Saturday, December 8, 2012

life and times of sp_on episode 3

pier pressure; pushing teens to the edge and over before teaching them to swim

why do teens try so hard to rebel against authority and be as cool as possible? frankly if anyone is to blame its not the media. its the job of the parents to tell their kids everything they know before they go and try to learn themselves. teens and preteens both want to be treated like adults. parents who strictly control what their kids do are making a huge mistake.
teens rebel against their parents for many reasons. but the reason they do drugs and drink is because they dont know better. if parents dont teach their kids about sexual education and drugs the kids will try to learn on their own.  personally i knew about the birds and the bees by the time i was six years old. of course all the fucking sexual inuindos and slang terms had me about as confused as an obsessive conpulsive person on opposite day (and yes its a real holiday).
i believed in santa claus and the tooth fairy up till i was 13. kids are supposed to learn things like those dont exist on their own, ok. well what happens when you have only had three friends and the only shows you could watch were cartoons? i was pissed and still am to find that all that shit was fake. so why did my family lie to me and crush my dreams? seriously?!
people tell me that not telling kids that santa isnt real isnt crushing kids dreams. well from experience being one of those kids who honestly thought my parents always told me the truth. i cried secretly for days when i found out that my parents lied to me. were my dreams crushed? yes. was i pissed? is it a good idea to kick a grizzly in the balls? my dreams were crushed and as they were all i had left i lost track of life.
i had one teacher make me stand in a corner and she constantly beat me every time i breathed. she told me to stop breathing, well thats why i never breathe through my mouth anymore. another teacher picked me up when i cried and shook me violently till i clammered down. three of my closest male friends sexually abused me; one beat my crotch when i didnt listen to him, one just plain hit me constantly, and the other constantly flashed his junk in my face.
i spent my first two years of elementary school in classes specifically designed for mentally ill children. i would have loved the fact that we were allowd to play video games and bring toys, but i wanted to learn. book by book i taught myswlf how to read, i learned how to write, to tie my shoes, and to do math; everything i did myself. things got worse one day when i got strep throat and it leaked into my brain. i was permanently damaged mentally, now diagnosed with autism, ocd, bipolar disorder, temporal limbic seizures, and psychosis.
my life officially ruined i began the long path of finding my way in the world. my best friend david paul was the only reason i strived to become smarter. we competed to see who could be the smartest. and by the grace of a teacher name gloria strope i was placed in regular classes by the third grade. i still faced trials and problems but i never gave up.
once in middle school i learned just how confusing life really was. the day the planes crashed into the twin towers i was home sick. i knew only one tv channel, cartoon network; so when i arrived to school the next day to find "what do you think of osama bin laden?" written on the chalkboard on my social studies class i didnt know what was going on. "who is osama bin laden?" a question that marked me as the next kid to get his ass kicked by the entire state.
i didnt know what happened, who bin aden was, or even what was going on. it took over a week before people realized that i seriously had no idea what the hell 9/11 was. i thought people were playing a huge joke on me. my mom told me to not turn on the news that day, so i didnt. i respected my parents, unlike all the other kids.
if high school was supposed to be the best years of our life, then my life is going to be a total shithole. i started out high school as the shortest kid ther and graduated the same. i had no friends till my senior year, all i could do was play in band and wait for it all to end. i hit puberty in my sophmore year, and in 12 months it all ended. do you have any idea what its like to have only one year to figure out whether you are straight, gay, bisexual, a furry, and go through every step of puberty? my voice never cracked, i never had the sexual urges everyone else had, i obeyed my parents, i never did drugs, and i never drank.
i fucking hate beer and alcohol in general, tastes like freeze fried shit mixed with watered down soap. and im allergic to weed so i never smoked it. i had the misfortune of being both allergic to milk and being lactose intolerant. so pizza, ice cream, cheese, milk, hell any milk products; i couldnt consume them.
the worst part of my life to date was when two teachers and three students conspired against me. i had two teachers write me up for false sexual harassment. the worst was when a girl decided to tell the school that i brought a gun in and was going to shoot the place up. while i had both an alibi and a witness that could verify that i wasnt even talking to her at the time she gave, the police still ignored me and treated me like a common criminal. i left that day and didnt come back till the next year. the school that ruined my life, the blazing shithole called seneca high school magnet academy.
you think that losing a person youre dating is a sad pity case? or that being voted homecoming queen or king as a joke is tear jerking? at least you got to date. at least you got to go to homecoming. so what if you lose your best friend or family. having a best friend kill themselves, having a cathedor shoved up your urethra twice in one week and pissing blood into a plastic bag the whole time, losing a dog a cat a grandfather and all your friends in one month; those things are worth a pity case. do you know how painful it is when a cathedor is inserted? try taking a grden hose and forcing it down the sink.
humanity has grown weak, relying on technology to survive. putting data on the cloud, have none of us learned from the great depression? when we die nothing but the actions we have taken and our life matters. even the most fierce storms are followed by the warmth of the sun. but can you tell the difference between the sun rising and the sun falling? drop a ball and freeze time, is it bouncing up? or falling down? all things must go up, all things must go down; never will the cycle end.

"i am but a lowly king, here to make sure my loyal subjects are happy and live fulfilled lives. to those who shun me or my ways, two walls to every door; my mind is made."

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