Monday, November 26, 2012

the facts of life

what are the facts of life? there are only seven.

1. time is relative.
depending on where you are at the moment, time is determined by yoour location. one year on jupiter is about 80 on earth. one winter at the north pole is the same as two seasons in kentucky. one minute in fight or flight is a few seconds to the person next to you. time will never flow at the same rate in two different places. your watch could say 12:02 while your phones says 12:13; ergo time is relative.

2. there is no existence without time/time is unstoppable.
nothing can exist if there is no time flowing. in a world where no person ages and nobody ever dies time still flows. even if that world has clocks that are stopped and never turn, if one were to stop and count to 60 that person will have just existed for one minute. time flows regardless of who exists in its space; meaning that without time there is no existence. even if you froze time in its tracks and left everyone and everything at the same year, month, day, hour, minute, and location; time still will flow around it. (pompeii)

3. a rectangle is always a rectangle/a 4 is a four.
no matter how many times a rectangle is cut in half it will always be a rectangle. it is the only shape that when cut in half simply becomes a smaller version of itself. this is also known as the golden ratio, a principle used in artistic media and design. also the number 4 is the only existing number that spelled out is the same as its number. 4=four=4

4. all living things one day die/all things return to the sea.
no matter what any living thing does it will one day die. even humans who are preserved in cryogenic facilities eventually are either removed and thawed out or the planet dies out. no matter what living things do there is no escaping death. we can do many many things to avoid or prolong death, but eventually all things die. in fact the ground under your feet was once living and breathing things that one day died and became the soil in which future life would grow. the sand that you walk through on the beach was once mountains, living things, and soil. it grinds into sand and eventually settles down and forms more montains and dirt. eventually all life returns to the sea.

5. we are born alone and we will die alone.
no matter what we do we are born alone into this world and we die alone leaving it. even if you are born with a twin sibling one of you will have come out sooner than the other. you could be part of a 19 kid family (yes that family) and though you have 19 siblings (without any of you being married to each other) you will still be born alone, empty handed, and with nobody holding you. when the day comes that you die you will then die alone. even if you die next to your spouse or family you will be the only one who dies and at that moment you will die with nobody next to you to die with. even if a nuclear bomb explodes anyone in front of you will die a fraction of a second before you.

6. history will always be changing.
even if you know everything about history the next day it will change. what was a province becomes a country and then becomes a continent only to be turned back into a different piece of land. the countries leaders one day will change and then there will be new order, laws, military, wars, corruption, and citzens. one day a country could be conquering the world and the next it falls into a financial and military hellhole. the fact is that every day all existence changes, leading to the final fact:

7. no living thing can ever know everything.
because all creation is constantly changing, history is impossible to study. you cannot know every bit of history ever created as every day trillions of new facts are created while trillions more are either destroyed or proved wrong. and because we all are born alone and die alone we have nobody who has had the exact same experience as us. the person next to you could never know EVERYTHING that you have been through in your life though they could relate to it. because all living things die no living thing could know everything; as it would one day die and then not only cease to exist but also have no person who knew everything they did. what is currently the mountains we just climbed will one day be the sand our future ancestors walk on. because time is both unstoppable and relative to its location we will never know how to truly stop time and therefor could never know everything. bifurcating a rectangle results in a rectangle, and eventually that rectagle gets so small that we can neither see it or measure its size and shape. Plus if you consider in what happens after death, how could any living thing know what happens after death without being dead? And even a dead person cant know everything, as they could go to heaven, hell, purgatory, vallhalla, the underworld, or be reincarnated.

so the facts of life...
nothing to do with the human spirit or survival. as even those who have survived one day die anyways. why even try then? because were human and we make mistakes, we fight to survive, we fall in love, we dont want to stop till we know and can control everything. and since we never will be able to we wont ever give up our fight to exist. those that do simply become the dirt under our feet.

"i am but a lowly king, here to make sure my loyal subjects are happy and live fulfilled lives. to those who shun me or my ways, two walls to every door; my mind is made."

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