how do bacteria communicate to one another, and do they have racist bacteria?
what if humans evolved from dung beetles or rubber trees?
if you somehow fell through the center of the earth with nothing to stop you, would you simply yoyo up and down for all eternity?
what would happen if you hooked a cathedor up to a party baloon inflation tank?
what if we lived in a world where being gay was the most common thing and straight people were treated as we treated gays and lesbians?
if the sky were the ground and the ground the sky, what would the purpose of outer space be?
if humans evolved from apes, why is the animal with the closest anatomical structure to a human being a pig?
and if athiests dont believe in gods or an afterlife, why do they get pissed off when people tell them their lives have no meaning?
when someone says "i dont mean to be [insert judgemental subject here]" why is the next thing out of their mouth "[insert judgemental subject once more]"?
if everyones doing it why am i NOT?
if a ballon gets depressed does that mean it needs some blow to get high again?
can animals talk to each other?
why do dogs always bark at the mailman, even newborn puppies?
why do dogs hate the ups guy more than the mailmen?
why is a womans menstration cycle called a "period"? periods are the end of a sentence, or a specific segment in time. why use something that both describes an abrupt end AND a long winded extensive collection of time where god knows what may have happened, to describe a woman defocating the lining of her internal egg sack?
why are the reproductive organs called "gonads"? seriously?! "go"..."nads"...its like something a guy yells watching the game on tv. "go! nads! go! nads!" also REALLY"?! were calling our reproductive organs "gonads". its like some sexist male scientist just sat down one day, looked between his legs, then thought of sex and thought, "hey, lets call them 'gonads' cause when they are being used those 'nads are gonna get going!"