Saturday, March 2, 2013

the whys of women

why do women want a man older than them? so they can feel young. women dont like feeling or bging reminded of how old they are.
why do women date men who are total assholes? because they believe they can change. women believe that they can change a man for the better and believe that one day he will be nicer and more honest. even when presented with evidence against this fact they will still stay.
why do women date abusive men? because after abusing a woman the man gives her a gift and promises he wont do it again. then he plays the pity card and makes her feel sorry for him.
why do women divorce a man after a happy wedding? because she expects the man to pick up the slack and help care for her and the family. the man only wants sewx, sports, beer, and violence and when she wont give it he finds someone who will. most divorces are the mans fault and rarely happen because of something the woman did.
why do women date men who are slobs or less attractive than them? so they can feel more attractive and useful. some women see men who are unattractive slobs as "projects" that they can work on and try to fix up. they look at the attractive man and think, "well at least hes less attractive then me."
why do women like rockstars and musicians so much? because artistic people are passionate and expressive. women prefer a man who is expressive and shares his feelings and thoughts with her because it allows her to trust him more. women would prefer an axpressive and emotionally kind man over some bulked up musclehead with no personality.
why do women like bad boys so much? because all bad boys have a secret kindness to them. bad boys are rebellious and constantly coll-mannered. women find the rebellious attitude to be exillerating and exciting. bad boys are unpredictable and tough, and all of them have kindness iside their hearts. every girl has to go through at least one bad boy before she is able to settle down and marry happily.

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