Thursday, November 29, 2012

Y.U.C.K.S. and F.U.C.K.S.



its an anagram, its meant to look and sound offensive as it is called yucks and fucks. but when made into an anagram it holds a deeper meaning. y.u.c.k.s. (yearning. unity. karma. strength.) it represents the human struggle to survive and flourish in a world that tries so hard to keep us stuck on the ground. its hidden meaning is that if we push through lifes obstacles we WILL one day achieve greatness and pure joy. f.u.c.k.s. (freedom. understanding. creation. kindness. sharing.) it stands for the things in life we take for granted. the flowers that bloom every season, people holding doors for us, sunnsets and sunrises, simple acts of kindness. it stands for what everyone so desperately wants. people may be greedy and critical or want to kill others, but its because they have something they want so immensly but just cant have. starving familys resort to crimes just to stay alive, people join gangs so they can have a family they never could have, men and women who get laid or drunk so they dont have to face the problems they have in life. if everyone knew true happiness and a fulfilled life nobody would ever need to do bad things. why should the rich be the only people who can have everything they want? it is the meaning of life.

 "when the wolf finds its prey it will chase and chase to no end. eventually the prey must rest, and in the single moment its eyes close to recooperate the pack will be there. to rip it limb from limb.”

 you can be the wolf, or you can be the prey. choose your own path.

"i am but a lowly king, here to make sure my loyal subjects are happy and live fulfilled lives. to those who shun me or my ways, two walls to every door; my mind is made."

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