Tuesday, April 29, 2014

the dark side of poetry: GREED


assumptions assumptions, for those without gumption.
leads to a life for asses in corruption.
judgments, huntsmen, illuminati, and blood;
they watch the world drown in bones and suds.
peacekeepers, policemen, war, and peace;
you are your friend, if you pay the lease.
armies of one and heads hung high;
watching you burn from in THEIR skies.
comrades of pain, brothers in despair;
forget the cure, lets just cut our hair.
bodies dying in the blackness and cold
greed and lust, lets kill the old.
the world we share is not our own,
this land is THEIR land, not YOUR home.
why bother be good? why try to fit in?
building lives with tetris, nobody wins.
black and white but colors with names
yet which one gets caught cheating in the game?
white supremacist, black panther, triad, NSA;
corruption a word by many other names.
men and women in blue, soldiers in green;
we are all but lapdogs, of the corporate empires greed.

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