Thursday, February 8, 2018

summoners war - the b10 problem

you cant give an exact time as to how long it takes to be able to do a b10 [gb10, db10] run in caiross just based off your runes, mons, and account age.
it is IN FACT based of of five factors:
1. having the base mons required [wayne/bernard, belladeon, shannon/megan, spectra/other speed lead], and having them to AT LEAST level 35 [5*]
2. starting the fusion process for veromos [which is four 5* fusions at max lvl 35 requiring 16 4* max mons at lvl 30, ALL AWAKENED]
3. being able to farm b5 WITHOUT USING REPS
4. FARMING B5 and doing so till all your mons have FULL lvl 5 runes [powered up to AT LEAST lvl 9-12]
5. finally and MOST important: having bernard/wayne and belladeon/healers speed boost and healing skills skills MAXED

it is ONLY AFTER having completed these four steps that one can FINALLY progress into farming or completing b10 stages, and therefore start a "technical timeclock" for how long it "should take".

     players who claim its easy list teams that include monsters that are more often then not, rare as hell. or just hard to come by. THE GAME IS RNG BASED, "whats a 'rng'?" you ask? its a "random number generator". it means that an rng activates EVERY TIME you summon, complete a level and recieve a reward [including runes or crafting shit], restock the shop using timeclock reset [normal reset] or crystals, recieve mana stones from enemies in levels [excluding sd, which ALWAYS drop 80], go to attack, or do fucking ANYTHING in game that is not specifically scripted [ie. it TELLS YOU what you are getting PRECISELY]. even pop up items you can buy are rng based [to an extent, as they use "triggers" which are actions ingame that activate specific TYPES of rng lists or objects].
     as a result some people get good summons, runes, items, and rewards while others get...well, totally screwed. the problem with like 95% of the people who claim "its easy to complete [insert level]b10" list monsters that people just dont have, they dont offer advice, or they just drop their pants and shit on people talking how bad their mons are and calling them "noobs" [which is the gamer equvalent of shouting the "n-word" in a crowd in the milllion man march].
     if you dont have any advice for players, your team consists of 5* gods or 4* demigods like chasun [like come one people, not everyone has her but yet...somehow...evryonhasher. grr], you dont have advice to offer, you just call people noobs, or you refuse to offer proof, then just shut the hell up and go play felch. the same issue happens with raids, where the raid monster lists consist of like 50 damn mons that are top tier rare and NOBODY can get easily. HOH never helps as like 90% of the mons are LITERALLY rated as top tier garbage by noobs and veteran pros alike. [water mermaid and water barbarian king and that damn pumkin, wtf were they THINKING?!]
     the other issue with people in ragards to "completing b10" is the fact that there is no EXACT tiem span it "SHOULD take" a player to complete. everyone plays for different time spans and different rates, and older veteran players offer ZERO HELP to newer players, only treating them like shit then expecting them to figure EVERYTHING on their own. its like the army, only instead of buidling the soldiers back up to make a functioning unit the superiors just keep slamming rifle stocks into your face and nutsack. new players get ZERO help and when they get something good they often overlook it an toss it. feeding good monsters or using HORRIBLE rune combos like verad running an hp runeset with high attack, people using fire archangels runed with solely hp and ZERO defense or speed, veromos runed with hp runes and zero speed or defense or attack; all are byproducts of players being uninformed about key aspects of the game.
     in general the "timeclock" as it were, cannot be "started" for how long it "should" take to be able to farm b10 till a player has completed the five steps above. "step 4" could be left out, as it is part of the climb; but due to the difficulty of the b10 levels you NEED runes FROM b5 AT LEAST to begin trying to clear b10. if you start from the beginning of fusing vero and from getting all lvl 5 runes, it adds an unknown time [as rng MEANS R. N. G., thus you may spend EONS just TRYING to get better runes.]
     to really give a best estimate of the "timeclock" for general b10 [necro excepted as thats TOTALLY DIFFERENT setup and rules], the clock would start from the point that:
a. you have the mons required and bernard and your healers speed boost and healing skills are maxed
b. you have AT LEAST all 4-5* runes [preferrably FROM caiross] and they are powered up to AT LEAST +9-+12
c. you both have the runes you want/need for [follwing the rune conditions right above] and have begun to fuse veromos
     at this point my lowest estimate for time to be b10 ready is about 1-2 week(s). this is considering that you find the sd [either in chat or in the caiross level completion] you need. and that you manage to either play long enough or get lucky enough to find the essence required to AWAKEN all the fusion monsters. which btw, i will be covering fusions in the next post about summoners war. a bit more...should we say, "helpful?" than this one. as many may question the viability of them and whether they are worth it, and also i will list the total numeric count of essence required for ALL OF THEM. so you know what you need to keep, aaand what you can spare.
     lowest estimate for b10 readibility [if you played EVERY day for one week straight] is about a week; and thats if you get lucky. average players may spend roughly two weeks, or more once you get to that damn !@#%& dark yeti sd. which everyone wants, yet only a few ever find; its like digging up your bum and finding coal [yes coal, cause who the f*** considers dark yeti a diamond?].
     but remember this estimate is only AFTER completing the 3-5 steps i have already listed. and due to the nature of rng, those may take a few days or even years. hell i played every day for like 10 months on my new alt before i finally found the stupid fucking bella sd. and here i am over a years play and my bernards third STILL isnt past level 2 skillup, cause ive literally only summoned like 3 friggin mons to feed him in that time. and it took me a year just to finally find a dark hellhound sd while my main found his DAY FREAKING ONE.
     so the fact is that you need to remember that three factors effect how fast people can get to pre b10 point and then begin the b10 "timeclock" stage.
1. rn-jesus is a huge ass who favors nobody. so 10 people arent going to summon the same 10 mons or get the same 10 runes.
2. people play at different rates and [fusion material] sd are not as easy to proc as orions balls in your face
3. runes and skillups. you need decent runes to get good enough to do higher diffculty and higher skills [and dont waste the damn devil on bernard or bella or veterans will kick your ass].
and the golden rule: if you dont have anything nice to say, just shove your dick in your mouth. if you dont have a dick, youre being a dick, and you are what you eat, so go eat a big bunch of sticks, you fagot.
and if ^ THAT is offensive then you SERIOUSLY have a problem. cause thats clever as shit.

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