Saturday, December 8, 2012

life and times of sp_on episode 2

my name is bananafreddie!

welcome to my world, what would banana freddy say? the world is filled with mystery and misery, fame and false kings, love and loss, hate and hope, juvilarity and jealousy, and all lving things are but a speck on the windsheild of the milky way galaxy. we are small, but we are resiliant. you can only push human so far before they go over the edge.
have you ever had sex while looking in the mirror and being high on crack and thinking youre having sex with santa clause and nick cannon in a barrel of pickels?
22 years; 22 years and thats the only question that could summarize my life. from the day the idea of me came into existence i was never meant to be born to this world. my parents had to try harder than they had ever tried in their lives just to get pregnant with a boy. even when i was being born i still wasnt meant to be in this world. if it wasnt for the doctor rubbing my head i would have been dead.
even when i got older i still didnt belong. at age 3 i bashed my head on a jungle gym, at age 6 i began to have nightmares that plagued me for years to come. i have faced death so many times that not even the terrible fate of the 911 victims was able to shake me. i was more interested how a country full of people with different ideas and beliefs could just suddenly stand together and fight for one similar cause.
it was, foolhardy, millions of people who the day before were arguing over healthcare and who should lead the country. the very people who i saw on a daily basis arguing and fighting over the tiniest things like a missing pencil or a stolen quarter. these people who spent every day making my life a living hell and destroying everything that i held near and dear. these anal, fatalistic, self centered, arrogant, greedy people; all of them suddenly joining to fight for a common cause. they threw away their arguements for a few thousand lives?
no, NO! i could not, will not believe it! where was this unity during the holocaust? where was the unity when napoleon was on a rampage? where was this singular force when the great depression hit? where was all this when children were being forced to work in factories? i will not accept these people and their stupid decisions; the stupid decisions that got bush elected twice! this was the man who spent so much of our countries money that to this day we still remain in a defecit.
you complain tat obama hasnt fixed out national debt? how can a man whos only been in office for four years bring a country out of a hole that took eight years to make? how can this man, in one term, magically fix our debt? you all think that the debt will vanish like magic. just like when you were younger and you would leave dirty dishes and trash all over your house and then wake up the next day and its all gone. i bet you think thats what it will be like. im tired of stupid people who dont have any common sense. every single one of you can burn in hell for what i care.
if ever citizen were to give 100 dollars a month for one year we could drop our debt by more than half. but no, you complain that you have to pay 15 cents more per pizza at papa johns. heres a better idea people, how about you take all your cash, drop your pants and underwear, and shove the money up your tight white asses till they loosen up enough for you to unload all the crap you have to say. take a colbert-stewart laxative and put it in every orafice in your body so you can get rid of the pointless shit and nonsense you have to say.
running from the wolf is a pointless act, you can only run for so long before you need rest. and the second your eyes close the pack will be there to rip you limb from limb. we all must one day face the truth, and running only creates distances that we must one day travel back. do not fear the inevitable, rather embrace all you have and be ready for what could come. dwell not in the past, but rather in the present. leave door closed and always remember what you went through.
two every door.
love, how would you explain it? its a feeling like no other. you find someone that makes you feel like your heart is soaring through the starlit sky. you would walk a thousand miles just to find a single perfect rose. every time you look into their eyes you shoot up into the stratosphere. even when youre old and grey you still have things to talk about. even as you go around day by day, all you can think about is them. you cant get them off your mind. you are speechless at the sight of their smile, and yet you cant help but talk to them in stutters and nervous sweat.
of course i dont belioeve in love; its like trying to climb a redwood in a hurricane. love is something that the world created to stave off loneliness. think about it, when have you ever truly had the relationship you wanted? theres always one arguement or one thing that you like that they dont. true love is unconditonal, both sides give 100% to the other knowing that they will always be there. broken hearts are supposed to be painless, but they hurt. its like you wake up every morning with an icy cold daggar in the center of your heart.
shame, envy, jealousy, greed, lust, embarassment, love, trust, truth, all just words till you put emotion to them. yet even though we are forced to write and speak about love in school, it isnt even a real word. it remains undefined like the endless value of pi. no human has ever gone their entire life without once experiencing hate. yet not every human knows what love feels like.
the longer the time the harder it is. like raising kids from birth or building your own house, when you put so much effort into something, you hate to see it go. its like the rain that comes and brings floods to the streets and towns. people hate it while its there, but when theyre suddenly facing a drought they wish that it would come back. winter comes and it gets cold, people miss the heat. summer comes and people miss the cold.
when a plane flies into the air, it must come down. when a submarine dives below the sea, it must come up. you spend what feels an eternity in the best days of your life, only to have it all burned up in front of you. you never know what you have till its gone, and love is only defined by how much youre willing to sacrifice to keep it alive. never dwell in the past and dont fret over the mistakes of others. one day they will face the punishment they deserve.
the winds blow, the seasons change. time goes on and love passes by. little do we know that our one and only is out there waiting. they may even be right next to us. its not how much you love someone that proves how much you care. its what your willing to do, how far youre willing to go, what youre willing to give, and what prices youre willing to pay just to keep them by your side. its not till the day you would walk a thousand miles to find the perfect rose that you understand what true love is.
while all the hatred and cheating circles around us like and endless hurricane, we stand and wait through it all with the hopes that it will one point pass. you just have to remember that even the worst storms that destroy everything that you know are always followed by the beautiful warm shining sun. never be one of the people who run from the winds of change. dash headfirst into the storm with no fear about what lies ahead. cause one day your sun will shine and youll find that special person, and next time the storm hits, you wont be alone.
in this world there are people who you can trust and then theres people you cant. the world is a sex obsessed, maniacal, greedy, cheating, lying, hateful, murderous place that is ruled by the wicked and rich. The more evil you are the greater youll rise. The smartest people in the world are the ones who we all try to put away in cells. Our society has been raised to think that if they make a mistake somebody else will come clean it up. Our society is built on this policy, but in my view is just a bunch of cowards. If someone is a threat to us we simply lock them away. If somebody is trying to reveal hidden secrets the government simply locks them where they’ll never be seen.
Everyone thinks that our contry is so great and that it’s the place of milk and honey. Ill tell you right now that if you make one wrong comment you end up in a federal prison. The people here take advantage of what they have. They reject the people who are different and respect those with power and money. In my opinion you don’t just get respect you have to earn it. I don’t give a shit if youre the head general of the American military or even the damn president. You aint getting my respect till you earn it. You can shove your medals and power in my face but that means nothing in this world. Is a medal gonna save the world? No! so take your damn ugly ass out of my face.
I lived a life of happiness till I learned what the world really is. When I was four I realized that the world is an evil place. Now I don’t see a reason to smile. Everything is controlled by the government and military. You watch what you see on tv not because you want to see it. You watch it because the government lets you. Just look around at the world around you, everything is what they want us to see. They expect us to take our view of who we should be from the media. They let the musicians and famous actors decide what we listen to and who we should be. Nobody can tell me what to wear, what to say and how, who I should be, who I should idolize, or when I should be quiet.
Ill wear whatever I want to wear, if they want me to dress fancy im wearing a tee shirt and shorts. Ill say what I want when I want and if you give me bad service ill write the worst restaurant review you’ve ever seen in your life and send it to the top critics. If you overcharge me or underserve me ill make you wish you never met me.
Don’t tell me to shut my mouth cause once its running I aint shutting down. You try to tell me to be someone ill spit in your face. Ill be who I want to be and if you don’t like it ill kick your ass. You want me to idolize others and try to be them? I don’t care if you bring in the president himself and talk about abstinence and drugs. You earn respect from me you don’t receive it otherwise.
I am a drug free, alcohol free, addiction free, sex free till marriage, influence free, and free of anything that controls my life. Money doesn’t matter as long as I have enough to live. Possessions are pointless and id rather just get rid of them. Im fine just owning a mattress, a pillow, and a couple blankets. I could live in a completely empty house with no care. You cant buy me off and don’t even try to compensate me with anything. You make a mistake I don’t want compensation I want the mistake fixed.

"i am but a lowly king, here to make sure my loyal subjects are happy and live fulfilled lives. to those who shun me or my ways, two walls to every door; my mind is made."

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