Monday, March 24, 2014

the world is a circle (so mind those behind you)

In this world we typically act how we want and expect others to follow. The fact is that we are not perfect, none of us are. The very idea of evolution states that only the strong survive, but what of the weak who band together? What of the wolves?

The rich and powerful walk over the poor and weak. Yet when the kings and queens fall they expect the people to jump under them and die so THEY can live. You cannot mistreat others while you expect them to care about you.

You cannot beat up the defenseless man and then cry for help when the wolf comes for your sheep. Thw wolf does not give up, the wolf does not give in, the wolf does not quit, and most importantly the wolf always respects authority and his comrades.

The wolf lives to serve and protect and the wolf always works well with others. The wolf is weak and frail so he travels in packs. The wolf learns from his mistakes and always remembers those who helped him.

The world is not black, it is not white, it is not grey, it is not one single color. The world is a pallet of pain and misery bound to a single straight line.  The universe is one constantly moving line that is forever connected.

Sometimes we get a circle, our actions affect those behind us and in front of us. Sometimes the line crosses and we look back at the past, what habe we done? What will we do? Sometimes the line forms a square, some of us do great while others are forced balls to the wall in a corner.

The fact is that if you expect help or support from other s you MUST be willing to turn the other cheek. No matter how many times a man does wrong you must always let him attempt tp make things right. Second chances mean mistakes can be whited out and rewritten, not blurred out and ignored.

If you make a mistake and you do not correct it you have made two mistakes. Even when we try to do good and fail it is good that we tried. Failure is not due to our lack Of ability, but rather our INability to complete a task. If a man cannot walk because he is paralyzed is he not the same as a man without legs?

True motivation must come from within,  one cannot win a war when the one you are fighting for has died.  Do not make haste to impress others in order to wave a white flag to society. Trust in your heart and be the best YOU can be. Remember the difference between what is right and what is needed.

And do not expect help from others when you walk on the weak.

 "The wolf waits till its prey is asleep, time on its side. Are you the wolf or the prey?"

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