Wednesday, December 30, 2020

well that just happened... - EP.1: THE TELEPORTING CAT

My Neighbors cat just parkoured up to my balcony on the second floor, In the Rain Mind you. Then proceeded to stare In the Window at my dog and I While we were Drying off from His walk. I walked over and turned my head to see the cat just, sitting there, staring into my home. Like, if this were a human being, this would be immediate "psycho behavior" [and i should know, because i invented the toastercorn].

I walked over and was Like "what are you Doing here?!?".

Cat: mrow?

Me: don't you 'mrow' at me. This Is the second story; how Did you get up here?!?

Then my dog comes over and starts Barking at the cat trying to play through the Window. So, I go to put the dog In the Kitchen so I can Bring the cat over to my Neighbors place, get It out of the Rain and not Risk It Falling or Getting hurt.

[Mind you, the only way up is a wet brick wall and it is raining, and the nearest climbable structure is a wooden fence about 8+feet away. So this cat climbed up 8 feet in the rain, jumped another 8feet onto my balcony, then stared into my home for like 5min, then left the same way he came up.]

I turned my back for Like a Minute. Then when I look back Again the cat Is gone. I go Outside, there Is no cat, and he Is not even near my place. I Believe This Is Official Confirmation; cats can teleport, and they are Gathering Intel on us through our Balconies. Worst part is that unlike dogs, we cannot bribe them with treats and belly rubs, lest they bite our fingers off for rubbing for .o0000000000000000o1 seconds too long.

Well, i am off to buy 10,000lbs of catnip to bribe the coming invaders. And also some cheese its, i love cheese its. 

We are still here! introducing the new series, "well that just happened"

 coming immediately will be a new story series. This series is going to be called "well that just happened.." and the series is going to cover hilarious and weird experiences I and others close to me go through. the first one is about my neighbors teleporting cat.  

Friday, July 31, 2020

announcements. 2020 is like the fourth stepsister from the Disney Cinderella movie.

so, covid 19 sucks like a rapper just before they blow out a shit ton of lyrics. 
had surgery done and might have flesh eating bacteria. 
dog got hit with cancer in the period of a week OUT OF NOWHERE and had to be put down. AND HIS BED HADN'T EVEN BEEN DELIVERED YET. that's what i get for the usps working in detroit, cant have shit in detroit. gonna be a new dog here in a couple weeks just show up to my home the same day a bed is delivered. be like, "whats going on here? are you planning something?"
created an instagram and instantly deleted it. don't need a service for a dog that is dead, not THAT KIND of sociopath 
COMPLETELY FORGOT i had a blog here. like, how do you do that? i have used this thing for like a literal decade, then i watch one karen preach about how injecting fornite in her sons arm cause him to develop auti-cancer. actually can we talk about how all the people protesting masks as part of a conspiracy were [and still are] the same people complaining about their kids "getting autism" from vaccines? look, if the united states govenment knew how to create autism in serum form, there would be like this "secret sector" of the government made entirely of "super soldiers" made by being injected with autism with half of them solving the cure to every disease and the other half screeching terrifying nightmare humans rocking back and forth every 8 seconds and unable to recognize faces or establish meaningful relationships or empathy. 
have you SEEN autistic people doing complex science and problem solving? many people on the spectrum are like geniuses when it comes to tech and puzzle solving, the rest are like i should know, i have been autistic my entire life and seen how incredible people with disabilities can be and the changes they can help make for the world. and working to help people struggling with life and disabilities most of my life has been nice, all we want is to be equals while being recognized for who we are. normal people are boring, like watching cats chase a laser pointer [which can be fun if you like train the cat to activate light switches using it, like i did.] people who are different are the ones that change the world, who save lives and bring justice to those facing injustice. the people that want to be like everyone else are the ones who grow up making your uber deliveries and serving your fast food. "wait, i didnt order this pickle?" 
"uhhhhh, no?" 
[but like seriously i LOVE pickles].
never be the same as the crowd. be different, be like the salmon that hops the falls to breed and bitch slaps the hungry bear in the face with its tail. 
could you imagine a nature mag putting in a photo like that? i think i might just shit my pants off laughing. 
the bear like: "you will die" 
and the salmnon being like: oma wa mo shindeiru 
as the bear goes: NANI?!? 
and gets slapped in the face by the salmons tail as it soars by.

strange loophole with the american taxing system & the stock market

sooo i found an interesting loophole that [maybe] the irs did not count on regarding stock taxing and sales.
stay with me here through this rabbit hole.
stocks are assessed at a value that is equal to the final amount after sales. this is calculated by takingg the amount invested in the original stocks cost [ai], adding any gains made from that amount [g], and then subtracting the cost of selling the stock [cs] made when the stock is sold AND the value of the original stock when bought, and the final amount is your stocks value [sv].
this results in a formula: (ai + g) - (cs + ai)=sv
if your sv is > then you have a net gain. if < then a net loss. to figure out what the loss is compared to your stocks value prior to sale [the percentage, or [p]], you divide the [sv] by the value of [ai]+[g].
you list the original cost twice because that was money you spent initially to buy the stocks. if they were given as a gift the value of [ai] is instead added to [g].
so if your stock was originally $10, you make $20, then the sale price to sell your stocks is $35 then you can use (ai + g) - (cs + ai). (10 + 20) - (35 + 10)=-15. meaning a net loss of $15. this makes [p]=[sv]/([ai]+[g] or [-15/30=-.5].
so why does all this math have to do with a loophole? well if your stocks can ONLY sell at a certain price, like lets say $30, and you intentionally keep your stocks below that amount, they will ALWAYS sell for a net loss when being reported for tax purposes.
keeping your stocks that low would make no sense unless you had hundreds to thousands of different individual stocks. or unless you do so for safety and legal purposes, to protect investments, or to keep someone else from using them. for me i have had over 49 counts of identity theft and on any given month deal with a literal average of 14-17 counts of identity theft average. as such i have to be VEERY careful with my money and accounts. i cannot risk having my stocks or money being hacked or stolen, and to prevent this i keep my stocks at a low amount till the algorithm dictates the time to make investments. i always pay my dues, but anyone could take like several hundred thousand dolars to a million dollars or more, throw it into like several million stock investments of low amounts below the sale price, and then just leave their account like that. they have an emergency or something that drains their bank accounts? well they have several million in small stocks that due to being below the sale threshold would cause a value equal to bankruptcy, and as such the stocks have a "legally reportable negative value." yet they still have potential millions sitting around they could draw from merely by having a cash balance in their exchange account equal to about 1-3 "small stock" purchase value.
like using $100 as the sale price, if someone had 100,000 individual stock accounts valued at $5<100($95) and an actual cash balance of $100-200 sitting in the wings, their account would be valued at a net loss of potential MILLIONS, yet $100 could allow them to gain potentially $9.5mil in only a matter of a few days and their stocks would be at a NET GAIN instead.