a message to the Christians of the world: please stop saying jesus hates gays and people who aren't white and all that bullsh*t. you only have ten laws and hating gays and lesbians, no cursing, no killing, turning the other ass cheek so you can be the worlds bitch, no sex before marriage, and giving money to people who in turn use it to build tax exempt property ARE NOT any of those laws.
also the bible says that Christians are not allowed to worship others before your god. that doesn't apply to people who DO NOT practice your religion, as only Christians follow the ten commandments. so stop trying to convert happy people to YOUR misery and pain. and please stop damning "nonbelievers" to hell, because you ARENT god and you are causing the rate of foreclosures and the homeless population to rise in hell. do you have any idea how pissed off satan is trying to find places for all these innocent people to go to?
I mean you are sending people to hell that probably don't even believe in the metaphysical theory of hell. please for the sake of immigration laws and property taxes, STOP BEING A BUNCH OF WHINEY BITCHES. and to end my statement, please stop turning every damn thing jesus says into a freaking parable. yes the man was the son of god, but a man who went his entire life homeless, moneyless, loveless, sexless, fatherless, and void of any personal property WOULD obviously tell us to treat others as we wish to be treated.
the man was a bum born to the worlds most famous baby mama and he had nothing to his name besides turning water to wine and a holiday involving tree limbs. jesus said to treat others as we want to be treated, but the man was given everything he owned by the people he met, and never gave those people anything valuable in return besides philosophical wisdom. and he lived in the middle east, so jesus was probably indian, persian, israelian, north african, or maybe hindu.
so please Christians, don't be a d*ck to others when your savior was a freaking bum. at least buddah helped his community. gahndi starved himself but it was to end violence, and at least he was willing to kick someones ass if they got violent. jahova had a job and a wife. so please, stop being a d*ck.