Thursday, January 24, 2013


outlook seems grim:
theres three sides to every coin. you can call heads or tails, but when the coin lands standing on its side you cant help but wonder how to pick a winner. dont judge me or assume you know me. if you can figure me out ill take you out anywhere you want. 100 bucks? dont care. i cant even figure why i do things and i know me best. turn left and you miss what youd see turning right. i am unpredictable and crazy. red is up and blue is 5. all life is equal and at death nothing but our souls matters. there is no race, no gender, sexual preference is btu a way of life, bisexual people dont know the difference between love and sexual relief, the bible says nothing about being gay being wrong, love is and illusion created to stave off ones loneliness and despair, and every sun sets when the moon rises. life is simple, but complex; a roulette of madness and death where humanity seeks immortality to deny fate. "two walls, one door."
philosophy is a life of loneliness. i am burdened with more than any human could bear. most people who have seen what i have have either gone insane or killed themselves. i have chopped off the hand of madness and used the bones to choke reality to death. i accept everything i hear as truth and when the day is done i deliver a sentence. those who lie will drown in the pool of their unjust words. those who lust for those bound to others will suffocate inside the cruel hand of heartbreak. the greedy will be blinded by the very light of the gold they so dearly cherish. the jealous will be swallowed by the shdaows of their doubts and fears, eventually to be extinguished for eternity.
i have but a few friends, i have never found love and believe it to be a lie, and all that i have ever cared for has soon perished.
food for thought:
the world, every world; with infinite possibilities there are infinite worlds.
what lies beyond what only the human eye can see?
are we the main world or simply a branch of another worlds mistakes?
who keeps screwing with my life?
are we all human? or is there a greater force out there far beyond comprehension at work?
why cant everyone accept everyone else? why must we argue and bicker over so much that we lose track of whats on the line? one second a man is on trial for murder, the next hes being given a pity sentence because his kid died two weeks ago. where has the world gone?
why must i be burdened with the horrors and joys that i have seen? why cant everyone know true happiness?
and thats just the first 3 minutes when i wake up. i wonder if i will be stuck with more questions than answers.

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