Wednesday, December 12, 2012

the life and times of sp_on episode 18

tonights special is....
What does it mean to be special? Are we not all special in our own way? Everyone has something that theyre good at. Nobody’s good at everything. To be special means to stand out. Anyone who ko’s the average jo act of society is special. Killing jo may not be a good idea. His siblings may not be too happy about it. If you want to be special, just stand out. Make sure you don’t overdo it though.
As we go around day to day, we never think about the results of our actions. We would rather create an excuse for a problem than solve it. Sometimes solving the problem is easier than the excuse itself. we see a problem that can easily be fixed, but instead of fixing it, we just ignore it. For example, youre at a college and you need to withdraw money.
You check the atms and theyre out of service. there are several thoughts on your mind at this point. “maybe I should report this…no, somebody else must have already reported it.” Or, “ill come back tomorrow and see if theyre working.” Or even, “I don’t need the money right now. ill get it somewhere else.” Most people would come back the next day and think the same thing. A smart person would report it immediately. Amazing the majority of the people that witniss this delimma wouldn’t report it.
We were created to serve others, but instead we take advantage of them. to exist as a human being we must understand the costs of our actions. Those who don’t listen are usually the ones who get in trouble. We must remember to think before we act. You never know, someone might return the favor.
The prints of music
“When playing an instrument you are creating a unique sound all your own. This sound is a sort of fingerprint that is unique in its own way. Unlike fingerprint though, a sound can be changed. A sound can be changed to a certain pitch, note, or beat, but still remains the sole unique music of the creator. Just like two fingerprints can never be the same, two sounds rarely ever sound alike. By combining five different musical instruments focused around a central pitch tune or beat, you get a single melody. The same goes for fingerprints, collect five and place them around a palm to form a hand. By combining five or more instruments together in harmony you don’t get a band or ensemble, you get a perfect palm of excellence.”
Sam Pernicano

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