Friday, November 17, 2017

pokemon red/blue/yellow/green theory: did mewtwo kill giovanni?

ok so [and you gotta follow me on this], did mewtwo actually kill giovanni and create a psychic projection that was supposed to take his place? or maybe mewtwo took over his mind. but after the rocket game corner encounter giovanni's emotions and attitude get kind of, off. plus he disappears after slyph magically and the ceo hands you the master ball, with a totally nonrealistic reaction for a man who just literally had his entire building [including staff] turn to try to destroy him. then after the gym battle, when you talk to giovanni [after defeating him] he just "magically vanishes". i mean how the hell does that gym even continue to run with no gym leader, and the members there act as if he never left. plus gold and silver mention silvers connection to giovanni [is it me or did silvers hair oddly have a close resemblance to like a fusion of jessie and james' hair?]. so my theory is that, "did mewtwo actually 'kill' giovanni and like posess his mind? or like create a psychic image of him? plus if giovanni was the only one to have "discovered" the fissure tm, if he were to pass on without teaching it to anyone it would make sense for why fissure never made it to gen II tm list. cause, well, the ONLY one who discovered, created, and gave it out is either missing or dead. and i doubt he would just run off without teaching a protege the move. so, did mewtwo actually kill giovanni and replace him? and for that matter, where was mewtwo during the time before he went to cerulean cave? if a whole freaking laboratory couldnt contain mewtwo, how could some dude with no pokemon [or anything really] keep mewtwo in the cave? maybe mewtwo actually killed giovanni and used a transformation to take his place in the attempt to learn of ghost types [as they were the one type to be able to hurt mewtwo] and to find the master ball so as to catch any pokemon who might oppose him [or maybe to research it]. if mewtwo failed in his first major plan [which apparently the pokemon first movie is canonical], then maybe mewtwo came up with a better plan. maybe he actually killed giovanni, but used his psychic abilities to wipe the minds of anyone involved and create false ones. i mean, what the hell is the reason mewtwo is even in cerulean cave? maybe, oh, idk, cause the fact of what he did with giovanni and all those he hurt was overwhelming and he decided that solitary isolation from any who he could assiciate with was kind of his, "punsihment". see, cerulean cave was blocked by some dude nobody knew, and who somehow KNEW when you became champion. if he were waiting solely for the champion, then why not gary [blue]? he beat the elite four before you. maybe mewtwo actually WAS disguised as giovanni after unintentionally killing him in his testing, and knowing that you [and ONLY you] were handed the master ball, that only YOU would have the power to catch him and TRULY control him. perhaps this is why mewtwo isolated itself within the deepest bowels of cerulean cave, becuase the odds of even the elite four themselves getting ten feet in [before all the elctrodes blew them the f**k up] were like a million to one. and even IF a trainer reached him, they would have like ZERO chance to capture him. thus meaning that cerulean cave was mewtwos act of "punishment" for his crimes, and he placed himself in an impossible place to reach alive. plus he looks to be a stone statue in rbyg, in a state of stasis. so maybe he went there to meditate in peace to learn more about his existence. the best place to meditate would be a place where one can avoid interruptions and also seek ways to become stronger. these reasons are why i believe that mewtwo may have done something with giovanni. another theory: sun and moon are actually an alternate reality or another dimension/universe now with rainbow rockets appearance in the ultra series giovanni makes a reappearance. why would this not debunk the mewtwo theory? well sun and moon involve four rather "odd" aspects that hint to the fact that aloha is actually kind of a pocket dimension. the wormholes, the ultra beasts that use them, the odd way that kanto pokemon somehow gain new forms, and the fact that [somehow] the alohan region HAS NO CHAMPION. and now with the ultra release we add a few new strange aspects pointing even further to pocket dimensions and/or parallel universes. the ultra wormholes, the ability to TRAVEL TO FREAKING OUTER SPACE, the sudden reintroduction to giovanni AND team rocket, and of course the major dealy: FUCKING MEWTWO. a legendary last seen in red, blue- oh wait- i mean X AND Y. and with zyguard being integral to aloha my best guess is that this may be finishing the unfinished story from x/y and the universe referenced in omega ruby/alpha sapphire. btw if you are not familiar here is the summary: a huge meteor is headed towards earth. team [giant-garchomp-water-shark-torpedo-head] and team [gaint-useless-flaiming-camel-who-gets-one-shot] are attempting to awaken the respective legendary [giant blue whale who hates noa]/[giant-clawfortail-what-the-f**k-even-am-i?]. by awakening the legendary and using the orbs of gen I power, they plan to rip open a void and send the meteor hurtling into another dimension/universe/time. this is referred to by [dick-who-faps-to-an-iron-maiden] and how it would have simply both doomed another world just like their own and delayed the inevitable. this other time/universe/dimension may in fact be being referred to the x/y universe and the war fought over [murdered on phonics]. or referring to the alohan universe. further proof that sun/moon is an alternate dimension/universe is the storyline states that arceus created all that is, which INCLUDES the SUN AND MOON. yet in aloha it is stated that the two legendary created/represent the sun and moon respectively. also more proof is that while sun/moon are effectively the same place they have inverted day/night cycles. how could this occur unless they were parallel universes located on a split dimensional plane with one other universe located between them? the final fact is that the ONLY other game to reference "space" is the ruby and sapphire line. and omega ruby/alpha sapphire use "wormholes" [albeit created by hoopa unbound.... SOMEHOW]. the hoopa wormholes and ultra wormholes allow access to legendary's, soo where TF are these legendary's coming from? giratina exists ONLY in the distortion realm. are you freaking telling me that hoopa and necrozema have the power to LITERALLY RIP OPEN THE FABRIC OF SPACE TIME?! wait, no wonder you need those two. still...

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