Monday, July 13, 2015

apocalypse THIS!

in the grand scheme of it all, we are but one race, and one planet. we think of ourselves as the "dominant beings" of our planet and even our universe. we deplete our resources and isolate and punish those who we do not wish to see. starvation and poverty, death and ruin, fire and decay; we think of ourselves before others. so goes our nature, but not everyone is selfish.
we want to survive, we want to LIVE; and in our quest to thrive we sometimes trample those in pain. if we believe that we are the dominant life forms and we treat our planet like a regenerating creature of unlimited energy, WE WILL FALL. and if we believe we are the dominant life forms and deplete our resources till their is nothing left, what then? we find another inhabitable planet and travel there?
if there is another planet like ours out there in the megaverse [and believe me it IS possible], then THAT planet will have beings just like us living there. if the planet is similar to ours then it WILL have humanoid life forms. and if THEY are anything like US, then what makes anyone here think they will just let us waltz in and take THEIR resources? they will resist, defy, and ultimately we both will be destroyed.
and what if when we get to their planet THEY too have drained their own resources? is it really our right to claim dominion over another world that is not our own? and what about what other planets life forms? do you believe they will use our language, our words, the names we have given our elements, our people, our planets, and even our love? no, more likely they will haave different words for our planets, elements, our people, and even our language.
if we left this planet to go to another we would have to learn everything over again. we cant even all agree which measuring system to use, let alone decide who gets to live and die when our planet is doomed. who could say they would willingly submit to someone elses customs, their foods, their might and power, and completely assimilate ourselves till we cant even remember our own humanity?
anyone who thinks that we should find another planet as a failsafe is fooling themselves. it would be more financially reasonable to find a synthetic way of somehow renewing our planets resources. like coding the structural dna of everything we need to live into a machine that can replicate that material by using other...less useful...materials. mars looks like a barren desert wasteland incapable of supporting any life. but so does a lot of OUR world before desertification.
mars has plenty of iron, meaning plenty of raw material for creating industry. its a big BIG planet covered in LOTS of dust. the polar is caps are covered in LOTS of ice and snow, yet deep underneath there is chance of frozen life lost deep under the snows of time. the polar ice caps were once part of pangea before it separated, and pangea had tons of life. we even have found frozen cavemen and wooly mammoths, so whos to say that under all that ice their isn't an entire plethora of life and death that we know nothing about?
this is not just our planet, its our home; our world. it lives. magma flows through it like blood, continents move across it like flesh, plants grow on it like hair, light shines from it like eyes, and we live on it like bacteria. we are the antibodies of our planets heavenly body, and we should be finding ways to preserve it and keep it and ourselves alive rather than cannibalizing it like some deadly virus. when we bleed do we just empty out like a bullet riddled bucket spilling out water? no, our body converts other cells into more blood. when our bones break do they just fall to pieces like a jenga  tower made from wet tissue? no, our blood cells repair and reset the damage. when we close our eyes do we drown in utter blackness like a mammoth drowning in tar? no, we open our eyes and the rods and cones work to filter in the light and allow us to see the world and all its glory.
we are strong, we are brave, we are resilient, we are great. we. are. humanity. and this planet is our domain. we live here and we must die here. one planet, one life; we either all live together or we will one day die together.
that is my message, take it or leave it; I do not care. either we take efforts to both protect our worlds resources AND find more efficient ways to use and extract them, or forever remain deadlocked in the eternal struggle of our existence. we have to live together, but that doesn't mean we have to like each other.
"this is not the first world, this is not the last; what we have in the present comes from our past. rain or shine, from the dystopian and the divine; we have but one world. your world....and mine."

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