Wednesday, August 1, 2018

mgba savefile glitch bug fixed [i found what was causing the games to not save] [mgba not saving FOUND ISSUE! TEMP FIXED!]

mgba is a gameboy advance emulator made for pc and hacked consoles. i can provide info on how to run it on your vita [thats right gba, gbc, and gb on your playstation vita and playstation 3 FUCK YEAH!] and it is as AWESOME as you think. also you can even use cheats, however you need to administer them on mgba on your pc then transfeer the savefie with whateve the cheats did over to the dvice RUNNING mgba. or just patch them in [i have a post on that as well].
for anyone using mgba youve probably found that there seems to be an issue with the software not saving states and/or not saving your saves/files correctly. turns out theres an odd bug in the software which causes the emulator to stop registering or writing savefiles [regardless of the fact that you did save].
but i figured out PRECISELY what is going on with the saving issue.
turns out thers a glitch in the emulator that occurs EXACTLY after loading your current savefile and starting the game. once in if you complete actions in games and save and leave the game or exit to the consoles menu [or anything that involves leaving the mgba emulator game you are playing] the emulation software glitches out and refused to load or save any savefiles created after returning. basically if on a vita or wii and you temporarily exit the app or the console sleeps the game you are playing will no longer register saves. it will however keep the most recent savefile UP TO the first point you exited.
on the vita i tested this, using single and multiple actions and various methods of leaving the game from total leaving to just putting the console on screen sleep or pressing the PS button. upon returning and doing LITERALLY ANYTHING after these actions NOTHING saves. however ALL ACTIONS and game data achieved PRIOR to these things after loading the game up and then saving actually created a valid savedata.
so the mgba developer team just needs to find where in the code it is causing the game to exit upon going standby and basically write the app to always run in the background. that should theoreticaly prevent games from thinking you left.
otherwise if you want to keep your savefiles and play being able to save just make sure you save BEFORE doing anything that might exit the game.
i did however find a bypass for lack of savegame capabilites:
1.use the "take screenshot" option
2. go to the "save state" option
3. save state
4. when you restart your game back up, if your normal savegame fails just load the save state.
i tested it and taking a screenshot seems to guaraantee the ability to create a savestate every time. to check whether the state saved just move or change the visuals around you in some way and go to "load state" and select whatever # state you saved. if its different from your current view, it worked.

but there you go. i found what was going on with this rediculous saving issue and even found a way around it. now someone please go fix it. the dev team has been supposedly trying to fix this for some time now [and me of good faith that i am guessed since they had NO FUCKING CLUE what the hell was causing it, meant they couldnt fix it.] but here you go devs, i found two errors in the most recent version of mgba, one being the specific reason why vita users cant save.
my best guess is its something in the code where leaving the emulator causes the system to stop running jailbroken/hacked code and when you return [despite being able to keep playing normally and save] the vitas system treats the app as any other app.
that or something occurs that causes it to stop writing code specifically to do with savedata, but ONLY when the vitas hardware is running. because pressing triangle doesnt cause savedata to be lost or fail to save.
its gotta be like 1-5 lines of arbitrary code execution that gets fubar only when this situation occurs.

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