Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The lie called the Coriolis Effect - by samuel j. pernicano

The lie called the Coriolis Effect

Written by Samuel joseph Pernicano

January 21, 2014


For anyone who has heard of the Coriolis Effect; you were taught a lie that frankly does not exist. For those of you that don’t know about this supposed rule of science it states that water in the northern hemisphere always flows down in a counter-clockwise direction while the water in the southern hemisphere always flows clockwise. Now the earth only has four prime directions; north, south, east, and west. (Of course ignoring the diagonal directions between.)

If the water in the northern hemisphere flows south counter clockwise then the water in the SOUTHERN hemisphere must actually flow north. Gravity pulls all things towards the center of our planet. As such the southern hemispheres water actually flows north. As such the weather in the southern hemisphere is actually a mirror reflection of the north. This means that the water flow in the southern hemisphere flows north in a counter-clockwise direction as well.

As illustrated below:

Imagine looking straight at the front of our planet:

This is how our planet would look if it wasn’t spinning like it always is. Now imagine that a mirror was placed through the center of the planet EXACTLY at the location of the equator.

Now this mirror remains here (as the solid black line). Now in this way the north would see their reflection if they looked down and the same for the south. However, the reflection up north would look like the south; and the souths reflection like the north. As mirrors work they make right left and left right. As the planet rotates to the right (or counter-clockwise) the water flow in toilets or sinks would follow the same direction.

The Coriolis Effect says that water in the southern hemisphere flows down in a clockwise direction. However this cannot happen as in the southern hemisphere going down would mean heading towards the South Pole. Water actually flows up in the southern hemisphere thanks to the force of gravity. As such a flushed toilet would flow upwards.

Now here is the planet with the hemispheres separated by that imaginary mirror:

As all things are pulled to the center of the planet by gravity if a hole through one side and over to the other through the earth’s center would result in a near eternal fall. You would fall south till you fly past the equator and are eventually slingshotted back up north. Repeat forever till you lose momentum and just stop moving.
As the Coriolis Effect says the above photo is how the water should supposedly flow. Now this “Coriolis Effect is actually a lie, as I can show by simply mirroring the image above:
As you can see the two directions are now the opposite. Meaning that the Coriolis Effect IS TRUE. But wait a second…or is it”? Living in the northern hemisphere down is the direction the water flows in our bathrooms. And as such when we look down from the North Pole we see north, south, east, and west; and as a result up, down, left, and right.
Now if you are at the South Pole and you look down (or what is actually UP), then you have the same four directions. North, south, east, and west; and correspondingly up, down, left, and right.
But something isn’t right here… if you are at the North Pole looking down and the South Pole also looking down, then how the heck can north, south, east, and west; be the same direction? What’s REALLY going on is that the man in the north is looking down while the woman down south is looking UP. As such in the North Pole you cannot go north without immediately entering the southern direction on the compass rose. And at the South Pole going south would result in immediately heading north.
As such the water that flows in the northern hemisphere flows with the earth’s rotation making it go counter-clockwise. Now imagine that you are at the North Pole looking straight down. And now imagine the entire planet below is transparent and you can see through it. Only the water is visible. The water will be flowing counter-clockwise (right). Even the water in the southern hemisphere is flowing counter-clockwise. Hmm, did I just disprove the Coriolis Effect?
No. now imagine being at the South Pole looking down (really up), and again everything but the water is invisible. The water flows clockwise, even the water in the northern hemisphere. If the Coriolis Effect were to be true (that water flows the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere), then that would require the earth to be rotating in two different directions.
By the Coriolis Effect the northern hemisphere would have to spin to the right while the southern hemisphere rotates to the left. This would be completely impossible for any spherical object unless it was separated at the middle. Don’t believe me? Find a ball or any round object, spin it to the left, watch the direction, does the top spin in a different direction from the bottom? NO.
Now take a spherical object (nothing expensive) and use a permanent marker to write a “t” on the top and a “b” on the bottom. Spin the ball any direction with the “t” facing up and write down the direction that the “t” and “b” spins. Then flip the ball over so that the “b” is facing up and repeat (making sure to spin the ball in the same direction as the first spin). Now compare the two spins, if the Coriolis Effect is true then the direction that the “t” and “b” spin should actually NOT BE THE SAME.
As this experiment and the previous drawings have shown the Coriolis Effect is actually a lie and is a scientific theory that is based off the perspective of the person watching the water. Perspective is an artistic term that refers to locations and directions that an object or person faces or goes in a work of art. It can be applied to our planet as a man up north looks down to watch water flow and a man down south (below the equator) watches water flow up (while from his perspective it also flows down.
But since we only have one direction for south and you cannot have a down on a planet where all objects, elements, and forces are pulled in towards the earth’s center; in the southern half of the planet. Below the equator you cannot have a down in reference to water flow as a man standing in the south looks at a man standing in the north. As such the Coriolis Effect is utter and complete bull shit, a sham, a lie, a farce.
Since a man in the northern hemisphere looks to the southern hemisphere when his water flows, the water in the south must also flow in the same direction. I have nothing left to say, so move on to your next day.
In physics, the Coriolis effect is a deflection of moving objects when they are viewed in a rotating reference frame. In a reference frame with clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the left of the motion of the object; in one with counter-clockwise rotation, the deflection is to the right.”


Monday, January 20, 2014

a poem for a friend 3 - five years [how about five more]

Five years


Five years of bread and corn.

Five years and a song is born.

Five years to confide and define.

Five years a broken heart bound by a spine.


When we first met I wasn’t sure.

Is it another day or destinies allure?

Little did I know that this day would finally define

What we are and my place in time.

Five years ago and now this day

Chasing airplanes and the things we say.


Lost inside a world of lies

Chasing reason and alibis.


The court hath delivered my sentence

The case open now closed.

I must follow my repentance

A verdict of forgiveness and love.


I watched as many a man filed to the ghastly guillotine.

Choosing the seductress and succubus and her flawless sheen.

Men who marched to their death with never a thought.

With women and cannibals simply filling the pot.


Five years of your open arms and chasing loves eclipse.

My ears open to the words spoken from thy lips.


Five years long with a smile so wide.

Always having someone to whom I confide.

Countless hours without fear and loathing;

Dances with wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Through the apocalyptic horrors inside my mind,

You became the light, therefore my guide.

The light of my life and the candle of my soul.

A flame burning for eternity, no need for coal.


Five years and ten thousand words.

Flight of the bumblebee and a hundred birds.

Hitchcock and Poe dancing in fields of flowers.

Sunshine and farts with superpowers.

Corporate greed is but a sterile seed.

Five years, you are all I need.


Your hair the sun and your eyes the skies open wide.

Your heart, the diary, inside which I could confide.

Your words build the bridge that crosses my heart.

Your trust became the foundation for my shopping cart.

The thought of your smile became my Broadway play.

I went to see it every single day.


Theaters across the nations would play our story.

We are king and queen in a blaze of glory.

Five years with you walking a thousand miles.

Children of the worlds lined up with smiles.


Five years watching your career prosper and grow.

Five years and so much to show.

Never a moment without you, even in the bitter snow.

Five years and four letters; l, o, v- oh you know J.


Five years together and I wouldn’t wish for change.

A world apart and home, home on the range.


Never a moment of sorrow when I hear the news.

The only math I need, 1+1=me plus you.

Five years and I love this life.

Five years from now and- you know the rhyme...

If I had three wishes; you, I, the world.


Five years and I have so much to show.

Five years of joy wouldn’t you know?

Five years on the open floor

I don’t know about you, but how about five years more?

Sunday, January 19, 2014

a poem for a friend 2 - on a shooting star of destiny [i'm going to crash]

The creed of a man trapped by destiny
To my one and only; please listen well.
To this story I am about to tell.
By the fiery light that sentences the denizens of hell.
By the winds that in the heavens swell.
Take these words to heart and learn them well.
When the shooting stars have burned and fell,
Listen above for heavens bells.
By the light inside us all
And the fall of heavens walls.
When the earth and sky have become one;
My story will be done.
Heed the sound of the clarions call.
And know that you will never fall.
Heed my words; my heartfelt creed.
Say my name and always have what you need.
I will be there in swiftness and speed,
A man trapped by destiny.
On a shooting star
When I turn over in bed and see the empty space next to me.
That’s when I think of you.
When the golden sun rises and lights the morning dew.
That’s when I think of you.
When I see children smiling and having fun.
That’s when I think of you.
When the night sky is dark and the moon hides from my wandering eyes.
That’s when I think of you.
When the snow falls and turns the world of colors into a greyscale land of wonder and mystery.
That’s when I think of you.
When darkness arrives and it is still too early for the dawn,
And the only light I can see is the stars in the skies.
That’s when I think of you.
When Haleys comet roars across the stratosphere
Like true love seeking two open hearts to bind together for eternity and a day.
That’s when I think of you.
When the wicked desires of the curse
Plaguing the institution of humanity arise to power.
That’s when I think of you.
When I look into the mirror I see your smile.
When I look into the sun I see your hair.
When I stare into the endless blue skies I see your eyes.
When I see the rain I see your tears.
When I see a lowly dog searching for an owner
I see myself trying to get closer to you.
To build that bridge to cross your heart,
To find the brick and mortar to rebuild my broken heart,
I feel like I am in an arms race to grasp your hands,
The concentric circles that revolve around the heart and soul that is my sun and my moon,
You sharpen my outlook leaving me nigh a dull outlook on life,
The unwritten book that could be our story,
I run to protect you to cover your heart and soul from life’s harsh barrage,
The blitzkrieg assault that the universe throws at us both.
I am your shield and you my sword
And together there is no force we cannot overcome.
I climb the mountain just to shout to you below.
A man with nothing left to lose and everything to gain,
I am a noble knight on a quest to find his purpose.
You are the stars in the sky
Guiding me even in the darkest of night.
All is one and one is all,
And I will catch you no matter the fall.
So sleep with ease and awake with a smile
Knowing that when you are my moon I am your sun.
While you rest from your hard day
I watch over you from a distance afar.
And when you wake I will be there
To greet you riding on a shooting star.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

what pets me the wrong way part 8 - "feminism has become a stereotype"

"I think feminism has become a stereotype." any woman that says this is clearly not a feminist nor intelligent. redneck, jock, dork, goth, a Japanese man committing seppuku, bulldogs being aggressive and violent; THESE are stereotypes. feminism is about breaking through the glass ceiling, about a womans right to vote and work the career of her choice. its about respect and equal treatment; have we all just forgot susan b Anthony? hariet tubman? joan of ark? eve? the virgin mary? mary madeline? the womens auxillery core? rosa parks? feminism is about women being padi the same as their men counterparts and about a womans right to leave the kitchen and live out her dreams. its about men respecting women and listening to them when they talk. it about honor, respect, equality, and about women nuking the Barbie doll gender stereotype to the curb. FEMINISM IS NOT A STEREOTYPE.

Monday, January 13, 2014

the dark side of poetry 8: endless streets

Endless streets


Down the street I walk; not a purpose or destination.

To the left and right, lies an undead invasion.

Torn souls without a care; seeking one final institution.

A life in need of redemption and restitution.


The last hope for all mankind, one last hope for peace and light.

Left and right they walk idly as I find my plight.

Death comes one day for us all.

But, I, will never fall.


Endless is the path I follow.

Trudging onto another tomorrow.

If tomorrow is always a day away,

Then I walk on, only for today.


Men and women in love and glory.

A haiku of love turned to a hopeless story.

Down the street I walk, in an endless trail.

Digging deeper I go.

No shovel.

No pail.


I watch countless souls falling in the street.

The undead beasts ignore the meat.

Not monsters, but the walking dead.

Passing by.

Not turning even one head.


I look ahead and wonder where the sidewalk ends.

An endless street; no tilts or bends.

Like a puppet free from its strings, I continue on.

Down the street, like nothing’s wrong.


I see the skeletons of the young and the old.

Burning corpses inside the cold.

Death comes one day for us all.

But, I will NEVER fall!


Left and right the corpses walk.



Everlasting peace.




DAMN YOU GOD! What did I do?!

Do these tears that drown me mean nothing to you?


If misery likes company, then why does it consume the party?

Flesh ripped from bone; a death that is slow and hardy.


What they quest for I will never know.

I trudge step by step onwards through the snow.

Hell hath no fury like the blizzards cold.

No sin can match a selling soul.

Spoken riddles in words of old.


A family charges forward. Perhaps in retaliation?

Instantly devoured by this undead nation.


Down the street I walk.

I dare not talk.

I see what the hopeless hath become.

I must keep walking.

I will never succumb.

Left and right walk the dead and the lost.

Be it not my destiny.

No matter what the cost.


Endless streets, it beckons and calls.

The voices that have me climbing the walls

Death comes one day, for us all.

But, I, will never fall.

shadowline saga and - the dark side of poetry 7: episode 0: Through my door [a tribute to the raven]

Through my door

Nigh a telltale heart or a raven spoken “never more”;

Try a skeleton cloaked in shadows, peering through the door.

No skin and no heart or soul; this skeleton peering through my door.

My heart stops its beating; I fall to the floor.

Not a word spoken, his arms reach out to me.

Grasping at the air inside my throat; reaching through this door.

Not a word he spoke, chasing me through my dreams.

Not a thought inside his mind; you hear him in my screams.

The skeleton in the purple cloak; haunts the greatest of souls.

The skeleton reaching through my door; and bodies full of holes.

The battlefield of love and glory is soaked in blood.

Women and children who drown within mud.

The apparition of death that claims my soul;



Reaching through the open door.

My heart grows cold, ceasing evermore.

The darkness within his eyes an endless void.

I peer in and fall down; down, down to the fires below.

The moonlight reflecting off his starched white arm.

He takes my soul into his hand, to start the show.

By the shivers of deaths bony grasp.

By the cries for help, silenced to a gasp.

By the stare of negra muerta; my skin turns white.

The harbinger of death; seeks my plight.

This cloaked figure peering through my door;

A prospector claiming my life forever more.

The avatar of misery and utter despair

Behind you he follows; over there!

Behind me in every dream

Arm outstretched he follows my scream.

Across from me under the candlelight,

He takes my soul inside the night.

Outside my window on hallows eve.

I am the treasure, and he, the thief.

The skeleton peering through my door

The end of the rich, starving, and poor.

Always behind us.

Stalking! Reaping! And never sleeping.

Shwing! The scythe steals your head.

He is always reaping.

Not a nightmare, but a story without an end.

In every book.

And where the sidewalk begins.

It is a battle that you cannot end.

He’s watching you now, even as you read.

Your eyes have planted the seed.

He will never speak; he will haunt your dreams.

He will drive you mad; he will become your screams.

The faceless reaper who writes the end to your story.

Stealing your souls in a blaze of glory.

The skeleton who devours your hope.

Who consumes your fears.

You cannot run.

You will drown in tears.

All will be lost; all will come to a dreary end.

He is around every single bend.

The skeleton who peers through my door.

The nightmare who spills my blood onto the floor.

A harbinger of death; a symbol of war.



Reaching through my door.

To take my soul forever more.

The symbol of my fear and decaying sin.

The mark of a race I cannot win.

A brother of mine; a sort of kin.

I think I will let him in.

The empty husk of cloth and bone

Bound by sins I must atone.

The skeleton peering through my door.

Now stands before me on the floor.

My body has passed, I am no more.

The bringer of death, despair, and ruin;

My time has come.

I let him in.

Friday, January 3, 2014

time for poetry 12: "Rainfall"



I had a bad day, there’s blood on my hands.

The many souls I lost become the crimson sands.

The rain must pour down and wash it all away.

Storm clouds closing in; tomorrows a brand new day.


The streets are filled with angry screams.

Gutters clogged with fallen dreams.

A man asks for food while his children die.

The government kills a Muslim child while the parents cry.

Trucks, planes, and military drones

Bury our friends in fire and bones.


What have they done?! These innocent souls.

Why should they have to pay OUR tolls?

Men in black flash the scenes,

A memory wiped, a conscience cleaned.


The cause for war is always the same.

Innocence dies in this accursed game.


Life and longing lost in lies.

The tears that run from within my eyes.

The rain must come and wash away.

Down the mountain the pain weaves and sways.


The horrors of sorrow…

There is no tomorrow…


Purest of hearts tainted with lust and greed.

Men of honor who have lost their creed.

The power of darkness consumes and breeds

Blinded by the light, how can we see?


The rain pours down in endless sheets.

Robbers and rapists steal and skeet.


The newly fallen snow is tainted with corruption

The new media craze is exploded in eruption.

Braided belts and fancy sheets

Are nothing but scapegoats and sheep.

The news we see filled with death and lies;

Criminal convicts with alibi’s.


A failed heath site; a thousand cry.

With no food or home; one million die.

You stand for nothing till you take your vows.

Nothing but actors in deliverance; now TAKE YOUR BOWS.


Blinded by the light, but I can see.

The truth around you and me.


The rain falls in sheets; it drowns the soul.

Try to climb out, it fills the bowl.

If innocent blood was shelter and food

We would all share the neighborhood.


But the rain pours down and cleans the heart.

Cleanses our souls and makes things right.

The pure liquid crystals that bring life and death.

A natural resource for which we fight.

Only one world yet we take without thought;

Let’s unite as one and end our plight.


Water to wine; wine to thrive

The innocent child killed in the drunken drive.


Economic disaster and smoking weed.

Animals dead, yet which one was freed?

Another act of senseless greed…..


When will we learn our lesson?

When will we accept our past?

Hiroshima, the holocaust, and American racism.

Why is it that our apologies seem just half-assed?


When will we accept our flaws and our tainted hearts?

When will the day come that we pop that tart?

When will we answer for our destruction and lies?

Mother earth gouged dead through her eyes.

We’ve raped our land with our metallic semen;

The day will come when karma gets even.


Yet the rain pours down; and washes everything away.

Starts the hope of a clean new day.

It cleanses our sins and makes love anew;

Gives me reason for loving you.


The rain makes it so easy to smile.

Staring up for miles and miles.


The clear liquid falling onto my face.

Brings me hope for this human race.

You go on and run ahead; I’ll catch up soon.

While the rain falls down underneath this full moon.

I will see you in heaven one way or another.

Goodnight moon; goodbye my brother.


The rain pours down; and washes away

All the sins we committed today.

Seeing them all dead, what could I say?

It’s time we simply ran away.

Our mothers love lives on within our hearts,

Our father’s fate torn apart,

The curse he created; finally gone,

All this they hear within our song.


Fate brought us together, fate tore us apart.

As long as we live; we will share one heart.