Tuesday, December 10, 2013

blondes and blonds

a dumb blonde joke
a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are working as stockbrokers when the following conversation ensues:
redhead: hey, i hear that its the best time to buy right now.
brunette: yeah, prices are great.
suddenly an announcement comes on the loudspeaker:
attention workers, the stock market just crashed. the nations economy is officially in ruins. firing of employees is very likely.

suddenly the blonde comes running into the redhead and brunettes office.
blonde: did you hear?!
redhead: yeah, i cant believe that the market crashed!
blonde: we need to go!
brunette: why?! whats the rush?!
blonde: didnt you hear?! the stock markets crashed! we need to go find where it fell!

an anti dumb blonde joke
a man is sitting in a bar next to a blonde.  they are watching the news when a story comes on.  the news channel shows a live feed of a man on a motorcycle in front of a huge ramp.  he is announcing that he is going to jump the gap across a river. 
blonde: i bet you fifty bucks that hes gonna hit a boat.
man: theres no boat in sight, youre on.
the man then begins taking off up the ramp and right as he flies off the top, he gets hit by a passing parasailer.
blonde: i bet you fifty more dollars that the bike makes it, but he crashes into the boat.
man: theres no way you can be right again, youre on.
the mans motorcycle continues to fly through the air as the man and the parasailor crash into the boat.  then theres a resounding crash as the camera shows the bike landing on the other side of the river and exploding.
the news station then announced that they were about to give away the lottery numbers.
blonde: six, seven, three, five, two, eight.
lottery spokesman: six, seven, three, five, two, eight.
man: i dont believe it!
blonde: ok then, pay up
the man pulls out his wallet and pays the blonde a hundred dollars, then walks out of the bar.
the bartender wals up to the blonde and begins to talk to her.
bartender: how did you know?
the blonde walks over to the tv and pulls out a dvd.
bartender: so you cheated?!
blonde: hell yeah i cheated, that guy was my ex, and  i sent a copy of that video to his house.

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