Wednesday, December 16, 2015

if the founding fathers were alive today

if our founding fathers were alive today what would the first thing they say about what our nation has become?

1. what are liberals and conservatives? and why do the two groups divide the whole nation we so dearly fought to join together?
2. why is the press covering news about our nations relationship with britain? we worked so hard to break away from them yet now we ally ourselves with them?
3. we went to the moon?!
4. with how much effort we put into righteously flying our countries flag without persecution, how could you allow your own people to use the flag that fought against us in public display?
5. this nation is a republic you idiots!
6. why did you put "in god we trust" on the money if you are just going to take it down?
7. they are muslim and want to be american? all the more better! let them into our nation!
8. your job is to serve your country, we didnt get paid to do it and neither should you. the continental congress is a position of honor and duty meant to make decisions that affect our great nation as a whole. not a cess pool to lie in and complain about how your poor decisions, stupidity, and greed have resulted in so many poor and homeless people.
9. really? dentures?! well damn, im going to the dentist!
10. why is my name all over the nations beer?

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