Friday, July 5, 2013


first of all DO NOT use and it WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT worth the time I put into it. the site has terrible customer service that quite literally has no care for you. even if you send a message to them 100 times all you will ever get back is an automated reply. the woman who runs the matching services and who created the site originally is absolutely sexist; telling women that if they want a man to date they should "change who they are and how they act and learn to like the things mean do." she tells women to either "learn to like cars, sex, violence, sports, and threeways" and that if they cant learn to that they should "fake it and lie".
the services on the site are very complex to try and use as well as having all profiles soley based on lifestyle and how much a member makes and what they look like. every event the site hosts pretty much always involves happy hours and people getting plastered. I tried to go to 5 separate events and the result was a room with hundreds of men and women all sitting alone who were too scared to even walk up to each other. I got so bored I burned a cup with my lighter and left to go home.
the events are extremely disrespectful in that they openly serve alcohol to people like they drink every day. I signed up for the six month trial which wasn't really even worth the time or money. since the site doesn't give refunds all I got was six months free. the members are even worse, as the men only have photos taken in the bathroom mirror while the women lie about their looks and want completely shovanistic qualities in their men.
the few women who weren't reasonable were completely oblivious when a guy tried to talk to them who met every quality they wanted. 5/50 women wanted a man to be taller, wealthier, more physically attractive, and older than they were, and would not even talk to a man younger than them. whats more is that the women would literally ignore a man if she didn't like him. I spent months messaging the same women again and again till I eventually got pissed off and told them that either they say they aren't interested or I would never leave them alone. 1/20 women would be total assholes and treat me rudely and disrespect me after trying to talk to them.
as for the women and their personalities they would say they weren't interested even if they knew nothing about me. the women would lie about their looks saying that they were "curvy" when they were really more like a hippopotomas trying to put on a wet blanket. the women would be rude and totally disregard how others felt. one woman reported me to the suicide hotline when I wasn't even suicidal. is so not worth the time you use. after spending six months with the sites services I can say without a doubt that the site was so not worth it that I am not even going to use my free six months. I ended up having to block more than 1000 womens profiles because I kept getting women who had unreasonable requests for the men they wanted, women who blatently lied about their looks, women who were in denial about the men they wanted, or that the women were complete self centered idiots.
if you want to try online dating DO NOT use

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