Wednesday, February 13, 2019

twitter break down - discussing a fake tweet - a.k.a. Photoshop fail!

soo, what exactly is wrong with this?
so allow me to point out everything wrong with this:
1. the phone screen is locked [upper right corner] meaning there is no way they could view this comment. nor could they access the phones keyboard to type.
2. the phone is IN AIRPLANE MODE [upper left] meaning they couldn't even USE twitter let alone comment or read posts
3. the phones time is 12:22pm, the comments time is 09:34am [meaning they posted this 21 hours after the phones ACTUAL TIME]
4. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE a black line at the bottom. these lines are only uses to seperate comments or posts on blogs online. and below this line is what looks like another name or date. meaning this was taken from a blog or comment page
5. this uses 280 characters. [yes i typed the whole thing out].
[this is the max number for twitter]-but while they can spell words like acknowledge and reassurance they misuse the apostrophe in "someone's". anyone who knew how to spell large words like those would know that "someone's" means "someone is"
6. this comment was posted on tuesday morning at 9am. who the heck is up that early on a tuesday? let alone has enough brain function to post anything this morally reasonable and acceptable on twitter.
7. this entire thing implies it was done via a screent shot on the phone. by the user. meaning this person had such an ego that they either screen shot their own tweet after setting on airplane mode so updated comments wouldn't move their screen while capping so they could show the world what THEY think. or this person was such a fraud and an ass that they thought that they should take someone ELSES tweet, screen shot it, then use it as their own [which is plagarism btw], and edit it to LOOK LIKE it was from their own phone.
8. they didnt bother using editing to crop out the top of the screen where they had left airplane mode on and the icon showing their screen was locked. and also showing that the phone couldnt find a mobile network.

what else is easy? not faking something like this and not commiting plagarism. why would you need take something like this [that was probably someone elses] and fake that it was done by you from twitter?

come on people. if you feel this sincere, at least make an effort to tell people in your own words. or credit the original creator of the message. i never use content without first notifying the creator that i plan to do so. and often times i ask them permission first. it's just a courtesy.

or edit your stolen material so it at least looks like it was yours. dont be those guys in china making fake psvitas and claiming they are handheld game systems.

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