Thursday, October 1, 2015

if someone from the 1950's came from the past to see the future.... [or, im only explaining it once!]

questions that would be hard to explain to a time traveler from the 1950's...

  • "its not bribery! its a corporate bail out!"
  • "yes, you heard me right we lost his brain. we dont know how it happened but we lost his brain".
  • "no! no! stupid! its pronounced 'i can has cheezeburger.' say it right!"
"no. russia is not a smoldering crater. actually nobody won."
"we landed on the moon. what is so hard to believe about that?"
"yes he's white now.."
"dont complain to me that theres over 2000 channels and nothing to watch..."
"obama care my old friend.."
"yes i know she cant act... wait what?! you like this movie?! team edward?! why you little!..."
"no its not a disease. you cant treat it and they have equal rights now. yes...THEM too."
"do you happen to know how they wiped out smallpox? no? what about polio? the black plague?"
"you want someone to blame? blame you idot, his SON."
"well its called 'common core'..."
"no they dont fly, yes i know we went to the moon; look we are far from that...yes we still have strip clubs and cigarettes..."
"studio 54 died awhiile ago."
"no, its a metaphorical ceiling"
"yes they outlawed it. around 2013."
"its a show about a talking bear and i think the stage crew from the cheech and chong shows."
"because its fox's oldest running animated show. no, he doesnt get more stupid each year, that would imply he was smart to begin with."
"i dont know either, the last two fix made were just as bad."
"no, actually he brought the priests to trial and supports gay marraige."
"its a show about the fruit god tossed out of eden, i think." 
"stop doing cocaine!"
"its called an apple ma- hey! stop trying to eat my computer!"
"i know its named after dessert foods! that doesnt make it edible!"

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