i started what i thought was a conversation about working conditons for employee grunts. the man talks about how the stores have young people hauling carts in the freezing cold for no pay. i say "that is because walmart has no unions..."
followed by me being slammed about the catholic church raping kids and next thing i knew the person was calling me every racist term imaginable. as well as making threats and shouting about slavery, which is one of the many horrid scars on our planets history, the person began shouting everything imaginable about opression.
now i am not "white", in fact i have literal genetic evidence of my entire family tree that proves just this [technically i am southern european and my family originates from the druze]. personally i do not see color, i only see an un-unified planet of human life just rippling with potential. i feel that the way people are treated is wrong, even after thousands of years people with "non-white" skin still lack the basic rights, careers, treatments, and equality that everyone flat out deserves. even people of the lgbtqp community and non-patriarchal family lifestyles lack the basic rights that a "straight white male" recieves. and it SICKENS me.
every person has a right to their opinion and really i had no qualms with this person or what they were saying, i mean pretty much everything he said was a comlaint against "the white man" and the opression brought by the rich elite. honestly i agree that the way african americans are treated is and was wrong. i do not like using the term "african american" as it lumps all people of dark skin together as if they all originate from the united states. when this is further from the truth. i understand it is technically a correct term, but when you have individuals whom come from europe, asia, south america, canada, AND africa, calling them "african american" is depriving them of their "roots" and where they truly came from.
every person deserves equal treatment and ignorance and hatred only breeds more ignorance and hatred. i renounce anything the pumkin in the white house says and honestly wish that there were more people like dr martin luther king and ghandi alive today.
but what i realized about this racist encounter is how to react when facing racism.
walk away.
just ignore them and walk away.
it is the only thing you can do. confronting them only makes things worse, and feed their anger.
if you want others to see you are the better person, you have to have the courage to walk away. as trying to defend yourself only results in yourself getting slammed with more racist slurs and insults.
walk away. they act out of ignorance and hate and in most cases there is no trying to reason with them.
just walk away and ignore them, and only if they follow you should you try to defend yourself.
reason will not work. logic will not work. threats and anger only make things worse.
just walk away. and be the better person [gender neutral because racism affects all genders and races].
most people who are racist or say racist things are ignorant and filled with hate from the days of old or from their family.
if they try to come after you, then you must stand up for yourself.
but always be the better person and instead of trying to argue with someone who does not care for words, show with actions. be an example to your fellow human beings and be the better person, so that you can create a better world.
really if nobody reacts to the things these people [all people who preach hate on twitter, facebook, general social media, the news] then they lose their power. words only have power if we let them, and if we ignore those whom they come from they lose their strength.
i do not claim to understand the struggles that muslims, chinese, africans, hispanics, hebrews etc. went through. the ordeals that these people suffered were long and arduous and the enslavement of their people for cheap labor worldwide and for constructing blood structures across the world is impossible to imagine. i do not either claim to understand the stigma that they face and continue to face nor do i believe that five personal experiences equal literal generations of suffering and indignity.
i will say that i have a deep understaning of hatred and ignorance, facing it for more than just my own life but also on the behalf of my fellow human beings. and i do understand racism and many of its causes, and there is not excuse for bigotry, ignorance, or hatred for any specific people. all life has the right to live free of opression and hate and to have the right to speak freely and unhindered by the boot of a greater man. this planet is delicate and all human life has equal value, and not color, sexual preference, religion, nor gender should EVER have any say otherwise.
there is no one race, ethnicity, gender, sex, identity, or person whom is any greater than his fellow man he stand next to. for under the eyes of the stars we are but equal parts of a single whole.
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