Sunday, September 18, 2022

The frustrating world of business QRcodes - Why Does This Exist??!? [a small rant]

 Why do businesses keep doing this thing where they provide QRcodes that you open on your phone, that then need to be scanned BY A PHONE, in order to learn about the business or to access the business and its info? 

Seriously this bugs the shite out of me. Who invented this and why are they an idiot? Imagine trying to find out about a place of business, or access something, then they give you a QRcode. Many people do have more than one phone, but the majority of people only have one phone and this practice makes ZERO SENSE. 

It's like buying new scizzors and then needing scizzors to open the package. 

Or buying a knofe and needing a knife to open it. 

Or geting a replacement mailbox key, which is then shipped to you, but shipped IN THE MAILBOX. 

Or when you buy a new home but they leave the keys inside. 

WHY ARe PeOPLe StiLL dOiNg thiS?

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