Monday, July 13, 2015

another dumb article [career verses currency (or is my job worth the price i pay for doing it?)]

okay those are some big numbers. but now lets see a reference article that lists the costs required to ACTUALLY GO TO AND GRADUATE schools with those degrees. yes those jobs pay a lot, and yes they are hiring a lot; but lots of things can negatively affect people who WANT these careers. credit, debt, intelligence, testing scores, your work experience, criminal records, facebook pages, and even other applicants. if you want that job, and someone else does; and that person is willing to do ANYTHING to get that job, then they may outdo you. sabatoge, lies, greed, corruption, a darkness lies in the hearts of all men. and even if you have perfect scores and perfect reputation; there will ALWAYS be someone who wants it more. the workforce is not some kind of beautiful entity that loves the people in it. its a jungle, a vast, aggressive, tightly clustered jungle. and if you aren't careful you might get killed and NEVER make it out. jobs are a privelage to us not a right, and you can be fired at any time for any reason. believe me I know people who were doing their damned best and doing everything they were asked, and they paid the price. im not saying that jobs are bad, im saying that people are bad. and some people are VERY bad, most end up in a hellish place that treats them like animals when they are LIVING BEINGS. but some of them don't get caught, and others never truly pay their dues. when you graduate from that college and get your dream job, make sure you can wake up in the morning and be proud of the people who pay you and the work you do. in a world full of oysters everyone wants pearls, but im fine selling necklaces.

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