you shouldn't drink it. let people know so they don't get sick; and end up stuck in a bathroom for 12-14 hours (YES IT DOES LAST THAT LONG!)

Friday, December 13, 2013

time for poetry 11: "LEFT" AND "RIGHT"

“Left” and “right”


When “left” and “right” become more than directions.

Those in plight lose their affection.

No man left behind becomes an unbreakable creed.

Right and wrong becomes a herd of steeds.


Right angles form a square,

Leaving freedom confined in corners.

Delving into chaos,

The world loses its order.


The chair and noose become symbols of law and order.

Electric fences circle all the borders.

When the friends we left behind become our most bitter enemies.

Who’s right and who’s wrong turns to bloodiest of memories.


A world of sorrow

Brings a bloody tomorrow.

Enter your despair.


Remove the shackles that hold you.

Destroy the signals that control you.

End the eternal sadness and sorrow.

Live in a reflected tomorrow.


When “right” and “left” become more than directions.

Men on the left in naked affection.

Women on the right roped into baking.

Men cheating, lying and faking.


Directions become politics.

Men with breasts; women with dicks.

A bird with only one wing does nothing but cry.

Left and right wing together and the eagle flies.

Harmony without symphony is but a one man banned

Sacrifices lead to people being canned.


When “right” and “left” become more than directions.

Holocaust-like sorting and embargo reactions.

Countries at war led by crusades for peace.

Drowning in blood and human fleece.


Those left behind in senseless wars

The crimson oceans that cover the shores.

The best of friends turned bitter enemies.

The warmest of hearts turn cold and freeze.

You can’t solve war with a tilted kilt.

A man who refused to stand bears the same guilt.


When “right” is correct and “left” is wrong.

The world will drown in its pitiful song.

the dark side of poetry part 6: my heart will freeze

My heart will freeze


Its Christmas time and the snow is here.

Bells are ringing, angels singing; the trade of hope for fear.

The moist silent air filled with a flurry of white color.

Boxes tied with bows costing millions of dollars.

A time of peace and good will to men.

Visions of sugar plums drowning children in bed.


All the treasure in the world means nothing to me.

Without you here; my heart will freeze.


This holiday cheer means nothing to me.

As long as capitalism restrains the meek.

Presents and lights simply blind reality.

A holiday with you is what I need.


No gifts, no gold, but a glowing tree.

By which we stand together, you and me.


I want a holiday full of love and jeers.

A bright snowy day with love and cheers.

Just you and I in front of the fire.

No bows and no boxes; just love and desire.

I want a holiday with warmth and love.

Where you and I smile, and snow like doves.


All the treasure in the world means nothing to me.

Without your love; my heart will freeze.


Gods and mortals fall to their knees

At the sight of this most cherished of eves.

One night a year the world unites in peace.

Aint talkin’ bout Christmas; no. holiday ease.


Politically correct? Uncle Sam's boot up your ass.

The world forgot the traditions, replaced love with cash.


All the treasure in the world means nothing to me.

Without you next to me; my heart will freeze.


I put up a tree in the public mall in an effort of love.

You suing me?! Here’s the proctologist’s glove.

Fuck you and your Zionist greed.

Check your privilege and count your seed.


Next time you call the homeless man lazy

Or the immigrants a corporate smear;

Take a look at your corruption



So much corruption and reckless indifference.

Caused by lack of education and unheeded ignorance.


All the treasure in the world means nothing to me.

Without your love; my heart will freeze.


I stand strong and shit on spite.

My heart is yours, no need to fight.

Death is only a second beginning

A war over possession’s and reckless sinning.

Families murdered over cars and homes.

Innocents burned by soulless drones.


This holiday I don’t want a treat.

No candy canes or cookies to eat.

What I want is already at my side.

All I want is you next to me, to confide.


All the money in the world means nothing to me.

Without you here; my heart will freeze.


the dark side of poetry part 5: "chains"



He is the anchor slowly pulling you down.

Into the depths of the unforgiving seas.

Praying that you do not drown;

You try to swim to the surface gasping for air.


His failure is the chain wrapped around your leg.

Soon you will have to choose your path.

For you can only swim so long, struggle as you may.

Bound to him by a string of fate.

Deeper he falls into the endless abyss;

Sealing your death with a single kiss.


Constant pathetic insolence enabled by your blind ambition.

He drags you to your death, chained to his inhibition.


Standing strong you stand no more.

You stand alone on the ocean floor.

Save the leg, the body dies;

Drowning in the tears you cry.


Suffering together you have a chance.

Without your leg let’s see you dance.

I watch you falling down to your murky death.


Time traps ten thousand trailing tears.

You reach out to me, but you are out of reach.

The pain, like fire it burns, it SEARS!


I watch you go from an angel soaring wings spread wide.

To fall like Icarus crushed by blind tears and pride.


I stood by you to be your rock through the ages.

Only to watch him become your cages.


I stand and watch the tears I cried;

You dragged deeper and deeper.

Cut the leg off; breathe one last time.

Keep the chain on; fall fate to the watery reaper.


Chains of despair, solidarity, wrath, and sorrow.

Digging deeper, tying you down to the ground.

Chains that tear through today into tomorrow.

To the bottom; I will watch you drown.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

what pets me the wrong way - part 6

"racial" confrontations

first of all you cant create racial controversy by declaring that santa is white because he doesn't exist. second of all you cant get in trouble by saying jesus was white because he died 2014 years ago and nobody from then is still alive. third of all I could say that santa is a Chevrolet with kangaroo legs for wheels, toast for windshield wipers, a ball of dung for a frame, windows made from cocaine, and instead of lights and a horn theres just a random naked bald guy shouting "monkey penis soufflé!" I could say jesus is a bouncing ball that spends eternity trying to find musical lyrics to bounce along to. I can say these things because the Christmas ideal of the fat jolly santa in the red suit who breaks into peoples houses to deliver gifts that were made in a sweat shop by underpaid elves, is just not real. and because nobody really knows what color jesus Christ is. and because who the heck cares what color skin anyone has? race is nothing more than a pigmentation alteration in human flesh caused by years of exposure to various types of light. race is nothing but a varying colored sunburn that allows humans to tell each other apart. getting upset over something as trivial as the color of santa and Jesus' skin is like nuking a city and then trying to piece it back together. or like elementary school graduation; it just doesn't matter. can we please focus on the matters at hand that are important? like how to feed and clothe the starving naked masses slowly spiraling towards a bitter cold eternity inside the fleshless grasp of deaths eager hand? how about we focus on that? plus nothing fox news ever says matters; its all foot in mouth and up the ass material anyways. in the words of a famous fat kid: "fox news, suck my balls; now screw you I am going home".