Wednesday, December 4, 2013

short stories 2: the girl and the dog

Short stories

Episode 2:

The girl and the dog


It’s like the one dog that is set for euthanasia that finds out he’s going to be adopted.  He waits and waits for the day that his new owner comes to get him, yet they never come. As he feels the needle deliver his final breath, the young girl who adopted the little puppy runs in. she had to earn the money cause nobody would help her pay.

As she walks in the poor little puppies eyes only scream,


"Why did you let this happen to me?!"

"I thought you loved me!"

And as the poor little dog breathes his last dying breath, all the girl can do is watch, her eyes filled with misunderstanding tears.


My life in a nutshell. I can cry, cry, and cry, but it does no good. It helps, but it won’t make the pain go away. It saddens me to know that I will one day be that very puppy. By the time love finds me, it’ll be too late. I cry as I write this, and can’t help it. Life’s a bitch, and Satan is its pimp. Even when things feel great, they really aren’t.

You should chase your dreams, never giving up. You’re young and strong, and the things you’ve faced will only make you stronger. Don’t let anyone become the puppy, and don’t you ever be that little girl. Fight for what you believe and never give in. it’s only through the power of your own free will to choose and your will to stay that you will achieve your dreams.

Life gives tough choices, and annoying people. Some believe its run by magic, some god, and others science. Till you actually experience the truth of the light and the dark, you will never know what to believe. I say that you must believe in what you can see, and trust what you don’t know.

 It’s only then that you can see things you could never believe, and know what to trust. I’ll believe most things without proof, and ill trust anyone. But don’t think for a second that you can try to attack me from behind. I can both forgive and hate people at the same time.

Christians can’t understand this; it’s our job to forgive, but not hate. However, once you can forgive your enemies, you can still hate them. If your hate is not based on a grudge, jealousy, emotional pain, suffering, or things people did to you, you can hate all you want.

To forgive is to relinquish sin, so if you hate based on non-sinful things, you can hate freely. I may be the dying puppy, but I won’t ever let another person become that little girl. I will create a new ending to the story, one that never ends sadly.


As the girl’s tears run down her face, she can’t believe what she’s seeing. The dog she so dearly wanted to save is dying right before her eyes. She watches as the poor little puppy closes his eyes, never to open them again. Little does she know that as she leaves with an ocean in her eyes, that this is not the end.

She walks outside and heads towards her parents car. As she is about to get in, she hears someone crying. She turns her head to see a little boy, the same age as her, sitting against the wall in tears. Knowing that something's terribly wrong, she curiously walks over to find why the boy is crying.

"I got beaten up at school!" cries the boy.

"The bully stole my money I saved to adopt a dog set to be killed!" he continues.
The girl hands the boy the money she had saved for her dog, smiles, and leaves. The little boy runs inside and as the needle is about to be injected, he slams down the money he was given.

"Don’t kill it!" screams the boy.

"I have the money now!" he cries in despair.

They pull away the needle and carefully hand the boy the terrified little dog. The boy puts his small arms around the dog’s tiny body and hugs it.

"I’ll never let you go." he says.

Meanwhile the little girl gets home and as soon as the front door closes, there’s a knock. Opening the door, the girl is met with the young boy from earlier, accompanied by his new yipping wagging best friend. The girl doesn’t want to see another dog ever again, but something compels her to look into the dogs eyes. There’s some sort of life in them, like more than one dog is behind the happy dogs eyes. She sees the dog she lost deep within the little dogs mind, and she smiles.

What does this story mean? What does it say about life? Fate. Love. Hope. Kindness. Good. Evil. The world is full of terrible people and terrible places and times. Most of us who experience terrible things, and don think that the end will ever come. Yet if you stick by through the worst, the best will come.

No ball stays up forever after bouncing, no planet keeps going the same direction once it begins to ellipse, and nothing that falls continues down for an eternity. If you dug down into the ground and didn’t stop, would you not eventually reach earth’s center and eventually begin to dig your way back up?

Night brings darkness, fear, shadows, and takes away the light; yet the day comes and replaces it with warmth, comfort, and life-giving light. Even when you feel that you’re lower than you’ll ever be, you can still get lower. And when you feel that you’re at your highest, you can still climb higher.

You reach the top of the mountain, yet you can still jump, and around you, you see taller tougher mountains. Till you fully climb Everest, you won’t know how far you can go. Yet no matter how far you climb up, one day you must come down. It’s cold, lonely, and intense at the top, but at the bottom you can still see the beauty that waits above.

No matter how far you fall, even a bottomless pit has a floor. It's dark, lonely, terrifying, and depressing at the bottom, but climb back up and you finally begin to see the sun. No matter how far up or down you go, you always have a chance to change. And if you sit at the bottom, simply look at everything above you that you have to gain. The world is yours. At the top, YOU are the world’s.


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