Tuesday, December 10, 2013

amercia the beafilutu

you might be an illegal immigrant...
if the only sport you ever participated in was border jumping.
if when nasa said that there might be aliens in outer space, you called your relatives to make sure none of them were missing.
if you earned your citizenship by being taught how to climb a fence by your child.
if you ever had the border patrol PERSONALLY come to your house to arrest you.
if the only words of english you know are: "run! its the narcs!"
if you ever tried to deal pot on the street, and it was just a pot.

and for those of you who may be p***ed at me,
you might be an american...
if your idea of equal rights is complete segregation.
if you devoted your life to preventing gay marraige.
if you became a republican just because you felt sorry for bush.
if you think every person thet has the name of a terorist, including babies, is a terrorist. (hey america, heres a lesson for ya! in the case of a terrorist, the diapers ON THE HEAD!)
if you think that the womens rights movement  was where girls were given access to their own personal bathrooms.
if you think that the democrats and republicans should just shut the f*** up about the d*** health bill and sign it already.

for those of you that are now angry,
you might be a forein american...
if you think that the republicans and democrats are both nuts and belong in a jar.
if you came here seeking freedom, and instead got a foot in the a**.
if you are constantly the suspect of crimes you either never did, or you did, but they just didnt charge you till you went to the police station with a complaint. (you all know who you are.)
if you would rather see the entire star trek series, followed by twilight, than see another president like bush get elected or pay higher taxes.
if you think our culture sucks.
if you think america needs to go on a nationwide diet.
if you have ever eaten a dog, cat, monkey, buffalo, squid, octopus, or the words from any smart mouthing  jacka** who thinks theyre better than you.

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