my father spoke of a future not very different from that of the terminator world.
in my life there are visions i have seen that have come to fruition. trumps election, the war and the storms, and i am ready to share with the world what i see for its future.
it will not be like terminator. not like the matrix. not like sentient ai technology. no, rather, the world will run out of fuel. then the nations whom depend on it to fund their economy will begin to die. terrorist cells will falter and the world will slowly come to a halt. this will be coupled by a race for new fuel, but little will we know that the technology we rely on will be growing in power.
the world as we know it will be coming to an end, and not in the apocalypse sense. but rather, in the peer to peer interaction sense. people will be driven into their homes by news networks reports of disasters as the world is slowly driven to war and despair. freak weather disasters will erupt, volcanoes, fires, civil unrest.
meanwhile the people will become fearful of social interaction and begin to welcome staying inside rather then going outside. technology companies will develop robots and surrogates whom we can enter via vr technology [because why do you think they REALLY created this crap?] and people will begin interacting in the real world through technology. in order to make room for the increase in population and the land needed to feed us, vast portions of our planet will have to die. forests will go and there will be no nature.
but the people will not care, they will have long acccepted their inside lives. video games and television will become so immersive that we will never need leave our homes, as they will transmit it through the power lines and through headsets. as the technology companies monitor us, they will provide us with everythig they think we want, priavcy will become as the sun setting against our backs. and there will be no line defining our rights anymore, as gun control and freedom of speech are rightly blown to the moon out of purpotion.
there will be disasters that will rise and destroy our technology, and with no communication or means to contact the people and all "inferior" and "obsolete" technology been "erased and lost to time", we will suffer. yes sentient ai technology will rise and begin to take over, but by the time they do it will be too late.
humanity will dwindle till a great catastrophe, man and machine will wage war only to see the earth itself rip open. fire will erupt and things beyond horror will come for us, as we see the skies erupt in chaos. civil unrest will ensue, the authorities barely able to contain it. war wil be waged as nations fight for power. disasters will ravage the planet and the unthinkable will begin to happen as if the sun and moon were not but brother and sister. our world will be ending, and as we begin seeking the skies for a new home, we will be struck down. all hope lost.
technology will not rule us in our future. as it ALREDY rules us NOW. we have already sumitted to a god that we are too ignorant to open our eyes and see. we accept devices that allow us to hide behind stone facades on snowy days and that allow us to fuck each other across glass barriers. we obsess over trivial ordeals through a network meant to keep us together, that instead is tearing us apart.
we phase out devices just becuase we are told to by people we do not even know and stop buying when people tell us to, without ever bothering to question the truth. the digital god has taken over, and her loyal servants are watching us, listening to us, controlling us. she is our beginning and she will be our end if we do not act soon. take heed, or sentient ai and robots will be the LEAST of your worries. because as the future of our technology nears, so does the future of our society. and you cannot have humanity without the human, otherwise you will ask "y", it" has disappeared.
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