Tuesday, February 12, 2019

whistlin' the window - another "lets not meet" story

about a week ago at like 3am i could hear someone standing and moving outside my balcony. they didnt leave and were shuffling around and standing there. i started to wonder if it was just some drunk who got locked out.
then they started to whistle. they knew i was in my room because every time i made a noise or cleared my throat i could hear them tapping the balcony or groaning. and then they just starting whistling.
but not like a cheery tune whistle, cat call whistle, the loud whistle that gets peoples attention from across rooms, the "atteeeentiooon!" whistle, or even a song whistle. it was this like, monochromatic [imagine musical notes as colors], emotionless, chaotic tune whistle. there was no structure to the tune or any pattern. it was as a child pounding on the xylophone for the first time with no idea what notes made what tune.
it reminded me of all those movies and tv shows where the psychopaths and killers whistle a creepy baseless tune right before they strike their victims.
so i got real quiet. trying to make them believe i was asleep or something. and then they began to pace down the stairs and around my balcony. all while still whistling that unstatured tune. eventually the whistling stopped as they walked off.
and then they laughed. this creepy eeerie disturbing psycho of a laugh that one only does when they are completely bonkers. they were right outside my balcony down below as they chuckled in madness and walked off.
later on in the early morning someone rang my doorbell and the buildings doorbells about eight times. then the next day, again, at 5am they rang MY doorbell.
i still dont know who the hell this guy was. or what he wanted. what i can say is that i hope we never meet and that he doesnt come back. i hear that whistle again i am CALLING THE POLICE and sleeping with a gun in my hand.
at least jack is a deterrent.

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