Wednesday, October 2, 2013

LUST (part 3 of 7): the 7 deadly sins and why they can be good

the three "r's" and the deadly three "b's"

the only reason strip clubs are kept open is because governments can tax them. strip clubs are no different from brothels and whores. women and men expose them selves and are forced todo sexual favors for men and women who have no respect for themselves or the person getting their rocks off. strip clubs force otherwise reasonable and nice people to do things that make everyone involved shower each night to wash away the disgusting white shame that covers their life.
prostitutes are basically strippers owned by pimps who beat them daily and force them to have sex with people. sometimes strip clubs have good hearted owners who actually care about the people who work there. if the girl says no and you still try the bouncer throws you out. but the fact is that the only miniscule difference between the two is that the government can tax strip clubs.
unless I was trying to help someone you wouldn't see me in a strip club. hooters and the tilted kilt are barely two steps behind, using women and unimplied sex to sell food and drinks. and the men there have no respect for the female workers. who are forced to wear short shorts and tops with push up bras just to work a job. and what do the male tilted kilt workers wear? normal wiater white tee shits and an irish kilt. you want to make it seem irish? make the damn men carry bagpipes and make them learn to play, hell why not an irish drinking song for birthday parties? courtesans were prostitues funded by the government in Italy and nobody complained. regulation, religion, and rules has turned a once great society into a war zone of bras, bombs, bullets, and blood. the "three r's" that has created the deadly "three b's".


ok well onto the subject of todays lesson- wait, I was supposed to teach?! WELL  FUCK! WHERE THE HELL IS MY LESSON PLAN?! no, NO DONT EAT THAT! well then, since my dog has eaten my lesson plan for today I guess I cant teach. wait- whats that? if I don't teach im fired? well I fucked your mom last night so what do you have to say to that?! oh, shes dead? um, then how about your dad? would that work? whatever....
well enough of that confusing shit, onto the subject, lust. yes lust, a deadly sin that can rip a man in half, turn his heart and mind inside out, and leave him drowning in an ocean of his own self sacrifice and pity. a state of mind than can turn entire empires against themselves and create the downfall of mankind. a feeling that can take the truth and recreate every lie in its image. lust, the killer of man, and the taker of lost souls.
lust is the feelings of sexual attraction to someone next to you, yes that gaydar needle is pointing straight up your ass. lust is not bound by gender roles or race, and if it had to choose a side it would be the better side till it found one more appealing. it is the feelings that drive a mans dick into the life of a person he doesn't love. and the feeling that will drive a womans vaginal cavern to provide shadow and housing for a man whose life lacks any detail or prologue.
lust is sexual attraction for anyone or anything that turns a person on. it has no boundries as people can be easily influenced by drugs, alcohol, and just being generally horny. people get turned on and many do not have the willpower to resist fucking everything that makes their moral compass hard as rock. lust only lasts as long as you can be turned on byt nothing but exterior imagery.
lust is a sin because it involves idolworship and sexual feelings for people you neither love or care about. people have sex and fuck things that in no way will benefit god or society. but I am not here to talk god, hell no and fuck that; I don't have plans to scream religion into peoples ears, not now and not ever. I do not believe in telling happy people that what they do is wrong.
while lust is a horrible abomination that leaves empires in ruin, it is not entirely a bad thing. lust is critical in establishing a good relationship, and integral to the advancement of mankind. without the sexual attraction we feel for others, whether we act on it or not, what would inspire us to do great things. john hinkly's attempted assassination of the president was spawned by his sexual feelijngs for a femal actor. im not saying that assassination is a good thing or to kill the president, actually DO NO TRY TO KILL THE FUCKING PRESIDENT. SERIOUSLY I WILL FIND YOU AND KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. how? I LIVE IN YOUR CLOSET! HEHEHE.... but the attempted assassination led to inspiration for a second term as president. simply put, lust can inspire others to do things they would normally never do.
when people wish to establish a successful relationhip they better be physically attracted to each other. relationships are 30% lust, 30% love, 30% compromise, 5% sex, 4% family, and 1% other. if you aren't physically attracted to the person you are dating or marrying then you probably wont ever bee physically attracted. and that 30% fills with something else; porn, strip clubs, cheating, fighting, expensive cars or jewelry, sports, violence, or even murder.
no matter how good a person may be inside if they aren't physically appealing to you then how could you stand to see them every day? if you can stomach the way someone looks then how can you avoid vomiting every morning you see them? im not saying that you could never love and ugly person. if you are blind then you will become sexually attracted to other aspects than physical on a person. as such physical attraction can be overcome if you care enough about what a person is like.
personality can overcome looks, but without personality or intelligence not even the worlds most attractive man or woman is even worth being friends with. I would turn down a thousand porn stars and supermodels for one single mother with a compassionate heart. some people (like ashton kuthcher or Daniel tosh) are just assholes inside and you wish someone would KICK THEIR ASS. women and men with nothing but looks and no character or brains are only good as long as their looks last, and with the lack of Edward Cullen copying machnes, relationships based off lust are only doomed to fail in a fireball of sadness and misery.
lust is important as it leads to confrontation. when two guys like the same girl they compete to be her boyfriend (or in the case of the beatles four guys who were amazing musicians end their award winning career because of one single Asian). competition is important in the advancement of any species, otherwise why the hell try to be better? (though I think sports are gay as hell).
lust by itself is a bad thing for anyone, but lust combined with compassion and understanding leads to a better future (I now fuse my lust, compassion, and understanding using polymerization in order to summon........A BETTER FUTURE!! wait, nobody cares about yugioh? well DUH!) the fact is that lust is not always a bad thing...but strip clubs and prostitutes are.

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