Monday, September 25, 2017

console review: GPD XD video game emulation console. is it worth it?

the GPD XD is a nice handheld gaming device roughly the size of a nintendo [new] 3ds xl. this console is designed for playing games off google play [primarily emulators and roms] with the use of physical console buttons.
you can buy them, see their design specs, and read up on their software here:

basically this thing is like the invidia shield, only half the price and like a thrid the weight. when i got the packing it was shipped in a big bunch of cruddy cardboard and looked just plain cheap. but that was only to conceal a giant beautiful rose inside. the company wrapped the GPD XD box in two layers of packaging, if that shows how much they care about their customers.
basically the console comes in this beautiful box [with some odd kind of creepy text on the back] and inside the GPD XD console and its charger are held safely inside a foam housing and covered with a thin piece of foam for protection. downside is that the company does not make or sell screen protectors or protective shells. which is an issue since my only complaint was the fact that the upper screen section was so soft.
the GPD XD comes preinstalled with a small collection of roms, games, and apps like hulu and netflix and the large bright detailed screen makes watching video a dream. I however, chose to use the console for strictly gaming; which came as a shock. battery life was only quoted "up to 4 hours," but after playing roms for 45 minutes and barely losing even 2% battery i realized this console is INSANE if you are a hardcore gamer. to fully get the max potential out of the GPD XD you need to disable and uninstall certain apps and turn on airplane mode when gaming. download battery doctor for help with your bettery life [in general] and use it to create an optimised plan. i disabled quite a few apps.
the GPD XD [unlike the invidia shield] actually has full function of ALL hardware built buttons while gaming and even has a button that allows you to see what functions each button is assigned to when NOT gaming. when playing games i noticed that the resolution was just INCREDIBLE, specially when disabling pixellation in n64 games. you havent played super mario 64 till youve played with seamless video rendering on the GPD XD.
button responsiveness? very effective. plus the buttons are "clicky" in that they click when pressed and dont feel too soft [only exception is the lower left dpad]. also the console comes with TWO 360 degree axis control sticks. this means that if you are left handed you can swap the buttons used to control movements [and swap abxy with the dpad on the left]. so this console has ambidextrous controls.
the website that sells them has a 16 gig and 32 gig and the console has micro sd expansion of up to 128 gigs. plus they offer free shipping [for whatever reason] and even offer text updates to you letting you know when itll be shipped. they [dhl being the "they"] even offer custom shipping options in case you need specific directions or cannot be there to sign.
frankly the GPD XD is incredible. it may take time to get use to the controls and i will HIGHLY suggest buying a basic phone screen protector for the upper screen as well as some kind of carrying case [since this thing costs about $165.00]. cause guess what? its a friggin touch screen. yeah thats right, A TOUCH SCREEN. i love playing my games on it, and also my k101 plus.

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