Wednesday, December 12, 2012

the adventures of joshua dildo episode 5

episode 5: can i get nuts in your mouth?

after ben 10 used konahamaru in one of their episodes naruto finally decided to sue them. unfortunately COPYRIGHTNOJUTSU was not a crime, or for that matter even a jutsu. so naruto decided to head home and play super duper emo man and butt diddle saske. when the walls come down, berlin will be free.
rermember that brushing you penis every day can make you a much stronger cucumber. if you dont wash you teeth and brush your ears you will have dreams of a monkey dancing naked in a black tutu.
azureblade49, protonjon, and icran girl walk into a bar; one orders a mushroom, one orders a feather and a cape, and the third orders a god damn blue yoshi to take the next turtle shell the hell out.
now mario wanders the sewers for his entire life while collecting gold coins. but because he and luigi live in southern italy all the money goes to the government. so while bowzer pops princess cherry the question mario realizes that if the sewers were clean that maybe a giant oversized alligator wouldnt be making his life miserable. 
now that my butt cheese and cleaveland steamer is finished, all you hobnockers can suck my skunk brownie. remember kids that lying is a bad thing unless you make a career from it like mitt romney. just know that women will always put dark chocolate before white bananas. now that we have cleared up the monkey fog i can monkey you a new monkey monkey monkey.
remember to marklar your marklar and cumidycalla you cimidikay and that one goggle times one cockass is one infinicrinigrinidy. not to be confused with myfriendearlisadouchebagdotcomdotnetdotwhatthehellwasidoingagainquestionmark
three words: i hate the world and all the penis and vagina boobs that barbra strizan cookies in a monkeys ass (hyphenated). so as for the donkey dicks we all are ready to eat muffins and brownies tha were made from the horses ass. remember that every pope never existed in the bible or a chess set for that matter besides the timer clock.
so why arent their any bisexual biships? because they can only move diagonally. as for my ass he is quite fine and wishes you to kiss him goodnight. i have to go save someone from becoming their own rats. remember that flossing a penis is almost as painful as flossing your colon. NEVER EAT A BIRD WHILE EATING A SNAKE WHILE EATING SUNFLOWER SEEDS!

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