When we pray to our gods for help for ourselves or others it shouldn't be the first choice we make. Yes miracles happen and yes there is more to life than living in the moment. For when the moment is over what have we done but waste our vaueable time on frivolity and pointless endeavors? But when we face hardship and hard times what gods in their right minds would assist us if the power to solve our problems were within or own grasp? The point of our existence in this universe is to grow, to learn, to evolvenand become better till we are one with the cosmos as a whole. If we try to pray away something that we can easily solve ourselves and the gods answer us it wold do nothing but make us weaker. So next time you are sick go see a doctor or buy some over the counter meds. Next time you feel sad for the starving, poor, or homeless; offer them food, give them something you don't need, or offer them a place to sleep till the cold night is over. Stop using your collective gods as a cure all and then use them as a scapegoat when you get screwed cause they didn't answer you or help you with something you could entirely do yourself.
So stop asking why the gods wold allow suffering if they existed, or why they let bad people Go unpunished and good people end up punished, or blame god for why you are fat and single. I know a lot of good looking people who are single and they also blame their various gods. course some people really do have a right to blame their gods, really SOmE people just have rotten luck. I have personally seen karma take good luck from one person and give it to anther person while the first person suffers terrible unexplainable bad luck. Like a car suddenly taking a hard left turn off the interstate into a violent wreck in the divider while the other car remains completely unharmed.
Of course sometimes we can take karma into our own hands. Why watch the ambush spider wrap up the house centipede knowing what will happen to it? Why let the worms fry in the rising sun under the rainbow following the storm that just destroyed your home? Give the centipede and honorable death and save whatever worms you can. Take action when you can and stop blaming the gods as a whole. And when you can't find logic to answer a problem THEN talk to god.