Saturday, February 16, 2019

the real damage being done by pot and vaping - your brain will NEVER enjoy sex ever again.

everyone says vaping and weed isnt bad.
but clearly these people dont know how serotonin and endorphins work.
marijuana and vape fluid both affect your body by forcing your brain to unnaturally release endorphins and serotonin. this is what is really causing the relaxtion effect. and the more you do it the more damage you do to your brain. it causes the receptors in your brain which respond to pleasure and affect things like joy and happiness to malfunction, as they have been over worked. this results in a similar state to how people with bipolar disorder, addiction, personality didsorders, psychosis, and severe depression function in terms of brain activity.
this is why smoking and vaping cause irritibility and more stress than they actially relieve. it is actually a false relief, similar to how meth, crack, pcp, or heroin works on your brain.
pot and vape fluid does actually damage your brain. but worse it will affect your ability to feel things like joy, excitement, happiness, sexual pleasure, and it can even lead to severe depression or suicide. all of these things are affected by endorphin release and serotonin levels in your brain, and the receptors which cause brain spikes upon experiencing things which normally would excite you. and this is actually permanent. as well as has been linked to dangerous axctivity like risk taking, criminal behaviors, and even acts that could maim or kill yourself or others.
you can also asphyxiate when "hotboxing" as the smoke will in fact push breathable air out of the room. and marijuana being a plant will mean there are people allergic to it. i am one of them.
people who take antipsychotics, meds for depression and bipolar, or other mental disorders can suffer adverse affects from pot as it causes your ability to fire commands between your brain and body to slow and lowers reaction time. it can cause medications which normally balance serotonin levels or other areas of the brain to slow or not work at all. and thus you end up feeling as if you are off your meds.
you may not know, but you do in fact do long term damage to your brain, and eventually your body as a result by smoking these things on a regular basis. imagine never being able to enjoy sex, food, movies, or even that adrenaline rush from scary movies anymore.
and all of these things are capable of being transferred to your children. as they are related to stress and excitement levels. studies from 9/11 have proven this. you want your kids born with anxiety disorders or being like trump or john wayne gacy? keep smoking that pot.
addiction is no joking matter mattpatt on game/film theory can probably describe how addiction affects the brain best:
seriously, his description of how even just mobile games affect your addiction is perfect. and vaping and amoking marijunana are no different in how they work. and overuse causes damage.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

twitter break down - discussing a fake tweet - a.k.a. Photoshop fail!

soo, what exactly is wrong with this?
so allow me to point out everything wrong with this:
1. the phone screen is locked [upper right corner] meaning there is no way they could view this comment. nor could they access the phones keyboard to type.
2. the phone is IN AIRPLANE MODE [upper left] meaning they couldn't even USE twitter let alone comment or read posts
3. the phones time is 12:22pm, the comments time is 09:34am [meaning they posted this 21 hours after the phones ACTUAL TIME]
4. YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE a black line at the bottom. these lines are only uses to seperate comments or posts on blogs online. and below this line is what looks like another name or date. meaning this was taken from a blog or comment page
5. this uses 280 characters. [yes i typed the whole thing out].
[this is the max number for twitter]-but while they can spell words like acknowledge and reassurance they misuse the apostrophe in "someone's". anyone who knew how to spell large words like those would know that "someone's" means "someone is"
6. this comment was posted on tuesday morning at 9am. who the heck is up that early on a tuesday? let alone has enough brain function to post anything this morally reasonable and acceptable on twitter.
7. this entire thing implies it was done via a screent shot on the phone. by the user. meaning this person had such an ego that they either screen shot their own tweet after setting on airplane mode so updated comments wouldn't move their screen while capping so they could show the world what THEY think. or this person was such a fraud and an ass that they thought that they should take someone ELSES tweet, screen shot it, then use it as their own [which is plagarism btw], and edit it to LOOK LIKE it was from their own phone.
8. they didnt bother using editing to crop out the top of the screen where they had left airplane mode on and the icon showing their screen was locked. and also showing that the phone couldnt find a mobile network.

what else is easy? not faking something like this and not commiting plagarism. why would you need take something like this [that was probably someone elses] and fake that it was done by you from twitter?

come on people. if you feel this sincere, at least make an effort to tell people in your own words. or credit the original creator of the message. i never use content without first notifying the creator that i plan to do so. and often times i ask them permission first. it's just a courtesy.

or edit your stolen material so it at least looks like it was yours. dont be those guys in china making fake psvitas and claiming they are handheld game systems.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

my ps4 became self aware?!?

soo my ps4 decided to turn on out of its own accord while i was on the computer next to it. it fully booted up and began registering button commands and lighting up as if someone was using it. i dont even know where my controller is, but i unplugged the hell out of that thing IMMEDIATELY. 
is this something that the systems can do without any kind of physical contact to the consoles or remote input?
i know it is possible to hack into things like computers and game systems via the network they run on. but the privacy settings, customization, disabled apps and controls, and the fact that i dont believe i have EVER set up my ps4 on the network really blows that theory out. 
i honestly cannot figure out what was going on. i was about to do the thing all lonely adults do on their computers at 3am, what? WATCH PORN?!? YOU ARE SICK MISTER. i am a millenial! millenials dont "watch" porn, we "experience" it. 
skipping the fact that i cannot use vr tech or anything involving covering my eyes. and the fact that i was UPDATING MY PROGRAMS [perverts], and had yet to do much anything. the ps4 just kind of, turned on. i didnt touch it, nothing contacted the power button, it didnt move, and the controller is so far away it might as well be in siberia. there was LITERALLY no way it could have done what it did. 
which was suddenly start self booting up, then the hard disk began being used as it began to spin, then the light that signifies that the console is checking media [the green, yellow, and red lights] came on, then it began functioning as it would had someone shoved a disc in, and as i walked over i noticed that it was making a whirring noise and was fully booting up. 
so i unplugged that demon ass posessed son of a bitch and took three steps back. why 3? cause thats what the bible say- WHY DO YOU THINK? that mother !@#$er was lighting up like a christmas tree and i aint used that thing in six months. i was bout to make a damn salt ring and start quoting the bible. be like "and the women shall go out into the fields with nothing covering their lower halves. and they shall beat their bear breasts and roar." [i SHITE YOU NOT that is REAL SCRIPTUTRE right there.]
no, but seriously, i only had three steps till i was ass up on my bed. if i took any more steps id be a ghost, cause no human alive can pass through solid matter. [cept for trump. only solid matter he believes in are walls.]
but i cant figure what happened with this thing. 

whistlin' the window - another "lets not meet" story

about a week ago at like 3am i could hear someone standing and moving outside my balcony. they didnt leave and were shuffling around and standing there. i started to wonder if it was just some drunk who got locked out.
then they started to whistle. they knew i was in my room because every time i made a noise or cleared my throat i could hear them tapping the balcony or groaning. and then they just starting whistling.
but not like a cheery tune whistle, cat call whistle, the loud whistle that gets peoples attention from across rooms, the "atteeeentiooon!" whistle, or even a song whistle. it was this like, monochromatic [imagine musical notes as colors], emotionless, chaotic tune whistle. there was no structure to the tune or any pattern. it was as a child pounding on the xylophone for the first time with no idea what notes made what tune.
it reminded me of all those movies and tv shows where the psychopaths and killers whistle a creepy baseless tune right before they strike their victims.
so i got real quiet. trying to make them believe i was asleep or something. and then they began to pace down the stairs and around my balcony. all while still whistling that unstatured tune. eventually the whistling stopped as they walked off.
and then they laughed. this creepy eeerie disturbing psycho of a laugh that one only does when they are completely bonkers. they were right outside my balcony down below as they chuckled in madness and walked off.
later on in the early morning someone rang my doorbell and the buildings doorbells about eight times. then the next day, again, at 5am they rang MY doorbell.
i still dont know who the hell this guy was. or what he wanted. what i can say is that i hope we never meet and that he doesnt come back. i hear that whistle again i am CALLING THE POLICE and sleeping with a gun in my hand.
at least jack is a deterrent.