anyone ever wondered what it is like to be waterboarded? why would anyone even WANT to know? our favorite white cartoon dog made a joke about it on fox. but waterboarding is no laughing matter. its like drowning, only you dont die. and every few seconds you get just enough air to barely get your thoughts together before you go under again.
there are several types of waterboarding: via a wet soaked cloth shoved into ones mouth, being shoved facedown into water, or being dunked "baptism style" repeatedly are three.
you want an image? imagine being given a swirly. only its not a toilet. its about a foot of water. and there are about 5-10 people forcibly shoving your face and head down into the water. they hold your head under the water and restrain your body. meanwhile you freak out. you thrash, flail, panic, and try everything you can to get free. but there is no escape, their hold is unbreakable and you CAN AND WILL DROWN.
they hold you under and watch as you feel the life fading from your body. you slowly gasp for air and frantically try to get out and free, but to no avail. slowly but surely you begin to suffocate and drown. you begin to accept your circumstances and prepare to welcome the sweet serenity of death and swallow the water.
BUT WAIT! they see you struggling less, THEY KNOW you are about to drown. so they PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE WATER and suddenly you realize you can get a breath of air. BUT NO! they shove your head back under the water before you can get a second breath. NO! you flail and scream and shreik, but they just smile and laugh. you are under the water again, you feel things going black. you begin to drown once more, but just as you accept your fate, WHOOSH! out of the water again!
you try to scream, "NO!" but your screams are muffled as they force your head back under and the sound of your voice turns to churning bubbles. you begin to flail harder, realising your life is in danger. but they just push you down harder, they know your limit now. they wait, as you slowly gasp under the water, and they see the color begin fading from your eyes. WHOOSH! out your head goes again!
but this time you have a plan. you go limp, they let their guard down, you take advantage of the moment and break free. but before you get three steps more come in. now they drag you screaming, crying, shrieking, begging, over to the water once more. they force your head back under, and watch as you begin to drown once more. but just before you die they pull your head out.
you give up, stop fighting, maybe they will stop. NOPE! back down goes your head! into the water, as they watch you begin to drown once more. they dont care, they just want to see you suffer. its been 30 minutes now, and all you want is TO JUST DIE. but no, even th sweet taste of death is beyond your conctrol. every aspect of your life has been surrendered to these monsters. they wont let you live, they wont let you die, they just want to see you suffer.
you have lost all control and all you can do is wait and pray they let you go or let you die. past, present, and future have lost all meaning. as they scream threats and insults at you and your loved ones, and use those you care about against you, you are repeatedly pushed just near the point of drowning and right before you are pulled free. eventually you stop caring about anything and everything, you go numb.
its official, you have been driven mad.
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