Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Bojack Horseman Theory 2 - why his mother hated him

 This is a simple but complex one. 

The reason why Bojacks mother hated him was simple, because he reminded her of his father. 

From his voice, to his mannerisms, to his novel, to his drunken stupor, to his actions, the way he spoke, the way he emoted with his hands when he talked, the sound of his voice and the enunciations, and even to his career; all of these things were a practical MIRROR REFLECTION of his father. 

Bojack even inherited his father's idiocy, sociopathic tendencies, his narcissism, hatred for corporate America, obsession with attention and fame, womanizing, his selfishness, his drinking and lack of commitment, his hatred of kids, and his failures. 

All Bojack's mother saw when she saw him was the husband that ruined her, the man that wrecked her life, the man that dragged her down into the cesspool that was the tarpit of LA, and the man who live the life of debauchery and negligence. He even had his fathers voice, albeit a casting decision by the shows creators, but still. She hated him so much because she hated her husband so much. 

And this, is why she loved Bojacks tv sitcom, "Horsin' Around", because for the first time ever in her life, she could see her son not as the man that ruined her life, but as her son the performer; the person that brought her such entertainment and joy. his show reminded her of Bojack in his childhood years, before he became like his father, back when he reminded his mother of HER younger years as a performer. Simpler times. Happier times. Before everything went to shit. 

His mom did not hate him, she hated his father and what Bojack had become; a shattered reflection of the lying cheat that shattered everything that was good in her life. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

The most controversial thing I have ever written: Bojack Horseman Theory - Sarah Lynns death was inevitable [time for the truth]

This is a repost from my post on reddit, but due to the likelihood that it will be removed or lost, I am reposting here.

 There was no saving Sarah Lynns life when she overdosed. 

A drug overdose is fatal if not undone within a small timeframe, given that the heart has not stopped, and SL's had stopped), she would have needed cpr and Bojack does not know cpr. Even if Bojack called EMS IMMEDIATELY following Sarah Lynns OD at the planetarium, it would have taken them bare MINIMUM 7-15min to get there, another 3 to get inside and get to her, 2-5 to get her to the vehicle, then another 1-2 to get out the crash cart and a shot of adrenaline. There was no saving her, and Bojack knew this, because he knows drugs and OD's; it is entirely likely he knew that there was not enough time for EMS to come save her life. And thus, instead of wasting time trying to save a dead person, spent time "creating a rock-solid alibi"; as there were only two results. She dies on his hands and he takes the fall, OR, she dies and he gets a good enough alibi to not get locked up.

There is no accepting his actions, but I have known many MANY people in real life who dealt with addicts and drugs, and known people who died from overdoses. I also worked in the medical community volunteering with patients personally. Once the heart stops, you have minutes (roughly 8-10) to revive the victim. 

Ems would have taken far too long to get to Sarah Lynn to even have a chance to revive her, regardless of time. Specially considering the average response time of EMS services. 

Sarah Lynn died in the Griffith Park Observatory based off an actual observatory in LA, California. located at  Griffith Observatory 2800 East Observatory Road Los Angeles, CA CA 90027.

 you can use an actual website to check what EMS response time on average across the united states is 14-16min (https://www.autoinsurancecenter.com/emergency-response-times.htm)

more info here: 


There is information regarding how to keep a person who has overdosed alive here:


taking all this into account, that SL heart had stopped, her breathing had stopped, that she had collapsed, and was not responding and that Bojack only waiting 17min led to her dying in the hospital, there was NOTHING that could have been done to save her. When someone suffers and OD (https://www.beachhouserehabcenter.com/what-happens-to-your-body-during-drug-overdose/) all scenarios of survival have one thing in common: they need to be breathing and be given air. 

and just using a basic search of how long a body can survive without air/breathing (http://www.med.umich.edu/trans/transweb/faq/q3.shtml/%3Ehttp:/curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/39-our-solar-system/the-earth/other-catastrophes/64-what-would-happen-if-the-gravity-on-earth-was-suddenly-turned-off-beginner%3Cbr%20/index.shtml) - about 10min, and that average national EMS response time is 14-16min, they would have shown up to find a dead oxygen-deprived Sarah Lynn and an exasperated Bojack trying to resuscitate her. 

The TLDR? Since she stopped breathing, she would have been DEAD IN 10MIN, EMS taking 14min to reach her and Bojack, about 20min to get her to the equipment needed to try to resuscitate her, and thus, Bojack waiting 17 SECONDS would not have mattered. Sarah Lynn would NEVER have survived.