Saturday, March 21, 2015

reading minds

human anatomy is nothing but a complex living computer. just as computers use electrical signals combined with binary code to complete actions, the human body uses electrical signals and muscles to complete actions. the human rain and body can do incredible things, but one misconception is that we can access 100% of our brains and become some kind of super hero. we can only access so much brain power before we reach our limit, as certain functions like breathing, digestion, heart rate, and our immune system are controlled by unconscious thought. if we were to override those instinctual actions to aquire 100% of our brains we would die within minutes.
if moving a muscle or speaking as nothing more than an electrical impulse, then theoretically we could read other peoples minds by thinking on that same frequency. in the same manor if we had full control of our brains we could make ourselves immortal [by releasing large amounts of melotonin and sending signals from our brains to our injuries and willingly cause them to heal.] or even shapeshift.

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