Thursday, November 7, 2013

what pets me the wrong way: part 1

what pets me the wrong way is people who do not know any real facts about homosexuality. like
1. the only people who choose to be gay do it to piss people off.
2. that bisexual people are simply men and women who get more sexual pleasure or emotional comfort from one sex rather than the other.
3. that the term "gay" refers to men who are attracted to other men, "lesbian" refers to women attracted to other women, and that "homosexual" refers to the group as a whole.
4. that gays deserve every right to be married and every right in the constitution that any other man or woman receives....
5. that IT IS NOT a choice
6. that you cant send them to camps and think they will be "cured".
7. that their are gay and lesbian republicans, gay and lesbian families, gay and lesbian businesses, gay and lesbian books, gay and lesbian christians, gay and lesbian catholics, gay and lesbian senators, and gay and lesbian "pretty-much-anything-you-can-think-of's"
8. that gays are pretty awesome people to be friends with and hang out with and lesbians are awesome at raising incredible families.
9. that the majority of the people in this country actually either support homosexuals or just don't care what they do
10. that the only people who hate homosexuals are in denial and think everyone supports them.
11. that the REAL reason the republican party hates homosexuality is simply because they cant make money off them.
12. that the bible has nothing in it that has god say he hates homosexuals, that it is a sin, or that homosexuals will burn in hell.
13. that the only reason why religion says being a homosexual is wrong is simply because the philosophy of most religion is to "go forth and multiply" and that two men or two women alone cannot conceive without another woman or man.
14. that jesus Christ THE SON OF GOD was born from a woman who neither had sex or EVEN DATED ANYONE. therefore mary was conceived without a man OR woman at her side. so why should any religion say who gets married when god was born from a woman who NEVER HAD A HUSBAND, WIFE, PET, OR SEX WITH ANYONE. even herself.

so tell me what is wrong with homosexuals again??????

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