Monday, December 17, 2018

the funniest. webpage. EVER!!! ["giant" "eight inches" "feel good" "sexual relationship"] ["trump violated" "jennifer lawrence"], and "recreational use of marijuana"

i think this might be the first time the words "giant" "eight inches", "jennifer lawrence", "sexual relationship", "feel good", "trump violated", and "recreational use of marijuana" on THE SAME PAGE and NONE OF THEM are related to each other. it's like the who's who of things you don't want your child to know how to say, but reading them off ONLY THIS PAGE won't get them suspended.

Friday, December 14, 2018

hacking pokemon uranium and other games to run cheats [cheat engine hacking solved EASY!]

ok so there has been some confusion on how to get cheats to run on desktop games.
first go here:
 this youtube video explains the process how the numbers work.
put simply, take the number of the max items in the item in the TOP of the inventory FIRST.
then multiply by the number of item slots occupied by items [the other items do not matter. they are poo.]
then add 1. [why 1? maybe it is lonely? i heard somewhere it is the loneliest number..]

the number you get is the "value" you must search when running your game AT THE SAME TIME as you run cheatengine.

go here for how cheat engine works:

basically you click "new search" searching a new value for the number gotten above.
then click on "readme" it will open a dropdown.
after searching the number/value gotten above it should give a list saying "first item" and something about "quantity".
click on the area on the right and select the item you are using in that top slot. then select the PRECISE amount you have in the line below.
next, WHILE RUNNING THE GAME [seriously DO NOT close the game during all this or it WILL NOT WORK] simply toss one of the first slot items.

now repeat that math trick from section 1:
take the NEW current item amount in slot 1, multiply by the number of slots of items, then add 1.
NOW, type THAT number into the search in cheatengine and click the button to the right of "new search" [whatever] that should say like "next search" or something.
forget the values in the left window.

now GO BACK down to the list where it says "item slot 1" and "quantity" [or whatever shite].
click the box that should be below it. it will open an assload of number lists, values, and the names of the items in your inventory [not all of them but quite a few].
the items listed are by name and below them is a second line of values and numbers where the "quantity" is listed at the end. [so if you had 6 nuggets itll say "nugget" then below there will be a line saying "6"
change that sob number quant to LITERALLY ANYTHING between 1 and 99 [cant carry above 99 of any item].
in REAL TIME the game will change the item amount to whatever you selected.

if you want to play "let break the code" try inputs above 99 or below 1. did that once and it filled my bag with things from the realms of the unknown. like the glitches were so glitchy that the glitches couldnt tell what kind of glitchy things the glitchy things were. also try setting your pokemon team via the same mtehod. fun things can happen...

Friday, December 7, 2018

shiny hunting guide: how to shiny hunt smeargle and catch WITHOUT FAIL [experts only - s&m + us&um]

this is how to shiny hunt smeargle and never fail at catching one when it shows shiny.
these steps are for the sun/moon and ultra games, but also work for shiny hunting smeargle in general as they can be used in all generations since smeargle was introduced. choice items can be subbed simply for more base speed.
1. get two pokemon that know transform [use ditto or catch two normal smeargle first, pref. one with the technician ability]
2. get an item that boosts speed [choice items are best]
3. have one of the pokemon that know transform also know false swipe AND one decent attacking move [mew works perfect. if no mew, then refer to step one]
4. send out the sole at the head of the party.
5. find a wild smeargle
now this is the complicated part.
1. use transform on the wild smeargle using the pokemon that ONLY knows transform. [smeargle will sketch the move]
2. IMMEDIATELY switch to the pokemon with the transform, false swipe, and attacking move. [smeargle will transform INTO this pokemon, copying its 5-stat total. which is why youll need speed items].
3. in all generations prior to the sun/moon games you have to soft reset or random encounter. in sun/moon simply false swipe the current smeargle and kill the others that show up till you get a second sos shiny [or hidden moody].
4. once the shiny or moody shows its bob ross head, repeat the same steps as 1-3 from above part 2.

this works because every time smeargle uses transform it turns into your pokemon and gives itself 5 pp. meaning there is a 1 in 3 chance each turn it will reset its pp and after 10 turns MAX it will be GUARANTEED to use transform and reset its pp again. so it never struggles to death and with false swipe and pp restores you can keep from killing it offensively.
whats more is this creates a scenario where in x/y and sun/moon you can transform into any of the smeargle you DONT want, allowing smeargle to KEEP TRANSFORMING even if this WONT work via the basic steps above. ESPECIALLY in x/y where hoardes show and shiny hunting can be a pain. the entire hoarde will get virtually infinite pp.

here are some pokemon shiny hunting tips that can help newbs or pros:
when hunting seviper/zangoose, carbink/sableye, sudowoodo/trevanent bring the opposite of the pokemon you want [or a secret easter egg]
seviper: bring zangoose, zangoose: bring seviper, carbink: bring a carbink, trevanent: bring a water or grass type, sudowoodo: bring a fire type.
reason is zangoose/seviper fight each other. when hunting one, the other will attack it if it shows. wild zangoose attack sevipers and vice/versa.
and in carbinks case, sableye EATS gemstones and WILL SPAWN when trying to catch a carbink. and it WILL attack it, ANY carbink.
trevenants case is because sudowoodo spawns INSIDE trevanent hoardes. so fire wont do much anything to sudowoodo, meanwhile water and grass can kill it.

my next shiny guide may have others. though cubones spawning kangaskans in sos seems a little TOO coincidental. its a cubone. calling for help. which they ONLY cry to their mothers. and then big momma kangaskans come show up. and kangaskans are born holding babies, and cubones share a similar biome as kangas. though i still say cubones are charmanders whose tail fires have went out and they just "evolved and adapted". nuff said.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

TEEN TITANS GO! to the movies - MAJOR teaser moment [missed by everyone]


ok so pretty much everyone missed this GIANT scene here in the movie. a few points to cover:

   you missed several HUGE hidden secrets. mainly the movie poster for the "shazam" live action movie, as well as a GIANT reference to the upcoming animated "reign of the supermen" movie. in a background shot "steel" and "superboy" stand next to a giant shazzam movie poster. steel has a red cape and supermans classic red "S", which for anyone who saw the teasers for "reign of the supermen" the movie has steel taking on supermans role and a man wearing a black "s" on his shirt.
   also you can see the "superman-batman" whom is a hybrid fusion of batman and superman reference if you look ABOVE the doorway. it is represented by the batman bat insignia housing the red "s" in the center.
  funny how the SHAZAM poster has the crew working on it. haha. we see what youre doing there guys... cause... you know... they are CURRENTLY WORKING ON the SHAZAM movie....
  funny how this went by people and yet nobody points it out in a video. how did i get this? screenshot. on my computer. that i took myself. how did i do that? F!@k off, thats how...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

sooo.... WHAT?!? THE SIMPSONS ARE DEAD?!? and its all in her head

soo ive been rewatching the simpsons and started watching kim possible,
cant help but notice all the odd creepy references to the afterlife in the simpsons. and the fact that the people there never leave the town and even haloween spoofs get referenced. fairly early in the show we see homer watch a family get "raptured" into heaven in their car. many other instances of charatcers being in heaven and hell scenarios are played. there is even one of homer falling asleep at the wheel during the time lisa has her pony. we see his car go off a cliff, get caught by winged angels, and carried up into the air before homer wakes up.
ok so what if everyone in the town is dead? and the reason they cannot leave is BECAUSE they can never come back. what if springfield is ACTUALLY purgatory?
ok so follow me on this, everyone is alive until a short time into the series when we see homer get hid job at springfield nuclear as safety inspector. being inept and uneducated the plant suffers a HORRIBLE meltdown and blows, taking the entirety of the town with it. as a result the town goes to purgatory where they wait for passing to either heaven or hell. this is why when we see many people get a chance to leave [like kent brockman winning the lottery] they choose not to. and why many who do never come back, despite the town somehow located between heaven and hell.
basically bart DOES leave, goes to hell, satan offers him the role as the antichrist. thus why bart always mentions satan when doing bad, and why later on he and homer drift apart. homer and the others are dead, bart knows he will leave and return to earth. so he stops caring about his family and being the antichrist is why he has such little concern for his actions or the town. because he KNOWS its not real. and lisa is intended to be the one who stops him.
this is kind of confirmed when bart sits atop the "throne" of St. Teresa of Ávila [when maggie turns out to be the savior of mankind], and upon doing so LITERALLY starts armageddon. summoning black magic, lava, flames, and the whole kaboodle saying "i am SO staying up past my bedtime".
meanwhile flanders is representative of death, always seeming to be around when either evil or holy shite hits the fan. flanders serves both heave and hell and is the one dedicated as the "keeper" of the town, keeping them from learning the truth. this is also why his wife is killed off, she was keeping him from doing his job. it is also why flanders can somehow DIRECTLY communicate with the devil AND god.
springfield being in purgatory is also why in the movie they bubble the town. the flying epa helicopters are actually disguised angels, and they place the whole town in the dome because if they were to escape they would learn that there is nothing beyond it, that they are in fact, dead. it is also why homer and his family keep being banned from locations in the real world.
   as for why they can leave, well in reality its either an illusion of them living out their lives before passing on to the afterlife, or it is due to bart being the antichrist. as a result he can go wherever he wants in the real world, and as long as he considers them family and holds nothing agaisnt them, they can go too.
    basically everything we see in the show and the reason why there are sentient animals and literal dark and holy powers is because the whole town is dead. [partially can be backed up by treehouse of horror episodes intros where everyone is undead and act littel to no different thean normal.] this may also be why nobody is affected by the serious unregulated power plant and why when people die its just like, "eh, OOH LOOK! A DOLLAR!"
homer is a clone.
there is a post apocalyptic future in "rosebud" occupied solely by homer clones.
also there are many women, men, children, and even animals whom are just like him.
on the other hand it could be because homer killed everyone [in the previous theory] everything resembles him because of it. and homer is being punished in purgatory/hell for his mass murder and stupidity. and why everyone hates him, why the world is against him, and why everything works out for him in the end. purgatory is not hell, it is a place of judgement. and should homer be the sole one there he could be passing time till he is judged by living through his life.

now THIS one:
the "kim possible" series takes place all in kims head.
    this is why everyone is totally ok with her going on her "missions". basically having brilliant parents and no friends, she was rejected in preschool by everyone and eventually made ron up. shes actually suffering from schitzophrenia and the world she has adventures in is her way with coping with her empty life. not being as smart as her parents or brothers she feels left out, creates ron and ruufus, and delves into her mind for her "adventures".
   drakken and shego are nothing more than the evil interpretations of her own parents created inside her mind. if you look at drakken and kims father, they came from the same school, had the same friends, and even act similar. and they get along with each other when they meet without confrontation. shego and kims mother share the same confidence and psychological attitudes. kims mother is a brain surgeon who uses scaples to cut people open, shego uses energy claws to cut people open. even shegos attitude towards drakken mimics kims mothers attitude towards her husband. it also explains why everyone is just TOTALLY OK with letting a teenage girl go out lone across continents to risk her life and be around quaetionable boys, and just leave school out of the blue.
    it is all because she made up her secret agent self in her head and lives a fantasy to avoid the realization that she is nothing more than a cheerleader with average intelligence. and also why when others in the show have their own sagas she struggles to play along, because shes "doing her own thing" and living her own fantasy which now has to encompass into others.

so yeah... there you go. thoughts?

Friday, August 17, 2018

in case you were wondering: waterboarding [from the mouths of a sociopath[

anyone ever wondered what it is like to be waterboarded? why would anyone even WANT to know? our favorite white cartoon dog made a joke about it on fox. but waterboarding is no laughing matter. its like drowning, only you dont die. and every few seconds you get just enough air to barely get your thoughts together before you go under again.
there are several types of waterboarding: via a wet soaked cloth shoved into ones mouth, being shoved facedown into water, or being dunked "baptism style" repeatedly are three.

you want an image? imagine being given a swirly. only its not a toilet. its about a foot of water. and there are about 5-10 people forcibly shoving your face and head down into the water. they hold your head under the water and restrain your body. meanwhile you freak out. you thrash, flail, panic, and try everything you can to get free. but there is no escape, their hold is unbreakable and you CAN AND WILL DROWN.
they hold you under and watch as you feel the life fading from your body. you slowly gasp for air and frantically try to get out and free, but to no avail. slowly but surely you begin to suffocate and drown. you begin to accept your circumstances and prepare to welcome the sweet serenity of death and swallow the water.
BUT WAIT! they see you struggling less, THEY KNOW you are about to drown. so they PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE WATER and suddenly you realize you can get a breath of air. BUT NO! they shove your head back under the water before you can get a second breath. NO! you flail and scream and shreik, but they just smile and laugh. you are under the water again, you feel things going black. you begin to drown once more, but just as you accept your fate, WHOOSH! out of the water again!
you try to scream, "NO!" but your screams are muffled as they force your head back under and the sound of your voice turns to churning bubbles. you begin to flail harder, realising your life is in danger. but they just push you down harder, they know your limit now. they wait, as you slowly gasp under the water, and they see the color begin fading from your eyes. WHOOSH! out your head goes again!
but this time you have a plan. you go limp, they let their guard down, you take advantage of the moment and break free. but before you get three steps more come in. now they drag you screaming, crying, shrieking, begging, over to the water once more. they force your head back under, and watch as you begin to drown once more. but just before you die they pull your head out.
you give up, stop fighting, maybe they will stop. NOPE! back down goes your head! into the water, as they watch you begin to drown once more. they dont care, they just want to see you suffer. its been 30 minutes now, and all you want is TO JUST DIE. but no, even th sweet taste of death is beyond your conctrol. every aspect of your life has been surrendered to these monsters. they wont let you live, they wont let you die, they just want to see you suffer.
you have lost all control and all you can do is wait and pray they let you go or let you die. past, present, and future have lost all meaning. as they scream threats and insults at you and your loved ones, and use those you care about against you, you are repeatedly pushed just near the point of drowning and right before you are pulled free. eventually you stop caring about anything and everything, you go numb.
its official, you have been driven mad.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

revo k101 UPDATE! [new cheat system] + figured how to add cheats to pcsx2

ok. spending my time hacking things to go places where no device has or should go, i found some intersting things.
i found a program called "omniconvert", which allows conversion of cheat codes from nearly any format TO nearly any format. omniconvert can be used to convert cheats so you can use much more variety when playing a revo k101. and also when playing a vita, wii, ds, or ps3. because only recently did we recieve the keys to playing emulators on those systems [and now my vita is AWESOME, well it was already, its just MORE awesome now].
i also found this:
this is a conversion page that lets you convert game genie codes to a raw format that can be used in snes emulation.
i also know how to create working cheat files for pcsx2 and dolphin.
and i got google play running on blackberry.

i will maybe be trying my luck at a ds next.

mgba savefile glitch bug fixed [i found what was causing the games to not save] [mgba not saving FOUND ISSUE! TEMP FIXED!]

mgba is a gameboy advance emulator made for pc and hacked consoles. i can provide info on how to run it on your vita [thats right gba, gbc, and gb on your playstation vita and playstation 3 FUCK YEAH!] and it is as AWESOME as you think. also you can even use cheats, however you need to administer them on mgba on your pc then transfeer the savefie with whateve the cheats did over to the dvice RUNNING mgba. or just patch them in [i have a post on that as well].
for anyone using mgba youve probably found that there seems to be an issue with the software not saving states and/or not saving your saves/files correctly. turns out theres an odd bug in the software which causes the emulator to stop registering or writing savefiles [regardless of the fact that you did save].
but i figured out PRECISELY what is going on with the saving issue.
turns out thers a glitch in the emulator that occurs EXACTLY after loading your current savefile and starting the game. once in if you complete actions in games and save and leave the game or exit to the consoles menu [or anything that involves leaving the mgba emulator game you are playing] the emulation software glitches out and refused to load or save any savefiles created after returning. basically if on a vita or wii and you temporarily exit the app or the console sleeps the game you are playing will no longer register saves. it will however keep the most recent savefile UP TO the first point you exited.
on the vita i tested this, using single and multiple actions and various methods of leaving the game from total leaving to just putting the console on screen sleep or pressing the PS button. upon returning and doing LITERALLY ANYTHING after these actions NOTHING saves. however ALL ACTIONS and game data achieved PRIOR to these things after loading the game up and then saving actually created a valid savedata.
so the mgba developer team just needs to find where in the code it is causing the game to exit upon going standby and basically write the app to always run in the background. that should theoreticaly prevent games from thinking you left.
otherwise if you want to keep your savefiles and play being able to save just make sure you save BEFORE doing anything that might exit the game.
i did however find a bypass for lack of savegame capabilites:
1.use the "take screenshot" option
2. go to the "save state" option
3. save state
4. when you restart your game back up, if your normal savegame fails just load the save state.
i tested it and taking a screenshot seems to guaraantee the ability to create a savestate every time. to check whether the state saved just move or change the visuals around you in some way and go to "load state" and select whatever # state you saved. if its different from your current view, it worked.

but there you go. i found what was going on with this rediculous saving issue and even found a way around it. now someone please go fix it. the dev team has been supposedly trying to fix this for some time now [and me of good faith that i am guessed since they had NO FUCKING CLUE what the hell was causing it, meant they couldnt fix it.] but here you go devs, i found two errors in the most recent version of mgba, one being the specific reason why vita users cant save.
my best guess is its something in the code where leaving the emulator causes the system to stop running jailbroken/hacked code and when you return [despite being able to keep playing normally and save] the vitas system treats the app as any other app.
that or something occurs that causes it to stop writing code specifically to do with savedata, but ONLY when the vitas hardware is running. because pressing triangle doesnt cause savedata to be lost or fail to save.
its gotta be like 1-5 lines of arbitrary code execution that gets fubar only when this situation occurs.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

new reviews coming soon

will soon be reviewing new products.
amiibo pogs
gaming comtrollers
customer service

possibly more.

two new series out on my channel! lets play super pokemon red randomizer, and lets play loz lttp super randomizer!

i have begun playing through super randomized games and loading the sagas on my youtube channel.
i plan to do many more various lets plays and other videos as well.
and jack will be back soon enough with more cuddly footage.

heres the link to my pokemon red super randomizer:

and heres the link to my link to the past randomizer:

this is actualy much softer and simpler. just me playing and trying to beat my way through gannon as zero suit samus- thats right. loz as zero suit samus.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

i open a brand new ex figure cube! and get.... some mad steel [jack the dog: special - the man of steel-ix]

say hello to the two videos of me opening my first ex figure cube! never EVER to be done again.

part one: [frustration]
jack opens an ex figure cube! [part 1-2] [frustration]
this is where i open the ex figure cube! and in the process get incredibly pissed off. this fucking shit is not for those offended by swearing. normally i censor my crap but this shit is FULL of obsceneties.

the second half is here in part two: man of steel-ix
jack opens ex figure cube! part 2-2 - [man of steelix]
its obvious by the title what the hell happens here. but theres more to it than just a name. this includes more swearing than the previous video. but you clicked the disclaimer and came here so yeah.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

jack the dog: episode 3-jack vs. "the sock" [RKO-RANDY ORTON KO]
he decides to ignore all the toys, bones, and chews i got him. for a sock. then proceeds to fight me for it in tug of war.
during this i got him randy orton-ing the sock into the air, doing a dead stop and kncking the sock to the floor, and then pinning it on the carpet.

just the randy orton part is here:

jack the dog episode 2: the first storm
jack experiences his first storm on video. i hate seeing him shake like this but i couldnt hug him while recording. thus i put the phone down to console him and edited between.

jack the dog: jack and the squeak
i accidentally stepped on his toy while walking. his reaction is priceless as he lowers his head, turns it to the right, lifts his ears, then tilts his nose up into the air.

im back on youtube!

well i finally started back on my youtube again.
a series of videos called "jack the dog" starts things up follwing the exploits of my cuddly fluffy buddy.

my channel is here:

i take suggestions and dont really have one single topic i cover. though i hope to be in the metronome battle federation.
if they wont let me in then to quote a famous no armed man, "im starting my own damn [league]!"

Sunday, May 20, 2018

powerpuff girls [2016] theory: who is silico? - im thinking subway... [05201018-1626]

ok so why the heck am i touching on this?
cause todays 11 minute tv shows pack huge amounts of plot and info in such a cramped time that you often need to rewatch just to put the lines together.
like this reveal:
found in the latest two part steven universe episode: "cant go back" and "a single pale rose" [im not touching on this spoiler so as to prevent brain explosions].
but todays shows are short, typically 11 minutes [referring of course to quality cartoons like star vs. the forces of evil, ok k.o., regular show, steven universe, and even at times the amazing world of gumball.] even shows like "axe cop" [written by a child and his father/uncle/motherdaddy/male figure/mother/whatever guy 20 years older] kind of deserve their own views.
most cartoon shows today consist of two 11 minute fast paced episoded with loose plot and sheer disregard for continuity or cannon and previous events. then periodically in the chaotic !@#$ you get the 11-22-45 minute episodes that throw so much plot progression and explosive action and spoilers in your face that you gotta change your pants 6 times from the sheer quantity of duces you just dropped.
the powerpuff girls 2016 reboot does just this. starting by having their own destructive powers and antics destroy pokey oaks kindergarten school [the school from the original series], and instead throwing the three kindergarden girls into a public school for k-12 grade students. antics as expected take place leading to the main villains from the original series like fuzzy lumpkins being replaced and tossed aside for new ones.
like the living dwarf "manboy" [not kidding, comparing his powers of his beard and other objects hes reflective of a mythical dwarf]. and the main villain HIM [or the devil as you know it], becoming a much greater and darker threat with things like literally posessing princess morbucks and causing her to straight up murder people with green hell fire. or fusing with a cosmic powered powerpuff and LITERALLY bringing a LOKI-STYLE armageddon to the world.
but the greatest and most interesting villain has to quite possibly be a man named "silico". who as a child had his only pets killed in the crossfire between one of the powerpuff girls fights. this is such a nice change [like when ninjago did it with "the quiet one" whose ENTIRE FAMILY WAS KILLED STRAIGHT UP in front of her in the great devourer attack [in the first season finale]. or like avengers civil war [not the black second one, the first one with the talking spider the black metal falcon, and the giant ant. i !@#$ YOU NOT.]
gotta love that reverse view. yes we see the fights, but what about those afflicted by what followed? you have to sit through tons of crap to get to the main plot episodes, but THATS WHY IM HERE! later i will list the episodes of the shows i listed here which touch on the main plot advancement [for characters as individuals and plot total]. but for now lets just touch on silico.
what an odd name. seems, fake, like the name somone super smart might give when they lose their minds and become a supervillain. first of all we know silico has access to a 3d nanite printer [hinting that he may not in fact BE who hey APPEARS to be.] this is also backed by us only seeing him in holograms or screens, and never seeing his face behind this:

this is all we ever see of him even when he appears physically. the big thing here is ONE. HUGE. QUESTION.
WHY. IS HE. AN. A.D.U.L.T.??
when his past is revealed and you see his flashback, you see he is a child left alone by his parents. the same time his pets are killed in the crossfire of the powerpuff girls attack. now the girls clearly DO age as shown by their older sister bliss [or blisstina]
she aged. so we know the girls age normally.
leaving that question again, WHY IS SILICO AN ADULT WHEN WE SEE HIM?
if he were the same age as them when his trauma occured then that would make silico the SAME AGE as the powerpuff girls [or more likely a slight bit older than them]. weve seen most of their classmates parents during the "take your kids to dooms day" episode. everyone... but a kid named "jared".
jared, the only boy who seems to spend unusually long periods of time with the girls getting to know them.
jared, the boy who brings a POSESSED FRIGGIN BOARD GAME [parody of D&D-dungeons and dragons], which nearly kills them all.
jared, who got the lead in a school play that nearly tore bubble and blossom apart.
jared, the boy who is ALWAYS around and never bothered by chaos caused by the sisters.
jared, whos parents never showed up on parents day and oddly wasnt in school.
jared, whose about the same age silico would be and SHOULD be [as silico was a child the same time as the girls were]
jared, who wears glasses and has a nasally voice like silicos
see where im going?
i propose that silico, the villain, is IN FACT one of the kids in the town, possibly ne of the students in the powerpuff girls class. silico said "i will bring you down and it wil be i who destroyed you, and you will have never seen it coming". well, the best way to defeat your enemy is to mak them your friend [or make them THINK they are your friend]. this theory sounds crazy, and yes i know the show throws continuity out the window CONSTANTLY. but you know where they ALWAYS keep cannon and remember previous details? PLOT EPISODES. episodes integral to the plot or progression to a villains story.
my theory is that silico is REALLY one of the students, the ACTUAL students, and my first guess is jared. weve seen people fake feelings for other charatcers before with bliss. and if they remeber then silico HAS TO be the same age as the girls. my bet is they learn his identity and stop him or expose him, and in his rage he makes some kind of "deal" with "HIM" to enact his revenge that goes ass up and forces a team up. or HE betrays HIM in a "and I thought I WAS evil" moment.
my bet is freakin jared, too much coincidental craziness, his age, gender, actions, and placement just BEG for it. or hes just another clone. for the record i HAVE seen up to episode [44] and will amend this as things progress.

if anyone wants main plot episodes to skip the bs psychosis episodes let me know and i will add them here:

Thursday, May 17, 2018

[edit-06162018-184725-double kick pikachu?!] pokemon release title for nintendo switch? i call you! yes you, pikachu [UPDATE! 05292018-224159]

ok so theres been all this buzz and talk about the pokemon game coming out for the nintendo switch.
firs of all it has been confirmed that it is IN FACT a MAIN SERIES TITLE.
[confirmed here on, the games current temp title is "lets go pikachu"]

ok i am throwing my blade rimmed hat into the ring here.
rumors also show on serebii that the current standing title for the game is "pokemon stars".
now to give a pattern of pokemon history:
last time we had two brand new main series pokemon games we got black and white for the nintendo ds.
followed by a couple filler games
then black2 and white2
followed by filler games and one sequel filler
then x and y
then sequels to at least 1-2 OTHER filler games
and then a reboot of ruby and sapphire with omega ruby and alpha sapphire

now we have sun/moon
then pokken tournement
then the ultra sun/moon
and detective pikachu and pokken tournnament 2

following this pattern, which BY THE WAY, has repeated from gen 3.5 [with fired red/leaf green] and gen 4.5 [with heartgold/soulsilver]; we are set for one of two things:
1. a brand new game with a new plot
2. a reboot of an old game.

now heres the interesting thing:
pokemon red/blue/green just recently had their 20 year anniversary. what has an anniversary coming up? POKEMON YELLOW.
pokemon yellow is approaching its anniversary [released 1998-now dont you feel old?] and whats more is the kanto pokedex is, lets say, "lacking in finality" when it comes to megas and alternate forms.
first of all weedil, abra and pidgey got mega evolutions, and you catch them fairly early in the game.

ok why does this matter? well their counterparts, butterfree, fearow, machamp, and golem still have not recieved any love.
id like to see a mega machamp. in its description it says it "trains day and nigt to become stronger but is never satisfied". but veteran players will know that machamps belt [yeah that "p" belt around its waist that it gains as a machoke], is actually a special device that "contains its strength". due to machamps strength being so great that it cannot control, it wears an "inhibitor power belt" to maintain its mental focus and contro its strength.
mega machamp could go one of two ways:
1. its training has reached a point where it no longer feels pain. mega evolition has caused this pokemons cells to mutate and become as hard as iron. [it becomes fighting/steel type and gains a kind of metal looking armored suit design. gains attack and def boosts, loses speed and nearly zeroes special attack. and gains the abiltiy sturdy/rock solid or iron fist-as a pun and as it can learn many "fist based" moves].
2. its power has surpassed its ability to maintain and control. mega evolition has caused this pokemons infinite power belt to break, resulting in its muscle mass becoming too great for its legs to hold up. it now must use its arms just to stay standing up. [its upper body grows to double size and its arms become twice as muscular and it stays fighting type, and one pair of arms is always down on the ground in front of its legs which are small and frail looking. and it takes on a kind of beastial-ape like look. it gains a boost to defense, a small boost/reduction to speed, an increase to attack slightly, special def lowers and special attack nearly zeroes out. and it gains the ability pure power-playing off its huge ass size and its massive strength and loss of its power belt.]

then all three kanto starters got mega evolutions [charmander, squirtle, bulbasaur].

what plays into a yellow remake is charmander actually got TWO megas, leaving players the choice to pick only one mega stone and not having access to the other till later after the end of the game.
and then theres venesaurs mega ability: thick fat
why is this significant? if they ever remade kanto, the first and last gym leaders you fight use ice type moves [loreli and lance]. and the second to last gym leader and lance and your rival use fire type moves. thick fat reduces damage from these by 50%.
another factor is that pikachu has gained a special "cap form" with its own z move and even a z move in the sun/moon demo that players never saw the light of day. pikachu has gotten all kinds of special addons, and move tutors.
quite possibly the biggest thing is the many unanswered questions from red/blue/green:
1. mewtwo sought out the strongest pokemon to become the strongest after blowing up giovannis lab. thus, this would explain why articuno and zapdos are hiding in frozen islands and an old power plant respectively.
    - prior to this explosion giovanni went out and sought the most powerful pokemon in the land in order to contain and stop mewtwo. articuno thus went into hiding in the only location in which its frgid cold could be contained and hidden: the seafoam icy islands. and zapdos went to the only place it could hide: the abandoned power plant full of electrical discharges.
-so now the question: why. the fuck. is moltress. the PHOENIX FLAME POKEMON hiding in the vast caverns of VICTORY ROAD? yes, i know it seeks out powerful trainers to aid and assist. but CLEARLY the other birds are hiding there presence. and mewtwo [for whatever reason] has gone into isolation in a cave [maybe to meditate on the secrets of the universe, probably got so smart it realized THERE IS NO GOD! AAAAAAH!]. but WHY IS MOLTRES HIDING IN A DAMN CAVE?
-my theory? that mansion that burned down, yes it worked with the research in the cloning of mew to make mewtwo. [READ THE BOOKS IN THE MANSION]. but my theory is that maybe moltress DID "something" shameful and decided to go into isolation. like, maybe starting the mansion fire? or better yet, destroying the power plant.
2. what the hell started the pokemon war? what ended it? why is there only two mentions of it [gsc pryce and rbyg lt. surge]? and where was pryce during the events of rbyg?
-its clear that kanto used to be a thriving futuristic utopia prior to rbyg, as seen by the train tracks everywhere and the giant power plant [where you find zapdos]. yes those things that look like a one lane road are, IN FACT, TRAIN TRACKS.
3. and on that note: what the hell destroyed the power plant? and if the plant has no power, how are they lighting their homes?
4. not just that, the safari zone clearly took time to build, and what was there before was clearly some kind of zoo. the safari zone, yes has a zoo out front, but a single animal in a pen does not a zoo make. in fact it is more of a display case. but that area behind it is more like a hunting ground, and prior to the beginning of rbgy was likely an empty woodland area where wild pokemon roamed free rather than a park. if you think about it, you are paying to hunt animals in a closed in park that you take hom and force to fight, kind of !@#$* up isnt it?
 - so what used to be where the safari zone was?
5. giovanni and team rocket: talk to him after the gym fight and he vanishes [go to my "did mewtwo kill giovanni for more on that"], beat him and he walks off like he couldnt give two shits, ask him for something he stole and he gives it back for no reason, stop his plans for world domination and he... thanks you, apoligizes, gives you free rare shit, lets you have full access to his lair, then leaves without a word.
 the ONLY fight he cares is the slyph co fight, trying to get the master ball. where he seems kind of desperate and out of options for whatever reason.
but they never covered where he came from. only clue we get is the celebi time travel hint from hertgold/soulsilver where you find that your gsc rival "red" is giovannis son. spoilers? yeah sorry, this dish has rotted to the point that it sprouted legs and wings, dubly nmed itself "carl", saluted us, and walked away.
so on that note:
-who was giovanni during the war? was he affected by it in some way? did he help or was he part of it? why and how could he just, leave his entire organization, throwing them to the wind?
6. ok what idiot abandons a charmander, bulbasaur, and squirtle? and then calls the cops? seriously though, how did those three pokemon come to be where they were in yellow? [yes the anime touches on this].
of course i will ammend this as i find more about the next title, but eventually they WILL remake gen 1 for the modern consoles. its looking like it may be yellow version, considering that the series creators say the game is a main series pokemon game. but odds are it may be a prequel to rbyg or a sequel, covereing events AFTER the end of the game.
my bet is that they are remaking/rebooting yellow or doing a prequel/sequel game. i will do a post comment once the game is announced with more info.
till then i leave you with my stuffed pet:


[UPDATE! 05292018-224159]
apparently speculation on the switch game has unconfirmed rumors that, indeed they are rebooting pokemon yellow. and also, apparently, pokemon eevee.
you can check dobbs video here:
with the info gained from here and [which btw is an officially run website with factually contributed info added pretty much THE SECOND people learn it], i can say they may in fact be rebooting the games.
however it looks like they may be doing something ive been wanting for decades since pokemon began: giving you a consistent ongoing "ash-style" journey. basically you start in kanto, go to johto, then progress further. it would be interesting to see them find a way to allow players to progress from one game to the next. maybe once pokemon reach level 100 and youve beaten a regions elite four, you can reset them back to the level and evo stage they were upon catching them [only with their ivs slightly increased].
obviously this would then allow players to keep a previous starter [including post evo moves] and maybe even have region-specific tm/hm that you can only access after gaining the usage of the boat travel in your next land. maybe you can transfer any pokemon from the previous land or leave them till youve passed certain limitations [ie gym badges/elite four].
this is only a dream, but many players typically beat the game within a few months of starting play and adding the next pokemon worlds as minor cheap dlcs as they develop them could be a means of doig this. plus, youd get to live out the dream of being a pokemon master like ash.
only way to make things make sense though would be to bump up the levels of the trainers you face in the next place you travel to. maybe just by 10% so that you arent overpowered, and even have pokemon that have been leveled to 100 and reset have a symbol that shows which stats have had their ivs increased. and then once the ivs are maxed on all 6 stats you cant reroll pokemon anymore.
this would make the dicks who wonder trade you lvl 100 pokemon less... dickish.

[edit-05302018-191034-well its here...]
well whadda you know... i was RIGHT. take THAT josh... the games are IN FACT reboots of pokemon yellow version.
seen here on serebii.nets website:
[for screenshots] and here:
for game details.
but really i called this months ago before i knew the game names. i mean, really...
from the looks of it the game is combining with "pokemon go" to "reboot" the series. allowing the transfer of your pokemon into a "pokemon go" training system that lets you catch and level with the joycons like you do in the mobile app.
man i hope battling still works. its confirmed that ride pokemon are back. as well as the ability to place costumes on your starter [at least on eevee]. and you still have trainer battles, though i do not know about movesets or stats. its also confirmed that you can take pokemon caught in pokemon go and transfer them to these games to be used for battling.
another thing is you dont battle wild pokemon, apparently its done via walking encounters where they are physically in front of you in the overworld and you touch them to try catching them. this is sounding like a rediculous nightmare. i better not have to start breaking into nuclear power plants [literally] just to find magneton and zapdos with my !@# damn mother !@#$ing phone.\
oh and apparently magikarp jumps into space. but doesnt get to become gyarados. because SCIENCE!

edit-06072018-21130-minor changes
this doesnt matter to me. but Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu & Pokémon Let's Go Eevee are to be playable on the E3 show floor in Los Angeles next week, allowing for attendees to give the new systems a shot. this is as of the date DIRECTLY ABOVE but was posted on on 05-06-2018 05:00 BST / 00:00
so if you want a chance to play the game get tickets to the e3 show in los angeles.

more importantly

so apparently they already confirmed a brand new game with 50 new pokemon after lets go comes out. this came has no relation to lets go apprently and my guess is 

1. shadow pokemon game. 
2. generation 8

[edit-06162018-184725-double kick pikachu?!]
ok so going to the lets go titles for the switch once more, theres gameplay video posted from matsuda showing that the catching mechanic functions via berries and balls. similar to the safari zone where berries increase the likelyhood of catching. also wild pokemon spawn at random physically in the open world and are represented via colors that swirl around them. big pokemon provide more x and are represented by red aura. also catching pokemon is how you gain xp for growing and battles run like normal. pokemon can follow you in open world and your game starter [eevee or pikachu] are always out. 
also one HUGE inprovement: DOUBLE. KICK. PIKACHU. thats right people. lets go pikachu learns DOUBLE FREAKING KICK, a move that allows you to [quite literally] kick brocks ass and plow through the trainers in mt moon and other areas of the game.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

one for the ages - how long before music goes out of style?

ok heres a legit math question,
considering three things:
    1. average song length
    2. average song titel length
    3. number of words in the english language
    4. factoring in that the average PROFESSIONAL WRITER types 60 words a minute
just how long before we can no longer write new lyrics for songs?
ie. how long before every possible combination of words and lyrics has been used and we can no longer create any new lyrics?

[let use country music since it follows a very typical predictable pattern]

the number of words in the english language:
171,476 words in current use, 
47,156 obsolete words.
9,500 derivative words included as subentries.
as the source.
ok so this means we have about 228,132 possible words in the english language.

average song length:
ok follow me on this one. 
most songs follow an abc sequence with a chorus. 
this means one line of lyrics that can be split in half to make two lines [usually averaging 8-16 words]
then followed by the next line using the same amount. [8-16]
then often times  followed by the final line before the chorus [usually avergaing 6-9 words]
then the chorus, which is usually about 4-8 words per line and has roughly 4-8 lines. 
then it repeats. usually two times more.
then the final chorus.

it typically changes lyrics, but keeping the same number of words each section.
and it repeats typically 2-3 times before the final chorus.

[line one part 1]
[line one part 2]
[line two part 1]
[line two part 2]
[prechorus line p.1]
[prechorus line p.2]

[chorus p1]
[chorus p2.]


[ending chrous]

now average song title length:
really only 1-4 words

ok using the above info, one could theoretically convert these numbers. using 60 words a minute to calculate the different number of word combinations into a real time. it would be every possible word multiplied by itself for the number of words for each section, counting the chorus only once [till the ending chorus]. then doing the same for the title. and finally calculating the 60 words per minute [where 60 words equals one minute in real time].
fuck it im trying based off my numbers. doing the largest first. also since no line can be the same following a previous with the exception of the chorus, i have to subtract the number of words from the previous line before doing the next one.

[OOOOOKAAAAAAYYYY.... THIS SHIT... is getting put on hold till i get a better calculator. HAHA!
number of words:
first line:
16 words-[228,132 x itself]= 
second line:
16 words:
9 words
8 words, 8 lines
line 1:
line 2:
line 3:
line 4:
line 5:
line 6:
line 7:
line 8:

i know theres a formula one can use to test this, to see how long we can keep making new lyrics. the idea is not to consider repeating words or "fake words" [ie. urban dictionary]. without averaging the top 100 best songs [including number of words in title, average number of lines and words [in chorus, prechorus, and basic line scheme before that]]. my estimate would be several quadrillion years before we run out of all possible combinations. [factoring in that the average person types 60 words a minute and converting 1 minute in the real world per 60 words].
lets put this into terms: 228,132 words in the english language=about 60 HOURS [63] of NON STOP typing. this is how long it would take a PROFESSIONAL WRITER to write all the known possible words in the english language if they typed nonstop. considering you hallucenate after 36 hours with no sleep and you LITERALLY DIE if you go 3 days without water, if you took this task on youd just BARELY finish with 9 HOURS before you would DIE from dehydration. forget you retarded suicidal marathon gamers, im typing the ENTIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
not to mention the fact that you would need to have it memorized. meaning if you even wanted to try to finish typing every word in the oxford dictionary [and all subwords] before 72 hours passed, you would only have 9 hours to spare. i mean i bet this is a world record that NOBODY has, i would BET MONEY on that. cause that would be INSANE. [and if anyone wanted to try, under careful monitoring and safe condtions, i would LOVE to see]. and anyone DARING to try this at home...DONT. or ill send a stalking stick man to haunt your life.
but LOOK AT THAT SHIT UP THERE! thats taking 2 days and multiplying by itself 16 times. and thats just line 1! [btw about 131,000 days-358 years]. yet more proof that music is the power of the soul.... cause in the end it is yet another thing that will outlive us all.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

time for poetry and songs - "death and guns"

guns and death.
guns and death.
all they talk is guns and death.
man wins the loterry? oh look! a decapitaded head!
its all we see, its all we hear.
just guns and death.

whats that? the saviro is born?
look! two shot dead in their home!
guns and death.
all our eyes ever come to see
all our hearts decived to percive.


the reapers packing heat!
guns and death.
its all we see.

no matter how bright the light may shine.
theres always a bullet in someones behind.
blind to the truth and lifes wonderous facade,
they feed us blood and hate, and condemn us like gods.
its just guns and death.
guns and death.
never common sense.

what about the safety and solice?
wheres the justice and peace?
its five miles back,
in a trail of burning flames.
hard to not ignite passions
with pants in a lying game.

open one eye and see the bullet
the other and see the corpse.
guns and death.
the reaper is shamed.
his career now but a game.

where is the reason?
where is the rhyme?
you seek to find it,
check back five lines.

guns and death.
watch them skip the truth.
death and guns.
dead by a booth.
death. in its own light.
guns. blamed for every fight.
together. making your every night.

death and guns. life and love.
which sells more?
life stomps the love and loves a whore.
death and guns.
death and guns.
all we see is fukcing death and guns.

time for change, to open our eyes.
start eating the truth, stop spitting up lies.
death and guns, no more; time for change.
teach them compassion, honor, and a sense of duty.
and responsibility.
death and guns.
no more.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

"my knight and me" and "jimmy neutron" are the same show - MY film theory

has anyone noticed the EXTREME simalarities between these two shows?
including but not limited to:
kat being a rip off of cindy
both characters being names jimmy, having the same right swooped hair, and even the same eyebrows.
the dads being named hugh and henri
the advanced technology used beyond their times
both jimmys being super intelligent
the constant use of the phrase "jimjab" by henri to jimmy, his son. which was also used in JIMMY NEUTRON by hugh to jimmy, HIS son.
also if you look at an image of hugh neutron he looks oddly similar to henri in his face, eyes, and chin.
heres an image of "my knight and me":
and heres one of jimmy neutron:
notice the similar hair, the same eyebrows, and notice that cindy looks similar to kat. it is as if they simply took jimmy neutron, ripped it off, and placed it in the middle ages. its one thing to rip similar characters as everyone has done that at some point, but to rip a LITERAL apolegy and catch phrase, "im sorry jimjab" from jimmy neutron?
either they broke copyright law or "my knight and me" is related to "jimmy neutron". its entirely possible that henri, jimmy, kat, and the others are relatives of the cast of jimmy neutron. even colbert resembles one of the monks in jimmy neutron and theres a squire that looks and acts similar to carl.
my theory is that the cast of jimmy neutron descended from the cast of my knight and me. or that its them in an alternate reality.
if only mattpat and film theory could cover this.....

Monday, February 26, 2018

the cyber goddess - my prediction for our future

my father spoke of a future not very different from that of the terminator world.

in my life there are visions i have seen that have come to fruition. trumps election, the war and the storms, and i am ready to share with the world what i see for its future.
     it will not be like terminator. not like the matrix. not like sentient ai technology. no, rather, the world will run out of fuel. then the nations whom depend on it to fund their economy will begin to die. terrorist cells will falter and the world will slowly come to a halt. this will be coupled by a race for new fuel, but little will we know that the technology we rely on will be growing in power.
     the world as we know it will be coming to an end, and not in the apocalypse sense. but rather, in the peer to peer interaction sense. people will be driven into their homes by news networks reports of disasters as the world is slowly driven to war and despair. freak weather disasters will erupt, volcanoes, fires, civil unrest.
     meanwhile the people will become fearful of social interaction and begin to welcome staying inside rather then going outside. technology companies will develop robots and surrogates whom we can enter via vr technology [because why do you think they REALLY created this crap?] and people will begin interacting in the real world through technology. in order to make room for the increase in population and the land needed to feed us, vast portions of our planet will have to die. forests will go and there will be no nature.
     but the people will not care, they will have long acccepted their inside lives. video games and television will become so immersive that we will never need leave our homes, as they will transmit it through the power lines and through headsets. as the technology companies monitor us, they will provide us with everythig they think we want, priavcy will become as the sun setting against our backs. and there will be no line defining our rights anymore, as gun control and freedom of speech are rightly blown to the moon out of purpotion.
     there will be disasters that will rise and destroy our technology, and with no communication or means to contact the people and all "inferior" and "obsolete" technology been "erased and lost to time", we will suffer. yes sentient ai technology will rise and begin to take over, but by the time they do it will be too late.
     humanity will dwindle till a great catastrophe, man and machine will wage war only to see the earth itself rip open. fire will erupt and things beyond horror will come for us, as we see the skies erupt in chaos. civil unrest will ensue, the authorities barely able to contain it. war wil be waged as nations fight for power. disasters will ravage the planet and the unthinkable will begin to happen as if the sun and moon were not but brother and sister. our world will be ending, and as we begin seeking the skies for a new home, we will be struck down. all hope lost.
     technology will not rule us in our future. as it ALREDY rules us NOW. we have already sumitted to a god that we are too ignorant to open our eyes and see. we accept devices that allow us to hide behind stone facades on snowy days and that allow us to fuck each other across glass barriers. we obsess over trivial ordeals through a network meant to keep us together, that instead is tearing us apart.
     we phase out devices just becuase we are told to by people we do not even know and stop buying when people tell us to, without ever bothering to question the truth. the digital god has taken over, and her loyal servants are watching us, listening to us, controlling us. she is our beginning and she will be our end if we do not act soon. take heed, or sentient ai and robots will be the LEAST of your worries. because as the future of our technology nears, so does the future of our society. and you cannot have humanity without the human, otherwise you will ask "y", it" has disappeared.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

LOZ - breath of the wild "starter pack" [how to progress quick and easy]

ok i previously covered trekking to the gerudo area IMMEDIATELY following clearing the great plateau. but there are in fact THREE main locations that are necessary for making the game easier. and for several reasons.
first the areas:
     southwest of the edge of the great plateau. look to see the tower atop the desert valley wall. this is the gerudo tower that provides a gate into the gerudo desert. this tower is unguarded, has little to no enemies when taking a direct path, and only requires a slow climb up the valley to get to. just use a cooking pot to make some stamina restoration elixers and shrooms and dont try to speed jump the cliffs. and save at every cliff face where you can stand without sliding backwards or falling.
     roughly north of the great plateau is the path to the tabantha frontier. get a horse, follow this, and get to the ruto tower and activate. as this tower also has little resistance, enemies, and obstacles. it also houses cliffs that can be used to bypass enemy camps. again just ride your horse, run on land, or use the climb-and-glide technique [climb up a high point then glide to cover great distance], and head towards the area where the giant ass thing is floating in the sky.
     north east of the great plateau is hyrule castle. theres a tower behind it waaaay back guarded by enemies. its looks overwhelming, but just use stealth and save when safe and climb the tower. this is important as activating it allows quick acces to hyrule castle. or head to the rear of the castle on the cliffs surrounding it, then fly in and find an opening in the rear where the docks are located. there are powerful enemies in the docks, but you can take them easily if you have previously been to the gerudo area.
what is important here?
     1. gerudo desert and ruto village have the four best armor sets you can buy in the game. [3 in the gerudo town, 1 in ruto village].
     2. both ruto village and gerudo desert have shrines galore and a FAIRY FOUNTAIN that is COMPLETELY unguarded and easy to access and find.
     -the ruto fountain can be found by looking off the tower for an orange flower.
     -the gerudo fountain can be found via heading directly south from the gerudo town till you get the "you cant go further" message, then heading west till you reach a skeleton so big ray charles couldnt miss it. use star stamps to create a path, follow them, avoid enemies, then use the southern edge of the desert ["cannot go any further"] as a means of staying south till you reach th skeleton. use a sand seal or else prepare to die, and avoid the electric keese.
     3. all three locations have wepons and rare items galore. but hyrule castle has the two most useful items in the game. the docks has a great flameblade in a pedestal that you use to light the two torches and reveal a shrine. which allows fast travel in and out. follow the stairs up to the library and use magnesis rune to find a hidden wall. the area around the entrance houses another weapon, free stone smasher. hyrule castle docks also houses lizalfos who use powerufl weapons that can be stolen with shock arows or via killing them.
     4. the tabantha region houses two important cooking materials: hot footed frogs and tabantha wheat, obtained by cutting grass and are easier to collect then the stupid crickets and lizards. but the wheat has an important use that many players overlook: substitution. you can use 4 tabantha wheats and any 1 single ingredient, and i mean ANY, to create a MAX LEVEL DISH. this is useful as instead of needing 1-5 to make high level cooking for eithe recovery or for selling [cause if you need rupees for the armor the areas sell or in general, you cook 5 items, then sell the dish]. tabantha wheat is so common that its like cancer, and using 4 and 1 means you can use 20 wheat and 5 pieces of bird leg to make 5 max level meat skewers that sell for like 170+ [instead of one meat dish from just the 5 bird legs].
     5. the gerudo area houses one thing that is the most important thing in the game: moldugas. they will kill you in one hit if they jump out and surprise you, and getting them out of the sand is difficult. the answer? bombs. yes. bombs. its that easy. use the rune, throw a rolling bomb, the molduga will see it [get the exclaimation point over its head], then go over, jump out, and eat it. once it eats it or jumps out and tries, detonate it. the molduga falls, stunned, and then you run up and attack. rinse. lather. repeat. drain. bomb arrows work as well. and REAMAIN ON SOLID GROUND OR YOU WILL GET ATTACKED. moldugas appear in four locations in the gerudo desert, and will respawn after each blood moon, but ONLY if you do not kill all four. just use three skull stamps to mark their locations on the map. they are imprtant as they drop gear that is always quite a ways above your current level. and as long as one lives before the blood moon they all respawn.
     6. all items you get in the previous areas in the overworld also respawn during the blood moon. this includes bows [mostly found in the tabantha and akala regions], the great flameblade and stone smasher, and more importantly the LUMINOUS STONES. found in the tabantha fairy fountain and pretty much liteered EVERYWHERE in the tabantha region.
     7. elemental arrows. the gerudo town and oasis have them. and they restock after blood moons. plus theres a bounty of fire arrows and shock arrows in the desert dropped by the lizalfos [easily killed by other elemental arrows.]
     the sequence you should follow before doing anything else, after clearing the great plateau, is go straight to the gerudo desert. activate the tower on your way. get access to the "forbidden city entrance" quest and enter the city. find the gerudo secret club, which is a locked door on the left side of the town. [spoiler a- fuck that] the secret password, for anyone who wishes to skip the !@#& annoying quest is "G, S, C, [then the diamond symbol]". obtain what armor you can then go back to the entrance where the shrine and the pervy guy is spying [or ANY entrance really]. throw a bomb and detonate it near a sand seal then climb on. then head south till you cannot move any more and the game tells you so, then head west [use stamps to make a path and watch for electric keese.] this will get you the fairy fountain.
     from here head back to the north shrine in the great plateau. head to hyrule castle, going WAAAAAAY east to avoid the guardians around the freaking place. find a way to the docks in the rear of the castle either before or after activating the nearest tower north of the castle rear cliffs. go in the docks and use the great flameblade to kill the lizalfos. by this point [if youve farmed crafting shit and cooked to sell to buy the armor from the gerudo town], you will be GUARANTEED to have at least TWO more heart containers, stamina vessels, or one heart and one vessel. as youll just find shrines in the process of these two tasks and they are fairly easy to clear. you will also have some high level bows, weapons, and shields. kill the lizalfos and steal their gear, rob the castle docks, steal the stone smasher up the stairs and activate the two torches and activiate the shrine for fast travel [as once you do this you no longer need enter the docks from the rear].
     then if you feel head to tabantha, or do whatever you wish. cause at this point with the gerudo and castle docks areas accessed you now pretty much have a means of getting weapons, gear, and materials any time you wish. plus the fairy fountain and the other areas respwans items each blood moon. just gain access to these two areas doing the above, which is easy as long as you go to the geruo area first. and you dont fight the enemies in the desert.   

with these two areas i was able to progress into the hardest areas of the game [till a glitch resulted in all shops no longer restocking, enemies REMIANING DEAD AFTER THE BLOOD MOON, areas suddenly not spawning enemies, and all the moldugas suddenly dying off.] i was forced to stop playing cause my only means for collecting elemental arrows, normal arrows, upgrade materials, and pretty much anything dropped by large enemies or sold in shops, was to hunt. i know hunting is an aspect of the game, but to LITERALLY force a dedicated zelda fan to FREAKING HUNT using weapons and only attacking enemies that DONT REQUIRE arrows to kill, just to restock their items, is an INSULT. and they STILL havent patched it. i cant even kill guardians for parts cause i only have like maybe 10 or so around hyrule castle. and ive had to go into areas even veteran players probably wouldnt consider just to get items and food stuffs. i just stopped playing my file alltogether. couldnt even clear the rest of the shrines or other content or use the dlcs. and FORGET gannon, i cant restock without literall hunting and my only source of arrows are crates that respawn after blood moons. 60 arrows is all i have. talk about a game ending glitch.
also, i wish the colloseum had enemies with element weapons BEFORE you beat all the divine beasts [which, BTW, is when the enemies start carrying the trio weapons].

Friday, February 9, 2018

note to summoner war players: do not try to track rewards!

heres why trying to list percentages of rewards from scenarios and caiross is POINTLESS.

1. upon completing a level succesfully the game uses an rng and picks a number. this number is from 1 to [n], where "[n]" represents the number of possible rewards you can get from a specific locqation ingame as completion reward. the games are preprogrammed with something called an "object identifier list". this is a list IN NUMERICAL ORDER created and burned into the game by its creators. this means that the order will not ever change no matter what, unless the developpers edit it. when you complete a level the game uses an rng to choose a number that is between the list of possible rewards.
2. many areas have drops that others do not. this means different object identifier lists. and thusly different reward possibilities. the same function for #1 applies to summoning first it uses the object identifier to choose an element then again for level then again for the monster.
3. once the rng has chosen the object identifier # it then goes to the items in that list. some rewards may say "[n]% chance of dropping", but this is not a FLAT percent. except for angelmons. all rewards [runes, crafting materials, scrolls, and other rewards] have an object identifier which is at the top of their list. after choosing this number, the game then rolls an rng and chooses a SECOND object identifier number. every reward in the SUBSECTIONS of rewards [mystical scrolls and scrolls, different runes, various crafting materials, etc.] has an object identifier number. all done by rng.
4. once the game has chosen the next number it continues on down the list till it reaches a stopping point. each time the game rolls a BRAND NEW RNG for the rewards stats, level, substats, type, or grade.
5. now to explain why %'s dont apply. because rng based rewards [AFTER the object identifier list has been simplified], then calculate a percentage between 1-100% and all possible rewards in these odds. the percentages are re rolled via rng for anything com2us OFFICIALLY lists with a specific % drop rate.
6. this all done the game finally considers two last rng roll: quantity. this determines how many of an item you get or what stats a rune.

this is how the WHOLE GAME works. meaning that just because the odds of a reward are 2%, it doesnt mean youll get it if you complete the level 98 times. it means that for EVERY TIME YOU CLEAR the level you have a 2% chance to get it. its like how 50% of all marraiges end in divorce, but not all marraiges have a 50% divorce rate. this is why tracking rewards to make a chart is pointless and LITERALLY wasted time. there is no "flat rate".