ten reasons why you will always be poor? ok then, how about ten reasons how you will always have spending money?
1. NEVER use credit cards. if you have the money to buy something, why use a piece of plastic that would cause you to pay even more than you planned. the credit card companies aren't the people trying to get you hooked in debt [conspiracy theorists can take the nearest Pegasus channel to kiss my ass]. actually in fact, its the banks who want you in debt TO THEM. you use credit cards to buy things you cant really afford. you think "hey I can just pay it off later when I want, after all I cant afford this anyways with MY job". what you don't know is that banks send you those credit card offers to get you to apply saying "low interest!" or "0% apr!" READ THE BACK OF THE FORMS. they state that after a certain period of time after your first purchase the credit card companies charge you upwards of 33.3% and more. the banks want you to owe them money so they can take your property.
don't believe me?
you go to the bank to get a loan for your new house. the bank now only has you owing the for that house. then you spend your time and your days buying pretty little trinkets to place in that home. you get a credit card application in the mail one day and you apply for the card. then you end up owing money to the card companies [if you are not responsible]. and who owns the card companies? THE BANKS. so you build up debt that you cant pay off and then they come to collect your debts. you cant pay them, so the bank takes your house, your car, and EVERYTHING YOU OWN in them.
suddenly the bank now owns a shitload of new shiny trinkets that were once yours, they own your house, AND they own your cars. they then sell your things and have all the money.
nuff said.
2. NEVER take cash advances. the interest is just too high and you can never pay it off. if you really need to pay for something and you don't have the money now but will later, then use a credit card. I know that contradicts my previous rule, but not really; because I only suggest against using credit cards if you DONT have the money to pay them off.
not using credit cards period is a VERY bad idea. you need to have a credit score to live out basic functions of every day life [buying a car, buying a home, going to college, applying for a job, even trying to raise children]. the idea is MODERATION, build a credit score responsibly; or ruin your life.
3. DONT GO IT ALONE. stay in contact with your friends and especially your family. in hard times its ok to ask your famiy or friends for help. it takes a man to admit when hes wrong, but only a REAL man knows when to ask for help. its not demeaning [well it is in some cases], its simple common sense. the general doesn't run in alone to fight a war, she takes her whole army.
friends and family can really be useful if you catch yourself in a snafu of cosmic proportions up shit creek without piss or a paddle. eventually we all need to ask for help with one thing or another, and staying close to our families and friends ensures that we can ALL help each other whe we are in a bind.
4. PAY YOUR BILLS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. by paying your bills as soon as you can, you leave yourself with much more options for what to do with your finances. its important to pay your bills on time so that you keep a good credit score. bad credit scores can lead to many roadblocks in life. with a bad credit score you can be denied a job, a car, a home, school loans, and even basic appliances such as new microwaves and refrigerators.
5. WATCH WHAT YOU BUY. when you spend money on food or ameneties be sure that you don't just buy your favorite brands. looking for cheaper foods of the same type can yield more savings in the long run. yes having expensive things is great in the short term. till you cant afford to pay your bills and they shut off the lights, the heat and cooling, and eventually your life. don't ignore beggars, the less fortunate, and the homeless; karmas a bitch and she is no friendly mistress. if you ignore the less fortunate and only think for your own needs one day you may just be there on the cold, dead, heartless streets yourself.
6. JUST BECAUSE ITS OUT IN THE OPEN DOESNT MEAN ITS A DEAL. stores tend to put certain items out in the open near the entrance to isles to goad shoppers into buying them without looking further. if you pay attention to the prices and actually look in the isles you will see that cheaper foods of the same type are there.
7. OPEN BOX=BIG DISCOUNTS. if you are buying toys or gifts [non perishables] and you see something in an opened box, buy it if you can. stores are required to offer "open box discounts" on open items [10% exactly plus whatever coupons you may have]. if you buy them, be sure everything is inside. take them home and use some super glue or a glue stick to reseal the boxes like new.
8. GOODWILL IS NOT JUST FOR POOR PEOPLE. for god sakes people, don't spend a billion dollars to get yourself five pairs of designer jeans at some "specialty store". you can spend 25 dollars at goodwill or a thrift store and come out with over 10 pairs of fully intact jeans. shirts, shorts, shoes, even collectibles can be bought at discount thrift stores for a fraction of the cost you would spend at other stores [plus thrift stores are where all those things eventually end up anyways.] but I wouldn't suggest buying underwear at a thrift store [yuck!]
9. DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE. when buying name brand electronics at phone stores or places like best buy, the employees will try to gut you for as much money as they possibly can. be sure you have a buddy with you who already has a working smart phone so that you can review specks, look for possible bugs or flaws in the products, and [heres the REALLY IMPORTANT PART] price check. most stores do price matching, but some will tell you they don't. be sure you know for sure before being lied to and tricked. typically if an item is sold on amazon.com [oh how I hate them so much] for a cheaper price, and you have a smart phone that you can use to show the store; they will have to sell you the product for the lesser price. [if they price match].
10. MOST IMPORTANTLY, BE BOTH FRUGAL AND FRIVOLOUS. if you have the money to spare without recourse, then spend away! buy whatever makes you happy. you don't have to penny pinch till the copper comes out your eyes, you just have to keep track of your spending [buy a cheap calculator]. if you cant afford something you REALLY want, try looking at other places. especially pawn shops [the good trustful ones], you can put something you really want on layaway and pay it off over a longer period of time with less money. its important to be happy when thinking over your finances, if you get pissed off or aggravated when counting your expenses, something is probably wrong. not in the sense that your making a mistake, but rather that if you are making so little money that you want to just burn everything to the ground and start over, then you need a reality check and a life change.
remember that money is not about having so much that you can buy and sell peoples souls, its about making enough that you can AFFORD to be happy. I buy trading cards, my roommate buys transformers and models, my father buys cameras and tinkers with them; everyone has a little thing that keeps them happy when they spend their money. don't be afraid to take chances and leaps of faith, and don't be reckless. plan your attack, then strike when the timing is right.
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