Wednesday, December 12, 2012

from the eys of a roach episode 7 (dating part 2)

from the eyes of a roach

episode 7:

Psychosocial Behavior: Dating and Relationships Part 2: The Single Life

dating part 2

By: Sam Pernicano


In part one I discussed dating and relationships and why break ups happen.  Now I am going to talk about something that affects a lot of us, including myself, the single life.

After a break up you can feel like the world has come crashing down on top of your head.  It can feel like all the ground around you has fallen away and there is nowhere left to walk.  This is the single life, the life that very few of us on earth (with the exception of some Tibetan monks) do not want to live with for all our lives.

We as human beings are in constant search of love.  We look high and low, but sometimes we do not find it.  Some people go their whole lives without love and die a hollow shell, empty and bleak.  We all long to feel loved; it is human nature that drives it so.

The single life can be very harsh at times and can sometimes bring great emotional pain.  I should know, I have been single for some time now and it is not fun.  I am going to do my best to explain the concept of dating to people that have either never dated, have just broken up, or are just looking for mister or misses right.

Think back at the dawn of mankind.  Ever since man first walked the earth, he longed to have a partner at his side.  Someone to share his food, his home, and to have kids with.  Even back then, it was considered shameful for a man to not have a partner.  If a man did not have a partner, he was considered inferior.

As time progressed, we developed new ideas about men and women.  Once society reached the industrial revolution, we were at our peak.  Men were supposed to go out and work while women stayed home.  Women were marrying at the age of about 16 and having kids soon after. 

Remember how I gave props to the women’s rights movement in part one? Well when the women’s rights movement occurred, this is when the single life began to occur.  Women began to go to school and get educations.  Women were given equal rights as men.  This was also the point that divorces began to start happening.  Before this time, divorces weren’t even heard of.  Divorces lead to multiple men and women splitting up and therefore creating the first batch of single people in the history of the US (that is technical history not recorded history, don’t look it up).

Equal rights between women and men also led to a woman’s word being just as important as a mans.  Before the woman’s rights movement, not many people cared what a woman had to say.  A woman could go to the town mayor with proof of acts of terrorism or possession of nuclear arms and nobody would care.

Today women and men have equal power in word.  However, police will believe a woman’s assault story before they will believe a mans.  My opinion is because 1. Women get hurt more, 2. Men lie A LOT, 3. Women can put emotions into just about ANY story to make it sound true, and 4. Men are aggressive by nature.

At present day, if you think you are sad being single here in America, just be glad that you don’t live in china.  They have a gross overpopulation of boys to the point that there may not be enough girls to go around.  If you were single over there then you would really be in deep.  Its good to be in America isn’t it?

The single life is hard and I have been stumped on why it is so hard to get a date when you are a single guy.  So I spent some time studying human beings, how they interacted with each other and their environments, and each other.  This gave me the basic insight I needed to know to answer this question.  Now I have a new question for you, why is it so hard to get a date when you are a single GUY?

After studying human nature for a short time I discovered the simplicity to the dating scenario.  To be a single girl is actually quite a bit easier than to be a single guy.  Why you ask? Well let me ask you this? Have you ever heard of gender stereotypes? I’m not talking about the, “guys like sports, girls like dolls”, no, I'm talking about the gender stereotypes of the social rules of dating.  Have you ever though about those for a second?  Well let me list them below.

Males: ask the girl out first, be the first to kiss her before the fourth date, keep your chest out, hold our stomach in, don’t burp, don’t flat late, don’t make any obscene comments, pull out her chair for her, always listen to her, let her speak first, always take her home and make sure she gets inside safe.

Females: wait till the boy asks you out first, wait till he kisses you first to kiss back, keep your body poised properly and firmly, brush your hair, wear lipstick and makeup, do not speak until you are spoken to, be on your best behavior.

In think there may be more, but these were created at the dawn of the country.  Please look at the first two on the female and male list: ask the girl out first, be the first to kiss her before the fourth date (male), and, wait till the boy asks you out first, wait till he kisses you first to kiss back (female).  Why do I want you to look at these two? Because in these two socio-gender expectations lies the problem that results in most single relationships.

Girls, a guy may like you quite a bit, but he might be scared to ask you out or talk to you for many reasons.  He might think that you are not single, that you may not like him, or he may just be nervous.  Girls, you can be the lifesaver in this struggle that we have with single relationships.  If you like a guy and you are interested in him, go up and talk to him.  Who knows, he could end up being mister right.  If he’s not interested then don’t be heartbroken, just keep moving on to other guys till you find someone.

Guys, I know it’s hard to ask a girl out, but sometimes its got to be done.  The issue is that usually a girl is more likely to already be taken than a guy.  I should know, I have been talking to girls for a while and I can’t find one single, single girl, but I have found a lot of single guys.  Where are all the single girls? Mars? Venus? Canada? Seriously girls, make a move, us guys will appreciate it.

In summary, the single life can be hard, but given a switch in the operation of gender expectations we may be able to overcome at least some of our single lives.  It does suck having mass knowledge and having no one to share it with. 

Imagine being the richest man in the world, you have everything.  Money, power, people, they are all at your command.  You love being rich and powerful.  On the other hand, you have a brother who is an average guy who is in love with this very attractive red haired, blue-eyed girl.  Your brother invites you to his wedding and you go and see how in love he is with his fiancĂ© and how happy he is. 

After the wedding you go back to your home and contemplate why your brother was so happy.  You begin to look back on your life and the accomplishments you have made.  World power, world money, world people, you own everything, but you have nobody to share it with.  You begin to use your money to buy other peoples love, but it’s just not the same as what you saw your brother feeling.  One day you meet a woman that you fall in love with and begin dating, but before you get the chance to propose you have a heart attack.  On your death bed you tell your brother that you are giving him everything you have and that the only thing you regret is that you owned everything but you had no one to share it with till the very end, and by then, it was too late.  Then you close your eyes and you fall into eternal sleep.

Moral of the story: being single is not a fun thing, it is emotionally nerve wracking, and long term exposure to it can cause psychological damage to the brain

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